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Just Said Yes February 2020

Kinda ranting, need advise

Christina, on November 8, 2019 at 3:02 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 6
So I’m kinda frustrated. My fiancé and I allowed my mother to do my engagement photos. I’ve been waiting on them forever now since 2018, well I asked for them so I can invites. She tells me it’s too soon for invites. First off I have to order them, secondly by the time I get them I will have to get them set up to be sent out, third my wedding is in 3 months!! How soon is too soon to order invites. I feel like my family is dragging their feet and it’s put me to where my fiancé and I have decided we aren’t even doing decorations. First we feel it’s a waste of money we don’t really have and secondly it seems like no one is taking this wedding seriously. We never wanted a church wedding in the first place but my mom and my soon to be MIL threw a fit so we decided fine we will do it if everyone pitches in. So far everyone has done their share except I can’t get my engagement photos. Are we just freaking for no reason or do we have a right to be upset and frustrated. My loving relatives bought everyone’s outfits, my parents are making the cake and bought the photographer, his parents are doing rehearsal dinner. We got put with the decorations. We just feel like our parents are dragging their feet on it and it rather bothers us, so we have decided since no one is gonna take it seriously then we don’t need decorations. The church is pretty enough. Thanks for reading and let me know if we are over reacting or if we kind of have a right to be upset. Thanks again.


Latest activity by Renee, on November 8, 2019 at 6:15 PM
  • Kelly
    Champion October 2018
    Kelly ·
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    I would be frustrated that she hasn’t given you the photos but if it’s been a year I wouldn’t expect them. I’ve never seen photos with an invitation so I would go ahead and order invitations and cut your losses. I’m really sorry you’re having to deal with this.
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  • Cristy
    Master May 2021
    Cristy ·
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    If you had your engagement pictures taken in 2018, and you still don't have them back, then yes, you have every right to be upset. Just because you didn't have a "professional" shoot them, you still want them in a timely fashion. It's not right for your mother to hold the photos hostage just because she thinks you're planning too early.

    And no, this is not too early to think about invitations. If you're only 3 months away, you better get them ordered ASAP! You have to order them, and then put them all together and address them, get them stamped, and mailed! For a February wedding, you'll want them in the mail by December (8 weeks before), with an RSVP deadline in January (2-4 weeks before). So, no, it's not too early.

    But if your mother won't budge on the photos, you may have to get invitations that don't include the photos of you. It's great that you have family willing to pitch in and help. But if they are going to drag their feet, it's really not that helpful. You and FH need to just get it done.

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  • Christine
    Expert September 2020
    Christine ·
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    Ugh, that sucks! You definitely have the right to be frustrated about this! At this point you should design invitations that don't include a photo of you on them. If it helps, I only see photos for save the dates - invitations usually don't have them! You want to get them in the mail by early December, so you don't have time for your mother to drag her feet.

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  • Jocelyn
    Devoted December 2019
    Jocelyn ·
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    You have every right to be upset about those pictures. They had a huge purpose for your wedding invites and now its down to the last minuet. I wound go ahead and buy regular invites since you really need to send them out bu early December to avoid the holiday season. Its never to early to send out invites honestly. There are plenty of sights to order from at reasonable price and you can get one to match your theme of the wedding. I would order them now so that you have enough time to mail them off in December. At this point just forget bout the pictures if shes not even trying to give you them. Maybe let her know you need them now because you need to order invites and it will take time to get her.e That the wedding is very soon and you have other things to worry about.

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  • A
    Super February 2020
    Andrea ·
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    I'd be upset too! Just get some invitations without your photos, get them ordered now! Like everyone is saying above you need to get them ordered, addressed, and sent out before December which is a few weeks away. And if your family is dragging their feet, just keep moving forward. You don't need their approval or consent, you can make all the choices you want cause it's your wedding!

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  • Renee
    Super October 2020
    Renee ·
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    I'd either have a friend help you take some nice photos, or a photographer if you have the money, and use them for your invites. It's ridiculous that you've waited over 11 months for these photos
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