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Just Said Yes May 2020

i am a Bride-to-be and a bridesmaid and its a nightmare.

JCLH, on January 3, 2020 at 9:13 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 11

I'm sorry in advance for the long rant, and if it comes off as whining but I am so stressed, annoyed, and overwhelmed right now.

Last February I got engaged to my fiancé and we are set to get married this May. I have gotten a lot done, but as you all know, there's a lot of time and money that goes into weddings. Anyway, this June a friend of mine got engaged. I honestly wasn't expecting her to ask me to be in her wedding as I only met her the previous june when I worked at a summer job for two or three months and we never hung out one on one, usually just with work friends. Let say this friend's name is Jessica.

I have to say Jessica is a very sweet girl and I liked her off the bat but I never felt we were super close as I only hung out with her a handful of times. I did notice early on she asked a lot of favors. For example, she was moving apartments the first month I met her and asked for help. Not a huge deal, but she asked nonchalantly which I think was odd since I hardly knew her, plus she knew I lived 40 minutes away from her so wasn't at all convenient. I did help her, she promised pizza as "pay" which never happened. She then started asking me to watch her dog all the time. I was happy to do so at first because he's a sweet dog, that was until he broke out of our house several times and bit my dog to the point where his whole face swelled. After that I put my foot more than once that I could not watch him, especially without a kennel. Still continued to ask me to ask me favors like this which I think is weird from someone you've know less than a year? To fair she hadn't met a lot of people in this area since moving from LA, but it just felt like being taken advantage of.

Fast forward to this summer, she asked me and some other girls to be a bridesmaid in front of her whole engagement party which made it hard to decline. I so wish I had. My phone is constantly blown up by her and her MOH, switching dates, asking for more money, even asking we could PAY to make macramé decorations for her to keep for her wedding, if we could make her cookie wedding cake the night before. I constantly have to set boundaries. I told her I would only come one night to her bachelorette as my honeymoon is only the week before. I told her she could not have all her bridesmaids stay at my home. I have told her I will help however I can, but on top of my wedding we also bought a house. It just feels never ending. I have thought about backing out but feel guilty as I don't want to hurt her at all, especially before her wedding. It's just too much. Two of the other bridesmaids are in the same situation as me, who also met her at the summer job. But being a bride myself it seems like she is expecting A LOT from people she hasn't known long. Any advice or similar stories are appreciated.



Latest activity by JCLH, on January 6, 2020 at 1:51 PM
  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    ......I would bow it, but only if you are prepared to end the friendship. It doesn't sound like this is much of a friendship though. She probably doesn't have many friends because she sounds like she uses people.
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  • N
    VIP September 2020
    Neeva ·
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    That sounds extremely frustrating!

    All I can say is to continue to set boundaries with Jessica and remember that you doing anything for her is more than needed. I don't think this is wrong at all especially since you are not very close with her. All you are obligated to do is to show up to her wedding and wear the right dress.

    As for your wedding, continue to work on making it the main focus and don't stress. You got this!

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  • J
    Just Said Yes May 2020
    JCLH ·
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    Thank you Neeva! And thank you for understanding. Definitely need to put this out of my mind and just focus on my wedding for now Smiley smile

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  • J
    Just Said Yes May 2020
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    It does seem like that's why she would ask 3 girls she hasn't know long...I wish I had bowed out from day one. You're right though, some friendship are really not worth the stress...

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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    Yeah, I've learned over the years that friendships, just like relationships, are 2 way streets. If I'm working harder at our friendship then the other person, I will re-evaluate that friendship.
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  • Sylessia
    Dedicated March 2020
    Sylessia ·
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    Honestly she’s not being a good friend. I would drop it plus it is not your job to pay for what she wants for her wedding.
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    She’s not a good friend, she’s a user. Back out of some things now saying which bare minimum things you’re willing to do... and explain to her again that is all you do can do due to your wedding and finances. Do NOT let her push you. If it gets to be too much just back out.
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    She is a user, not a friend. Kudos to you for setting boundaries. Her requests are not just out of line, they are absolutely, completely wrong. Even of a bestie

    I'd just drop out and tell her exactly why. She doesn't want friends standing next to her. She wants photo props and people to subsidize her wedding. Disgusting.
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  • J
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    Judith ·
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    If setting boundaries once made the point, I would say, do it out of kindness. I often had student interns or year long aides who ask me to be in their weddings because they are a thousand miles from where they spent the last 4-6 years, school or military, and have not made many new friends, and have few family in age or distance range. Hard not to be understanding and realize, otherwise they may stand alone or with 1 friend. OK, do that. But this person is different. She has used you from the first, and has a limited interest in actual friendship when it does not serve her interests. You should not have said yes. You should withdraw, immediately, while there are still 3-4 months for someone else to get a dress, if she replaces you. She is way out of bounds, asking for money for parties, rather than accepting what people offer her. Probably planning parties in her own honor, which is downright rude, from the many people now doing it. Usually when you make a commitment, you honor it. Social convention, never make promises you do not keep. But she has broken Evey rule of social manners, and you should not be bound to any promise you made. Or any friendship you do not want. This is not a friendship you will be sorry to lose, so be blunt, though not mean.
    Worry about your wedding. Spend time with people who reciprocate your friendship, not users. Enjoy your wedding without this rain cloud.
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  • Brianne
    Just Said Yes May 2020
    Brianne ·
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    I'm in the same situation! My wedding in May 1st and my MOHs wedding is in June. I'm also her MOH. It's so much more difficult. The best thing I've done is to back off planning with her bridesmaids. Unfortunately, they are so hesitant to make plans and don't want to spend any money. I was so stressed trying to plan all her stuff and my wedding so I backed off. I'm doing as much as I can without stressing myself out. Take care of yourself first!
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  • J
    Just Said Yes May 2020
    JCLH ·
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    Thank you all for the support! It's a relief to know I am not just being over dramatic about not wanting to fork over all this money and time. It's definitely not even all about that I just hate being taken advantage of! Thank you for understanding, I think it's best I bow out gracefully

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