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Super May 2015

I don't know these people!

TammyNicole, on August 10, 2014 at 1:43 PM Posted in Planning 0 42

What's with parents trying to invite THEIR friends? Especially one's you barely know. I've already included a few close friends of the family, no dad, your drinking buddies can't come! And my mom, "Oh Bev would love to come to the wedding!" Who's Bev??? The lady who does her nails every two weeks. -__-

Imagine if they were paying for some of my wedding, half the guest list would be most of their friends from the local nursing home. (I'm kidding on that last part, we always tease my parents about being old.)

Seriously, whose parents want to invite this and that person?


Latest activity by MrsM., on August 11, 2014 at 12:38 PM
  • Jess D
    VIP May 2015
    Jess D ·
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    Mine, but I know them, they are good friends of my mom and dad and I'm fine with it, I don't want to sound greedy but it could mean more gifts. more money. etc.

    I know it would cost more, but if you don't think so and so should be there, you should tell your mom and dad in a polite manner.

    Tell them you would love to have them but you are already on a budget as it is.

    I say if you get a few no's when you get your rsvps then invite a few of them.

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  • TammyNicole
    Super May 2015
    TammyNicole ·
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    I'm not big on inviting people just to fill space. Every single person or couple invited means the world to us and we are really close with. I don't want the nail lady at my wedding, I don't know her. I've already invited their REAL friends, so I don't know why they want to invite the world! They just need to sit their old behinds down somewhere!

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  • Jennifer
    Super August 2015
    Jennifer ·
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    We have a few of my parent's family friends invited, but I know them all personally. My FH's parents are inviting a bunch of family friends from India that my FH does not know. And they have this terrible notion that it is okay to send a proxy (the couple's son and daughter that live in the US) instead of coming themselves. I don't have enough invitations ordered to send out extras, so it makes me kind of stressed out. I try not to get upset over the idea because FH won't have much family attending since they all live in India and don't have the money to travel for the wedding, but it's hard because it's just not proper wedding etiquette to send a proxy.

    I told FH to at least get me their names so I can write it on the invitation that I send to India.

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  • Jess D
    VIP May 2015
    Jess D ·
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    Ah I see then just tell them you have no intention on inviting those people!

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  • Katie
    Dedicated April 2015
    Katie ·
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    HAHA this reminds me of my parents- they invited some people they knew back in high school days, some of their clients I never met. I don't know any of these people but I remind myself my parents are paying for A LOT of it. My FH and I are paying for a lot as well, but majority is parents.

    I've been in fights with my mom over the guest list- but I let myself calm down and realize that they are just excited and want to show off how happy they are for me and my FH. It's like a mother's second chance to throw a great wedding, do things they wish they did.

    If you are paying yourself, that's an entirely different thing! I would do it in a nice way- just sit down with Mom and Dad and let them know you have a budget. Or do what my Fiance did to his parents to avoid over inviting, tell them there is a strict amount of max people allowed in the venue and you are already at capacity.

    Good luck!

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  • Megan
    Expert October 2014
    Megan ·
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    Haha, no, your moms nail lady should not be invited! Unless she is a really close long time friend of your parents. We are only inviting our parents friends that we actually have our own relationships with (most of them we grew up with).

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  • MrsLaguna
    VIP April 2015
    MrsLaguna ·
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    My mom!! She wants to invite all of her work friends with their husbands which I've never met! I told her sorry only a selected few because I am not going to take my people off to add hers.

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  • L + A
    VIP May 2015
    L + A ·
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    Since my mom is contributing a fair amount to the wedding, she gets to invite who she wants and holds that shit over my head all the time. But luckily she's been good to keep it to her close friends that I know.

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  • TammyNicole
    Super May 2015
    TammyNicole ·
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    Sheeesh at least I'm not the only whose parents are impossible. Than my mom proceeds to tell my dad in Spanish (as if i don't understand her) that im being a spoiled brat. My wedding, my rules! At least I'm not telling her what to wear. She'd really break a hip.

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  • Samantha
    VIP August 2014
    Samantha ·
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    Mine wanted to invite a cousin I never talk to but I let him have it and an aunt wanted to invite her sister my immediate family doesn't like but that's not happening

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  • B
    Expert September 2014
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    I've posted of my MiL invite drama already so I'll spare y'all for leaving that! But she's not even contributing! My dad and paternal grandmother covered most the wedding and mom contributed my attire. My dad told me from the beginning he was not going to make me invite anyone however he would appreciate it if I invited his immediate family ( well duh! They were top of the list anyways!) mom and I had a heart to heart about this though. She wanted to invite lots of friends. I expressed to her that I was so grateful she wanted to share my big day with her friends and that that meant a lot to me but also explained that me and FH really wanted an intimate wedding with those who had contributed to our lives and who we are ! She understood and I think it made her rethink my guest list and was honored that even my great aunts and second cousins from her side made the cut! She went from being mad to literally crying over my guest list and how she couldn't believe that HER family meant that much to me! Lol

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  • Annie & Javi
    Master October 2015
    Annie & Javi ·
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    Luckily both my parents and FIL's have completely stayed out of the wedding guest list business. They aren't paying, they don't get a say.

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  • Susan
    Master March 2015
    Susan ·
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    I asked my father if there was anyone he wanted to invite, and he gave me a few names. His primary care doctor of 35+ years (family goes waay back even further as friends and I don't remember the pediatrician who I went to before this guy, and I am almost 40). His friend who is a mechanic, I have know that guy my entire life also, and a lady friend from "the breakfast" group, whom I also know. Done x3!

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  • GoneAndMarried
    Master August 2015
    GoneAndMarried ·
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    We gave my parents a table to fill. That way they could pick and choose who was priority to them amongst their friends that we don't know well enough to invite on our own. We didn't count any of our family as "their guests"; they were considered our guests, so this limited it to 4-5 couples making it easier on us and actually easier on them as we wont have to bicker about who is invited. We were clear that their table was it, despite whether or not they wanted to "pay" for more.

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  • KarenM
    Master November 2014
    KarenM ·
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    We're paying for the entire wedding ourselves. My parents got nada. They get to come and all of the family is invited, so there's their guest list.

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  • Northern MN
    Master November 2014
    Northern MN ·
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    Everyone's family dynamics is different but I feel like my parents have just as much ownership of my day as me and my FH do in regards to inviting people (even more so because they are paying for it). This is just as much their day as it is mine. They raised me, they surrounded me with people that cared about them and me, they talked about me with friends (good and bad days I am sure) life story only exits because of them and their story has involved me for 34 yep...maybe they have friends they want to invite that I don't know very well but those people probably know about me, or care about my parents and I am glad to have them there if they want to be there. Smiley smile

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  • Beachbride85
    Expert October 2015
    Beachbride85 ·
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    Omg it's so effing annoying! It causes me and FH to fight nonstop I was basically told to suck it up because it was a battle I wasn't going to win. Then I threatened to cancel the whole things....

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  • MrsMacD
    Super September 2014
    MrsMacD ·
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    My FH's parents tried to get us to invite 40 people that I'd never heard of!!! I couldn't believe it! They did give us money towards the wedding but their friends would have been almost half of our total guestlist! We stood our ground and cut them down to half that... but still! I met so many of the other week at my shower! "Thanks for coming to celebrate with us at my shower and nice to meet you...?"

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  • Mrs. A & J
    Master December 2014
    Mrs. A & J ·
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    My parents are paying and I've had to ask them "so anyone you want there I may not think of?". They are hands off unless I specifically ask for help. Love them Smiley smile

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  • TammyNicole
    Super May 2015
    TammyNicole ·
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    @Northern MN what's your point? I move mountains for my parents. I love them more than my life and appreciate all they've sacrificed for me and my siblings. Still doesn't mean I'm inviting the lady who does her nails! I've already said I've invited a few of their close friends. These people have had an active role in our lives as long as I can remember. They have rank over nail ladies and drinking buddies I don't know.

    Hell, my fh and I paid for their vow renewal a couple of years ago, I never insisted on inviting my hairstylist who I've known for 6 years.

    Eta: And when I'm paying over $100 per person to my caterer, oh most definitely it's a no!

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