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Devoted November 2021

How would you feel about vaccinations being required for wedding attendance?

Sarah, on April 11, 2021 at 10:47 AM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 158

Alright guys. I know this is heated, so please don't come at me. My fiance and I have elderly relatives as well as several cancer survivors, and one guest currently battling cancer. We postponed our wedding 12 month for the safety of our loved ones. Our wedding is now in early November. We've thrown...
Alright guys. I know this is heated, so please don't come at me.

My fiance and I have elderly relatives as well as several cancer survivors, and one guest currently battling cancer. We postponed our wedding 12 month for the safety of our loved ones. Our wedding is now in early November.

We've thrown the idea around of requiring our guests be fully vaccinated against covid to attend our wedding. How would you feel as a guest if the bride and groom mandated this?? Are there aspects of this I'm not considering?
Again, please be nice.


  • Katie
    VIP August 2021
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    Exactly. My cousins wife took birth control and ended up with blood clots in her leg, now she has to wear compression socks all the time and she doesn't even take birth control any more but the side effects still effects her to this day. And you're right it not up to anyone to decide what someone should do when it comes to their body, "their body, their choice" and trying to push what you believe on someone else's health and body is just wrong.
  • Naomi
    Just Said Yes May 2021
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    I wouldn’t come if vaccines were required. Someone shouldn’t feel obligated to get an injection that isn’t even approved by the FDA for non emergencies. The vaccine could be unsafe for some people as well as it hasn’t had complete testing. I would think that masks would be enoughSmiley smile
  • Areli
    Just Said Yes June 2022
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    I think there would only be a couple unvaccinated ones anyway, I’d skip mentioning it, or I would simply do a family-only wedding, honestly.
  • Nikki
    Expert March 2021
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    Honestly I would decline to go. It’s not the brides or grooms business if I’m vaccinated or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Kate
    Beginner October 2021
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    You're welcome to feel that way. I clearly AM comfortable requiring that guests either be vaccinated or not attend. If people CAN'T be vaccinated (like children or people with adverse reactions) I'm not going to stop being friends with them, but they are the reason that everyone else MUST be vaccinated. OP asked about requiring, and I feel like it's ok. As a guest, I would only attend if everyone was vaccinated. I will not be socializing with people who are not. (Again, barring a medical reason and only a medical reason) As far as using the term anti-vax, if you refuse a vaccine in a pandemic, considering that the whole world cannot get out of the pandemic until the vast majority of people are vaccinated, then you're anti-vax. You don't have to agree with me, but after not being able to see my own mother for a year, I feel pretty strongly about the people not doing their part to end the pandemic, and I wouldn't want them at my wedding.

  • MK
    Expert September 2021
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    So sorry to hear that you weren't able to see your mom!

    You can do the bare minimum research and see that the vaccine isn't stopping you from contracting or spreading Covid. I see and appreciate that you're trying to do your part to end this, and only associate with people who are also doing their part, and that's great. And if this particular vaccine wasn't so new and unknown, I probably would agree with you. But anyone who is shaming people who questions a vaccine that is A) Experimental and B) not preventing the spread of the virus, seems a little silly. I question the risks of an energy drink before I drink it, I absolutely am going to question a new vaccine and it's risks before I willingly inject myself with it. I guess I'll just be an anti-vaxxer this year - and also politely decline anyone's wedding invitation who feels like they are entitled to make my medical decisions for me.

    Anyone who thinks this is okay or helpful should simply *not have a wedding* instead of losing relationships with people who are sensible enough to question any products that could risk their longterm health.

  • MK
    Expert September 2021
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    How would you feel about vaccinations being required for wedding attendance? 1
    I mean, google is free...

  • Kate
    Beginner October 2021
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    You are correct, the vaccine is not 100 at preventing spread of the disease, but they are seeing that it works, AND it keeps people from getting sick. The FDA has approved it for emergency use, the CDC recommends it AND says that if people don't get it in high enough numbers, the virus will have more opportunity to mutate and we will not get out from under this pandemic for another couple of YEARS.

    To be clear- wedding or not I do not want a relationship with anyone who isn't willing to do their part to end this pandemic. If we choose not to have a wedding because so many people have decided they are not interested in helping reach herd immunity, we STILL will not want to have a relationship with those people. It's incredibly selfish. Vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, and these will not be any different. I am not concerned in the slightest about losing friendships over this. As a member of society, you have a responsibility to that society, and right now it is EVERYONE'S responsibility to be vaccinated. Your 'personal' medical decisions are not personal once they affect the rest of society. I have let go of people who didn't want to follow restrictions, I have let go of people who didn't want to wear masks, and I will also let go of people who do not feel like they have to care about other people. The character of those people is not one I want to invest my time and energy in.

  • Kate
    Beginner October 2021
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    Read the second result there... You're right, it's free.

  • MK
    Expert September 2021
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    The entire point of the screenshot was to show how contradicting it is LOL
  • MK
    Expert September 2021
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    “GET THE VACCINE DO YOUR PART!” But also “Being fully vaccinated doesn’t prevent the spread of Covid”.

    Oh, let me get right in line!
  • Tori
    Savvy May 2021
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    With all of the health problems that are coming out right now due to the Vaccines. I wouldnt require it of your guests.

    My wedding is May 7th and we are not requiring anyone to vaccinate but if they are sick or not comfortable to consider staying home. Common courtesy to do so.

    Edit: We are offering Zoom for everyone who cannot attend. Smiley smile

  • Kate
    Beginner October 2021
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    It's not contradictory. The vaccine can prevent YOU from becoming sick. It's ninety percent effective at that. If everyone who can be vaccinated is vaccinated, that means people aren't getting sick. That means the pandemic and lockdowns and restrictions can end. Plus, there are indicators that the vaccine DOES prevent you from spreading it, they are finding that they DO reduce transmission- up to NINETY PERCENT.

  • J
    Devoted September 2021
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    In all these conversations about vaccines-required-for-weddings I've noticed there are two main camps: people who think this is fine/good usually are more focused on the the community, people who are horrified are more focused on the risk to their own person. Honestly, I don't think anyone is going to change their mind on either point, as they're pretty incompatible, & indicate opposite priorities.

    Personally, I'm in the former group. Sure, I'm worried about the potential health risks to myself. Vaccines will always have a risk of side effects on a personal level, but it isn't usually about the personal with a vaccine--it's about the community. In most cases, vaccines don't work unless everyone who can get one, does. As someone who moves about in the world, has to shop for food, & would like to see people, I have to do whatever I can to bring an end to the pandemic. Maybe if I lived in a rural area, or never had to leave my house for any reason, I would feel more comfortable prioritizing my own health over the health of the greater community.

    I also think it's important to realize that someone requiring vaccines and/or testing for a wedding in no way infringes upon anyone's choices. Anyone still has the choice to get the vaccine or not; someone requiring it for a wedding you're invited to doesn't suddenly mean you are required to get it. If you do get the vaccine, you then have the choice of going to the wedding or not. If you don't get the vaccine, you don't get the choice of going as a guest--but I suppose you still have the choice of crashing said wedding!

  • Liz
    Devoted August 2021
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    There's a logistical component here as well, with the vaccine taking 2 months to be considered effective someone with a wedding in one month who wants this requirement is definetly going to miss out on some of their family/friends being able to attend even if they're potential guests are for taking it. I just got my first dose of Moderna last Friday, two weeks after I was eligible as appointments were impossible to find. I lucked out getting the appt I found as I called right after someone canceled. I won't be considered full vaccinated until the end of May, that's a long time. Appointments are going to be even harder to find now that the J&J vaccine has been put on pause as well. I wouldn't want to risk friendships over a logistical issue...
  • J
    Devoted September 2021
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    Oh totally, I agree with you here. I do think vaccines required without any other option—testing instead, or even just a virtual option—will be logistically tough & *that* I would consider pretty rude. I’m still not eligible in my state & the governor says to anticipate several weeks before appointments are available! I really hope it doesn’t take that long.
  • J
    Devoted September 2021
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    That’s definitely a tough choice to be making, & that’s why if I ask people to have vaccines I would also offer an alternative like negative testing. (I haven’t made a personal call on this myself, but my state also has a ton of other restrictions in place & my crowd is mostly vaccinated.) I get not everyone can get a vaccine, that was my point above—people who can’t get a vaccine are protected only if everyone else who can does.

    The pregnancy point is so interesting to me. In my state it’s recommended that people who are pregnant get vaccinated, & my GYN told me she’s bringing it up with all her clients & strongly advising it. I have many family members in the medical field, & I know several people who work in vaccine development, & they all say the same. And every pregnant person I know has gotten it! I don’t know your situation obviously, just curious how much conflicting information there is on that point specifically, with strong arguments both ways. I’m not pregnant so haven’t had to think about it, but I honestly don’t know what I would do!
  • Liz
    Devoted August 2021
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    It's not as easy as if you're pregnant, it's safe. Each individual person is going to be different, if someone is already a high risk pregnancy for whatever reason, the OB may be recommending it to all other patients except for this individual high risk scenario due to other medical history and safety of the unborn child. While if she were not pregnant the doctor may feel the risk is perfectly acceptable.
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