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February 2020

Is it rude to bring a nanny if I’m in bridal party?

Lisa Johnson, on August 31, 2019 at 12:00 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 9
Hi, my sister recently moved to Michigan and is getting married there. I am in the wedding party but I live far away. The wedding is 4 days long and I’m honored to be on stage helping with several of the different traditional Indian ceremonies.
The problem is I have two young girls and I’m nervous about who will watch them while I’m on stage. I am usually very strict about who is allowed to watch my kids and I never let my kids out of my sight.
Anyways, there’s no family on our side who can watch my kids. I was told I should just let the groom’s aunties and friends watch my kids when I’m in the ceremonies but I barely know them. I met them once at a party and they insisted on watching my kids but they kept passing my eldest around until they eventually left her alone to wander the party without supervision and I was very uncomfortable with that.
I could ask the aunties not to let my kids out of their sight for a second but honestly I think the aunties will still pass my kids around even if they promise not to because they will suddenly need to help with the ceremony or assist an elder etc.
I can afford to hire an expensive nanny service to help out for several days at the multi-day wedding but I’m worried the groom and his family will be offended and feel I don’t trust them. I worry that they will think it is lavish or snobby to bring a nanny to a wedding. I don’t really like the idea of hiring a nanny for a few days because they are also a stranger, but at least I know they will always supervise my kids and not have to run off to help with the event. So that’s the best I can come up with unless you guys have better ideas? I wouldn’t feel trusting of the nanny to drive the kids back to the hotel and put them to bed but it would give me peace of mind during the ceremonies I’m in. There will be 300 people at the wedding but there are very few kids and anyways even if there were a kids area I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my little ones with just one adult and 10 kids.

Do you have suggestions about childcare ideas? Is it reasonable to hire a nanny for just *my* kids during the 4 days of eventsor is it awkward? (Some events are as small as 20 people and some as large as 300). And how can I make sure my kids are supervised without offending the groom and his family?
Thanks so much!


Latest activity by Judith, on August 31, 2019 at 6:33 PM
  • Mrsbdg
    Champion August 2017
    Mrsbdg ·
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    I can understand where you are coming from. I think your best bet is to spin it as a favor for them “Oh I know how much we want to celebrate and be engrossed in the party. Kids can be so much and it is just easier for everyone if we just bring a nanny.”
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  • Cheryl
    Expert November 2020
    Cheryl ·
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    Do you have a close friend that could travel with you to watch them? This friend could do so under the cover that they know your sister and is there as an invited guest. If anyone asks, you can just say that you wanted the family to be able to enjoy themselves.
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  • Jeanie
    Super February 2020
    Jeanie ·
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    I don’t see why it would be offensive to anyone. You are providing childcare for your own children without relying on anyone who is attending the wedding. This means no one will be inconvenienced at all, including yourself, and you won’t have to worry. I would just give the bride a heads up. Other then that it’s not really anyone else’s business.
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  • Megan
    Expert October 2019
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    I completely agree. Make it seem as though it's a favor so everyone can enjoy themselves, and I think it will be alright.
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  • Megan
    Super October 2020
    Megan ·
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    I’ve been to weddings where a nanny was “provided” for children, and we’re even considering that for our wedding.

    I think you can frame it as, you don’t want other family having to worry about your kids when they should be focusing on the celebration.

    That’s the reason why we’re even considering a nanny.
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    I agree with PPs. There's no reason they should be offended in the first place, but if they are, just let them know you want the family to be able to focus on the wedding events instead of babysitting. If you're planning to have the nanny attend wedding events with the kids, I would pass it by your sister first.

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  • Heather
    Expert October 2019
    Heather ·
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    I think a baby is a great idea. However, before you hire anyone, I would talk to your sister to be sure the nanny could be accommodated. The nanny will be an extra head to pay for and if they have a guest limit, may not be able to be squeezed in.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    I don't think it's rude at all. As others have suggested, I think you can explain it that while you certainly want family to get to see and interact with your children, you don't want to burden them with responsibilities that might distract them from fully enjoying the wedding. They can still hold and play with your children (as you're comfortable), but the nanny will always be present and ready to step in so they can focus on the wedding activities (e.g., changing them or taking them to the restroom, putting them down for naps when needed, keeping them out of harm's way and/or mischief, etc. when family members are distracted and/or lose interest). I think if you present it right, it's hard to imagine anyone having an issue with it and if they think it's "too lavish," oh well! If I were your sister, I'd be happy for you to do whatever is necessary to feel comfortable participating in her wedding and looking out for your children's needs. If she thinks it's too much of a burden to cover the cost of the nanny as another guest, I'd just offer to pay the costs. We did something similar for my nephew's wedding when in order for our elderly & disabled mother to attend her grandson's wedding, we needed to hire a caregiver for her. Good luck!

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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    Exactly this. You do not need anyone else to care or approve except your sister. And if you can be clear that the nanny means you will be more available when the bride would like you to be, not watching kids, it is an excellent solution.
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