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Expert May 2022

Interracial Marriage and Family

Nisha, on May 24, 2021 at 10:05 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 9

Hi! First post here, but I have an issue.

My fiance accompanied me to a huge family crawfish boil Saturday for my 3 graduating cousins. He's white, I'm black. This hasn't been an issue, he's met my family before. Everything was fine, until it wasn't. We had been there for about 3 hours and the DJ started announcing the grads. He then said he was from the same city I live in and graduated from the same high school I did. My fiance mentioned that I must know him, but dude is 10 years older than me, so I don't. He then said out loud "DJ Black and your sister must have had something going on", a joke. My sister had been playing with my son and hadn't heard that it was in fact the DJ's name, she thought my white fiance was calling the DJ by his race. She said "uh uh. You can't say things like that. I stopped her and pointed out that that was his actual name, to which she replied "Oh, well he needs to be mindful of what he says in the past, present, and future". I was shocked and my fiance took that to mean she was calling him racist. He tried to talk to her, she didn't wanna talk, she actually lied to me and said that people at the party had told her that he was making racist comments, just to cover her a**. She left, my fiance was also ready to go.

So, now he doesn't want her invited to the wedding and I'm stuck in the middle. My step-dad and mother aren't coming, for other reasons, so I was only gonna have my siblings and biological father already, but now if I uninvite one sister, the other won't wanna come. The wedding isn't until 5/20/22, so we have almost a year to get over this and get it straightened out, but should I bother trying to get them to talk this out? Or just leave it alone and never have them in the same room again?

I'll give more details if needed, but this is already long enough.


Latest activity by Jacquelene, on May 28, 2021 at 1:01 PM
  • Sexypoodle
    Master October 2021
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    Yeah, your sister was totally trying to cover her a** for sticking her foot in her mouth, due to her own racial beliefs. So, she’s the one who needs to be spoken with. Maybe not right now while it’s still fresh (and not both of them together) because you probably won’t get anywhere with her. But I do think you need to address her reaction, statement and lies. Also, if you make the decision not to invite your sister and your other family members don’t attend, then that would make me feel as though they support what she did/said. And, if that’s the case, then you will have learned about who your other family members really are, as well (and maybe it’s best that they aren’t at your wedding after either).
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  • C
    Super July 2020
    Cool ·
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    I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I would not make any rash decisions just yet. I agree with PP that you should have a calm sit-down with your sister and explain what happened and what he said. Allow her to express what she thought she heard and try to work through it. Ultimately her and FH should be able to be cordial with each other. They don’t have to be best friends but they should be able to move past this.
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  • Rebelle Fleur
    Master July 2021
    Rebelle Fleur ·
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    I would wait until both sides have time to settle their feelings before I make a decision. However, your sister does need to apologize for lying and causing unnecessary friction.
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  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    I think you should just let emotions settle and people will slowly forget it. Ask both parties to move past it for your day.

    Your sister absolutely owes FH an apology, but if you're family is anything like mine, she will never apologize and asking for an apology will make things worse. You'll just have to all let it go and forget about it.
    Then again, your family might be less toxic than mine and talking it out could work
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Sister definitely needs to apologize but likely won’t if she feels she was the victim. It might be time to cut out the toxicity with boundaries which you should have anyway. If they cross those boundaries again just once, then it would be in your best interest to go no contact. Being related doesn’t give anyone a free pass to be disrespectful and offensive.
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  • MIWM
    VIP June 2019
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    You both need to have a sit down with your sister. She tried causing problems and it needs to be addressed.

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  • Emily
    Devoted June 2021
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    I’m sorry this happened. If I were you, I would leave it alone, as a year away is time for things to mend. My SIL was horrible to me a year ago (because I wasn’t in their wedding), and I wanted so much to uninvite her to ours a year ago from her horribleness towards me, and now I’m glad I just let everything fall where it may. We are talking again on cordial terms and she is coming to our wedding as planned. It will never be the same, but for the sake of my family, I’m really trying to be the bigger person. Life’s just too short to spend it fighting.
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  • Catherine
    Expert March 2023
    Catherine ·
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    Hey. I’m black and my fiancé is white. Race is an incredibly tricky subject especially if your fiancé is new to an interracial relationship. I would explain to him what it is that your sister thought what he said could be racist and then I would tell your sister again that he isn’t and hasn’t been racist before. Then yes, they need to talk. There’s no reason there should be race tension in the family. When my fiancé and I get into situations like this, communication is the key!
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  • Jacquelene
    Dedicated October 2021
    Jacquelene ·
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    I'm black and my fiancé is white. First of all you're only caught in the middle if you choose to be. We live by the code, "If you have an issue, come address it with us. In the end we're going to be a team and happy. If you have something to say, say it or shut the eff up."

    Talk to her about what happened. There's what she said and what was meant. Find out what was meant and address that. It might be as simple as she realizes she may "lose" you and is speaking from that worried place. It may be as big as "I'll never accept him." Whatever the case, address it.

    Then get them together. Let them know you love them both and you don't want to have a misunderstanding affect an important day in your life. And, yes, be selfish on this one. There's a good chance they may agree they will never be close; it DOES happen. If that happens, accept it and move on from there. But when it comes for your wedding, STAND for what you want to have happen. If they love you, they will agree to at least put things aside to genuinely enjoy the day. And spell out what that means (i.e - no snide comments, no side-eyes, etc). But if they can't, make decisions based on that.

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