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Just Said Yes March 2019

Help needed

Dan, on May 1, 2019 at 12:09 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 7
Hi everyone. I've come on here for some non bias advice on what to do. I was married two weeks ago and haven't spoken to my best friend since. I am just going to list what happened and hope people can either let me know im not being dramatic or if I am.

. Hen party. My sister offered to pay for all acitivities as I was worried that people couldn't afford it. The only part she wanted paid was a meal. The plates at the place cost arounf £14 on average. My sis bought everyone's drinks and prosecco for the table. My bridesmaid ordered the two most expensive things, I'm talking duck and lobster...and at the end of the meal said she only had her card so my sister said no probs I'll pay for yours and you can get it out later. (My sis had previously said shw would put it on her card if people gave her cash for their meals, everyone had agreeed to this and was aware 7 months before) She never got it out. This was three months ago. My parentsalso offered their house to people so no one needed a hotel or accommodation.

Three weeks before the wedding bridesmaid messages me just generally and ends it saying her partner hasn't booked holiday so can't come and she will be coming alone with her child. Even though id paid for his meal I wasn't mad even though he had a year warning to book it off. He didn't even message me himself to apologise which was rude to me as we speak to each other. Anyway....

Two weeks everyone says they want to help decorate the venue. I hadn't asked or expected any help with anything but they offered so all was good. She messages saying she cant because he has her child with her. I re arranged the decoration day so she wasn't alone at my parents house. She ended up not bringing her with her so we could have done it that morning- just now seems like she didn't want to get involved.

She then messages saying seeing as her partner isn't coming can she bring her sister in law to baby sit. Fine. We paid extra for her sis in laws meal on the morning and squeezed her in with the venues consent.

I let my maids choose their own dresses. She chose one that was £50. I purchased it. About four days before she messaged saying she didn't like it could she get another, she would pay. Now seeing as it was from the same online shop I thought she would return the other one and use the money for the new one seeing as new one was £22 and would send the rest back to me. Alas no. So she now has a £50 free dress in the middle of me paying for my wedding. She then messaged and asks what I have bought her child to wear? I said nothing and she went off on one saying do you even want us there? I also have my own two boys who I needed to buy suits for.

On the morning of the wedding my photographer was at my parents home. It got so bad with photos he had to remind her he was there to take pics of me and would come to her later on. She did help me get ready and into my dress.

She then told another bridesmaid as they went down the aisle she wanted to go last as you should save the best for last. Gave her boquet to her child to walk down with so it all looked mismatched.

She missed my cake cutting and first dance. Maybe no biggie but i would have at the front if it were her. Then my dad's speech I have an actual video of her with her back to him at the bar laughing with a bar tender and another maid turned round and said shut up or get out. I guess she chose to get out because she spent my entire 5 hour reception in a cordoned off area of the bar chatting to my husband's mate who is a mutual friend. Like there was a wall between them and the rest of the party. My son had to give her child his suit jacket as she was cold and now it has grass stains on and it was £120 -_-.

I didn't see her all night until she stumbled out and said bye she's going. She didn't say bye to any other maids or my husband or my family.

I paid for her dress, her hair, bought her sis in law in last minute and asked venue to make another plate for her. Changed decor day for everyone else (I know I invited her and she shouldn't have to do this all) but some general manners wouldn't have gone a mis.

I'm really deeply dissapointed in it. What shall I do?


Latest activity by Christi, on June 10, 2019 at 3:53 PM
  • Summerbride77
    VIP July 2019
    Summerbride77 ·
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    Honestly, I would do nothing. She acted appallingly and the next move (I.e. Apologizing) is on her. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that!
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  • CourtneyBrittain
    Master August 2019
    CourtneyBrittain ·
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    Wow. I am so sorry you had to deal with all of that! I think there are a few things you could do. You could wait it out and see if she reaches out to you at all, you could ignore it and just move on, or you could confront her.
    Personally, I would try and ignore it unless it comes up again as it happened in the past and nothing can change that. If she was a super close friend that you want to fix things with, then you could reach out to her but I highly recommend to talk to her in person and not over the phone. Things can easily be miscommunicated over the phone!
    best of luck, and congratulations on the wedding!
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  • Formerbride
    VIP June 2019
    Formerbride ·
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    WOW. That is one difficult individual. She sounds like a completely self involved person. If it were me, which it is not, I would write that person off. You've already gone 2 weeks without speaking. How have those 2 weeks been for you?

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  • A
    Super September 2019
    Anna ·
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    Omg I’m so sorry you went through that. You are not over reacting or dramatic at all! You bent over backwards for her and she just disrespected you through out the whole process.

    i agree with PP, don’t initiate any contact. If she wants to apologize (which you’re owed an apology) she needs to reach out to you.
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  • Cristy
    Master May 2021
    Cristy ·
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    I'm so sorry for your experience, but I have to agree with PPs here. She has not acted like your friend, and until she apologizes to you, I wouldn't contact her. Time and again it seems she attempted to make your wedding all about her. You bent over backwards to accommodate her and her whims, only to be disrespected on what should have been the happiest day of your life. She does not deserve any more of your time.

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  • Simone
    Devoted April 2020
    Simone ·
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    What a horrible friend. People really do get jealous and their ugly side comes out. I wonder if that was it. She sounds like a total moocher. I'd write her off unless she calls. Wondering if you have heard from her since you posted this. I'd have a hard time not telling her how I felt about her behavior.

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  • Christi
    Savvy September 2019
    Christi ·
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    Not much to do unfortunately. Something like this happened to a friend of mine who's wedding I was in. Her bridesmaid bailed on every event and made up some pretty hard-to-believe stories about why (accidentally calling her doctor rather than any of us was one of them). She spent almost the entire reception upstairs watching a college football game on her phone then got mad when something was said by the bride. She told her that this game was really important and she was going to watch it no matter what. When she did come down, she knocked over a wine rack shattering about 100 glasses. She did not offer to pay. There is more but that is enough to give you an idea.

    Now my friend is cordial to her when they run into one another but doesnt make an attempt to hang out and such. You shouldn't put yourself out to care about someone who didn't care how their actions effected you and your day.

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