I don't want just a book that is thrown in a bookshelf and forgotten. I want something different that could be shown off. Some ideas I have came across!
Nice!!! We are doing a polaroid guest book. We bought two second hand instax cameras and a bunch of film. Hopefully this way we will have a photo of most people coming to the wedding!
My photographer is customizing a guest book for us using our engagement photos which to be honest I never even thought to do that! I am like you where I didn't want a traditional guest book
Were doing one like the 3rd pic ...all are great ideas i wanted the heart drop pic frame but it was so expensive the one i wanted and shipping was so much bc the glass ... but they now sell them at walmart .. all very good ideas though.. i felt same way didnt want a book to sit in a box somewhere forgotten
We made a sign in book with our engagement photos! It will be wonderful looking through our photos and notes from our wedding guests for years to come!!
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I’ll have to check Walmart! I want the to the heart drop frame but it’s dumb expensive and I don’t want a book just sitting around!
I got a really neat one from Lily and Val where the guests turn to a random page and answer questions etc, its a neat idea and i like it because its not just peoples names, its memories
We are doing a photo collage to match the theme of the wedding. People will be signing around the castle. It’s a compilation of photos from when we first met, dating, Disney trips, engagement photos, and the proposal. I found It on Etsy. The seller makes so many different collages. I thought they were all unique.
I love the idea of a wood sign! Originally we were thinking of having a wooden Welcome sign made that could be used as a sign at the ceremony and then double as the guestbook at our reception. But instead we opted for a glass world globe! What kinda sucks is I don't think we have a safe place to display it where we currently live (townhome and cats who jump up on EVERYTHING lol) but will be a great piece when we buy our next home!
I love alternative guest books! I custom ordered a world map poster from Etsy. The seller made it in our wedding color and added our names and date! Planning on displaying it in our house with our guests' signatures!
Nice ideas! We’ll be using a mailbox (most likely built out of wood by my FH or his dad!) and decorated to be our mailbox for our future house! And the guestbook part will be everyone writing notes or well wishes to us and putting them in our mailbox. I’ll most likely end up scrapbooking the notes into our wedding album