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Devoted November 2021

How would you feel about vaccinations being required for wedding attendance?

Sarah, on April 11, 2021 at 10:47 AM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 158

Alright guys. I know this is heated, so please don't come at me. My fiance and I have elderly relatives as well as several cancer survivors, and one guest currently battling cancer. We postponed our wedding 12 month for the safety of our loved ones. Our wedding is now in early November. We've thrown...
Alright guys. I know this is heated, so please don't come at me.

My fiance and I have elderly relatives as well as several cancer survivors, and one guest currently battling cancer. We postponed our wedding 12 month for the safety of our loved ones. Our wedding is now in early November.

We've thrown the idea around of requiring our guests be fully vaccinated against covid to attend our wedding. How would you feel as a guest if the bride and groom mandated this?? Are there aspects of this I'm not considering?
Again, please be nice.


  • Scandalousrandallous
    Devoted July 2023
    Scandalousrandallous ·
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    Go troll somewhere else.

  • Kim
    Savvy April 2021
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    I feel sorry for the people who have been manipulated and frightened by the media. First of all; the virus has a rate of more than 90% survival. Everyone who has studied a little about vaccines knows that taking one that was done in a short time can cause serious damage. Vaccines take years to be safe. I have news of several people who were vaccinated and caught the virus. To require vaccination to enter anywhere is ridiculous, I would never go to a place where I am asked to have a vaccine for a virus with a large survival rate.

  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    That's not exactly what it means. It's easy to misunderstand what experts are trying to say.

    The clinical trials were not designed to study the vaccine's effect on transmission. The trials were designed to study the effect against illness. That is why they say it prevents serious disease in individuals, as that is what they studied. There is not currently enough information to state that the vaccine reduces transmission. We know that individuals who are vaccinated can still get the disease, which means they can carry it, and if they can carry it, it likely also means they can spread it.

    Therefore, masks and social distancing are still recommended until we have more data. So anyone who thinks that once their guest list is fully vaccinated they can go have a mask-free, hugs-and-kisses abound wedding should rethink that, at least until more data has been collected and analyzed.

    It doesn't mean no end in sight, it just means we don't know and we should be cautious until we do. It's like walking around your house in the dark - you probably won't hurt yourself, but until you can turn the light on, you'll walk slowly and carefully so you don't break your toe on the coffee table.

  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    If the brakes in your car only had a 90% chance of working when you need to use them, you wouldn't drive it.

  • Brittany
    Dedicated December 2021
    Brittany ·
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    My wedding is in Dec and I am crossing my fingers that we have more answers about how effective the vaccines are because if it comes out that I can have a safe & maskless wedding as long as everyone is vaccinated then you don't have to get it, but you also don't have to come. Weddings are expensive and I will continue to postpone my reception until I can do it without a mask, but once they say I can if that is a condition, I'm sorry but I'll see you another time.

  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    People have a much higher chance of dying in a car accident than they do from dying of Covid. And yes we all still drive cars.
  • Hanna
    VIP June 2019
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    Same here. We just did our first cycle of IUI this month and both my RE (who is one of the top in the nation) and my OB recommended getting the vaccine ASAP. I'm honestly very shocked by a lot of these posts!

  • Jacqueline
    Savvy September 2022
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    I don't think it would be bad if you ask them to either show proof that they are vaccinated or that they have a negative covid test. These times a tough and like you said you have loved one who are elderly and who are cancer survivors. In the end you are only thinking about the safety of everyone attending your wedding.

  • Mrs. Coakley
    Master June 2017
    Mrs. Coakley ·
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    I would never require this for my guests nor would I require tests. I say this as an immunologist who is fully vaccinated. I TRUST my friends and family to not come if they are feeling sick. I would also probably stop talking to someone if they thought they were so important to require everyone to vaccinate despite not knowing their medical history or personal reasons. It just gives off an elitist/untrustworthy vibe. Idk, my friendships and relationships are more important than that.
  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
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    My doctor advised me not to get it because we are TTC. She is a good doctor who is very pro-vax, but she was honest with me that the lack of data made her hesitant. I do have a friend who was told by her doctor to get the vaccine before TTC to prevent a Covid infection. There are bright science-minded people with differing opinions on how to handle vaccines for pregnant women
  • MrsMcK
    VIP September 2017
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    Yeah, shocked here too. The amount of people who think they know more than scientists and researchers is alarming.
    My fertility doctor said I should get the vaccine but wait until after the 1st trimester - only because some people have side effects after the 2nd dose (especially fever) that wouldn’t be good for the pregnancy. Not because the vaccine is unsafe. BTW I hope your IUI went well!!
  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    Respectfully questioning… Where is the science that shows that we have any testing on pregnancy. Where is the science that shows it won’t greatly increase the chance of autism. I don’t know. I’m definitely not an anti-vaxxer, but I’ve definitely not been provided any sort of scientific study or evidence to back these claims up. If you want the vaccine it’s your choice. And I can totally respect that. But just because your doctor says it’s OK doesn’t mean that there aren’t thousands and thousands of other doctors that disagree.
  • D
    June 2021
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    I absolutely agree with all of this. Which is why it should be a choice for women and not demanded upon them. There are many vaccines that the CDC recommends not taking while pregnant. I’m certainly not an anti-vaxer,But we have zero scientific research that has anything about possible autism spikes etc. people are saying it’s OK, but we only have a very small handful of information on pregnant women taking the vaccine, and in my opinion, and many many doctors opinions, I don’t think someone can safely say that this vaccine is 100% OK for women TTC or pregnant. Whether it be short term or long term. There have been multiple other vaccines that have been researched for way longer that have been determined by CDC that pregnant women or TTC should not receive the vaccine. And I totally agree with you, and I also just want to add that I think it’s incredibly harsh of people to simply put a label on women and men as “anti-Vaxers” simply because we have made your hesitancy about taking this vaccine due to lack of research done.
  • Kk
    Devoted October 2021
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    Please don't shame people for listening to their doctor.
  • Kristin
    Devoted December 2021
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    Just like just because your doctor disagrees doesn’t mean there aren’t thousands and thousands of doctors that agree.

    My cousin was vaccinated while pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby. There are reports coming out that mothers are passing along Covid antibodies to their babies if they get vaccinated while pregnant.

    At the end of the day it is a personal choice based on what is best for you. What you think is the best may not be what someone else thinks is the best. That doesn’t mean either of you are wrong and it isn’t worth arguing over. It’s like saying someone having a backyard wedding is wrong because enough believe in a black tie affair. This is all far beyond the question that OP asked and, frankly, isn’t the place.

  • MrsMcK
    VIP September 2017
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    That’s what you took from that?
    There’s plenty of shaming going on, unfortunately, but not coming from me. Have a wonderful day.
  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    OP was asking everyone for their opinions on mandating vaccines to her love ones in order to attend her wedding and wanted to hear opinions on it. The reason why I’m saying what I’m saying is because assuming the age group of the majority of her friends, these opinions may be the same opinions that some of her loved ones share. Some people feel very strongly about waiting to get the vaccine until we have more research and I think this is important opinions for OP to hear as I think the last thing anyone would want would be a friendship ending situation. I also don’t think that there’s any sort of argument here other than people respectively disagreeing on an issue that op is asking. And you’re right, no one is wrong here. Everyone should have the Choice to determine what’s best for their own bodies with the confidence of their doctor in mind. But I do think that some of the discourse on here is very important because maybe OP might not realize some of the opinions/reactions that her loved ones may have, and it may help her approach the situation in a more understanding sympathetic way as opposed to a harsh banning of loved ones. I think all of us brides can respectfully give our opinions to each other and disagree and still be able to post on other topics and not have animosity towards each other. I think at the end of the day the main goal here is for everyone to try to help each other as much as we can. And I feel like talking helps the most even if we might always agree 100%.
  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    Nice strawman.

    Also wrong.

    Car accident deaths over a one-year period (2019): approximately 12 deaths per 100,000 people in the US (source:
    COVID deaths over a one-year period: about 170 deaths per 100,000 people in the US (source:

    Actual individual risk of dying from a car accident or COVID is not statistically viable due to the variables involved.

    And let's be clear so you can't try to play mental gymnastics - this is specifically isolating the number of deaths over a one-year period and comparing them to the general population of the country, making this comparison equal. It includes people who never get the virus and people who recover from the virus, as well as people who never get into an accident and people who get into accidents but don't die.

    There is science for you.

    I also don't know why you chose that statement to go after, since I made clear that I know there are medical reasons (such as reactions, or TTC, which is considered a medical condition) people can't get the vaccine. Seems you just want to argue, which I don't humor.

  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    So… Respectfully disagreeing ... are you factoring in age range at all in those numbers? for my age range for my state we have a 0.1% chance of dying from Covid. Yes, I am much more likely to die in a car accident. I’m not trying to “get at you” here. And You don’t have to engage in a conversation that’s going to upset you. Enjoy your day.
  • Liz
    Devoted August 2021
    Liz ·
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    In the vein of my last post, just read an article this morning that the Pfizer vaccine isn't as effective against a new variant of the virus, this will continue to happen. I would be much more comfortable requiring tests for everyone as opposed to vaccines.
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