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Devoted April 2020

Mil/flower Girl Frustrations.

Renay, on February 3, 2020 at 1:37 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 3

Let me start by saying that I have been with my FH for over 9 years, we were high school sweethearts. In those 9 years my FMIL and I have had many, many run ins so I knew wedding planning was going to be an adventure.

My latest problem is bridal shower related. My in laws have guardian ship of a 7 year old girl, she has been around since she was a newborn and we refer to her as FHs adopted little sister. When we first got engaged we decided that she, my niece(4), and my cousin(5) would be our flower girls. It has been a fight with his mom since. She encouraged the child to complain about the dress we chose for them to wear (which WE paid for and they all match) and even went as far as to buy another dress and say "well, I'll just hang on to it as a back up in case she doesn't want to wear that dress on the day" No. Just no.

So yesterday when I was setting up for class at church, she came in and started talking to FH about my bridal shower, and making fun of the fact it is going to be a tea party. I was standing RIGHT there and was already pretty frustrated with her attitude about the shower when she turned around and says to me that she might not bring Mackenzie (the flower girl). I asked why and she said "Oh, her attitude has just been out of control and I let her know that she is NOT going if she can't act right before then."

This really upset me. for multiple reasons. 1. I don't think my wedding activities should be used as a weapon. 2. I really want ALL of my bridal party there. I am personally driving 12 hours the day before to pick up my niece so she can be there even though she lives an another state. 3. I feel like this is just one more way my FMIL is trying to control my wedding.

I was highly considering telling her that if she did not plan on bringing her to the tea party, I was not sure I wanted to keep her as a flower girl, but I also feel like that might be a little dramatic.

Am I being ridiculous for expecting her at the shower? (that is specifically child friendly because of how many kids we have in our life).


Latest activity by Maggie, on February 3, 2020 at 2:19 PM
  • Hope
    Dedicated August 2020
    Hope ·
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    Oh no, don't put the girl in the middle - she doesn't control how your FMIL acts. You can't say she won't be a flower girl if FMIL doesn't bring her to your shower. why punish the child? you're both using this wedding as "a weapon" - FMIL saying if you don't behave, you don't go (which she has every right to do), and you saying "if you don't bring her, then she's out..."

    clearly there are some issues there and you and your FH need to discuss them with FMIL.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP August 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    I agree with Hope, don't punish the child for her mother's behavior. You, FH, and his mom need to sit down and discuss the wedding planning issues you're having. You should also talk to FH and establish that he needs to be sticking up for you when his mother is making fun of/hindering your plans. If he doesn't stand up for you now, he won't once you're married. Best of luck! Smiley smile

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  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    I agree with PP. You can't punish this child because you don't like her mother. A parent has every right to discipline how they see fit, and restricting activities is one way to discipline. You choosing to drive 12 hours has nothing to do with this little girl's attendance at your party. And finally, is the attendance of one 7-year-old who you don't appear to like very much really going to make or break your bridal shower?

    I understand you have a history of issues with your FMIL and I am not discounting that. But what flower girl wears or whether she attends an optional party are not hills to die on. Learn to pick your battles now or your marriage will be very stressful.

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