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Devoted September 2018

Finances in Marriage

OldSchoolKindaLove, on April 5, 2019 at 10:00 AM

Posted in Married Life 70

I am in desperate need of advice, please! My husband and I got married in September. Prior to our wedding he told me all these great things he was doing financially to benefit us. He said he had a savings account he was putting some of his paycheck into, he was paying off the smaller parts of his...

I am in desperate need of advice, please!

My husband and I got married in September. Prior to our wedding he told me all these great things he was doing financially to benefit us. He said he had a savings account he was putting some of his paycheck into, he was paying off the smaller parts of his debts, and he was budgeting his money. ( Little history I broke off our engagement due to his financial instability and hiding it from me when we lived together, prior to marriage). Anyways, I truly trusted him and thought he had started to make a change for the better. We discussed (BUT not in depth, future brides please don't make this mistake if you see this) how we would handle finances and decided the best way was for each of us to have a separate account for our fun money, and a joint for our bill money. I really thought this would make things easy. We opened our joint account in November, since then my husband hasn't put any money into the joint account. I have asked multiple times and he just simply likes to say, "I forgot" when does this excuse end? Fast forward a few months into our marriage, and I begin to use Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps to help us budget. I asked for his personal bank information so I could track spending to find out what we are spending and on what. After I tried to sync his account multiple times without success, when questioned he stated he still had his old cell phone # on his account. I requested he change the primary # to his new phone #. He claimed he did and yet again the account wouldn't sync. He kept saying he didn't understand why it wasn't working. I let it go and just moved forward utilizing the Baby Steps for my own personal financial growth. I am seeing a counselor every other week to discuss how to communicate more effectively, how to deal with new marital changes, anxiety, depression, etc. Anyways, about a month ago on my way home my husband calls and stated that the power was turned off at our house. He was able to get it turned on the same day, but when I asked why it was shut off he stated it was because the bill said we owed over $1000, but that wasn't true because he had paid $300 on it yesterday. ( History, we decided I would cover half of rent, auto insurance on both vehicles, and since the medical insurance is in my name that would be my responsibility. He stated he would cover the electric, water, and cable, which we dropped cable the previous month of the electric being cut off). I asked him to explain why the bill wasn't paid in full? He simply stated that since we had a $600 bill right after Christmas he was unable to pay. Which in reality our portion of the $600 bill was only $300 because our landlord gave us $300 to put on it because it was discovered that the air/heat unit wasn't working correctly. Anyways, come to find out he spent all but $140 of the money our landlord gave him on other things and gave me the $140 to put in the joint account. He then asked me where I put the $300 he gave me from our landlord. I had to print out the bank statement to prove I only put $150 in the bank bc I added $10 he got from my grandparents from Christmas into the account. Fast forward to this week, he text me Wednesday and stated he didn't have lunch money. I told him he could meet me at our local park where a function was going on that I was attending and he could get $ or eat lunch with me at the park. He drove by the park and called me stating, " There's too many people for me, I have about $7 so I am going to just go get me something." I responded with, "OK." Yesterday, he sent another text stating he was again without lunch $ I told him to meet me for lunch. Now, at this point I was curious as to what his bank account was really at, so since I had his info from trying to sync to Dave Ramsey Baby Steps I logged on. I honestly thought I would see his account with like $3-$4 left. Which would have been okay, Nope his account was negative by 80 cents because he spent 80 cents more than what he had in his account which means now he's getting a charge for being negative. And he does not have a savings account? Talk about a double whammy. I couldn't resist so at lunch I asked him, " I have a stupid question, but How do you overdraft your account for 80 cents and at McDonalds no less? He then tried to say that he didn't know how that happened, and that he checked his account prior to getting lunch and the money should have been in there. I couldn't believe that I was hearing, but I didn't want to cause a scene. I left it alone and went back to work. When I got home, he was looking for his W2 because we are going to file taxes soon. He forgot I had put it up, so I found it while he was still looking. Now, the kicker here is I found out what his annual salary is and his bring home. I couldn't believe the numbers I was seeing especially after discovering he was over drafted. I then told him that our combined income puts us into the upper middle class range on taxes. Which concerns me because I have student loans which are being paid back according to income. Now I don't know how those will be effected because of his salary, which he has nothing to show for it, and yes I mean NOTHING! I then asked his debt to income ratio, and he doesn't know. He simply stated that our CPA can figure that out when we do taxes? I don't know what to do. I feel so betrayed and hurt by this, and he thinks it's all fine and dandy. Ladies, please advise.


  • Michael
    Savvy May 2019
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    If what you say is true and you really don’t know him as you should, that creates a more serious problem than expected. If you are willing to accept this “stranger” side of him and get to know it, that’s fine. But from hearing your inner spirit’s protest, you’re really not in the mood to relearn someone you thought you already knew.

    I hear your hurt; but it cannot be relieved until those unfamiliar attributes he has are challenged head on with the goal of revealing the truth and root causes of his issues so an informed decision can be made on how to move forward. Loving a person requires conscious effort, attentiveness, compromises and sacrifices and if the relationship is only being fueled by one party exercising those things then that will be counterproductive in strengthening the marriage.

    It would be interesting to know the answer to the question, “Does he love you more than he loves himself?” Be prepares for the truthful answer to that question based off his actions. I don’t know personally, but I’d rather you be truthfully informed than to tolerate a façade and live an unhappy existence. Please find the truth in your husband. Always listen to your inner voice of intuition. This is not an attempt to attack your husband; but it needs to be known what he really thinks about a marriage or you as a wife. Stay strong.
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  • OldSchoolKindaLove
    Devoted September 2018
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    I am starting to feel that maybe our relationship was better just a friends instead of a marriage. I just don't think that we fit together like a husband and wife should, despite the efforts he has began to put forth. I just don't know anymore. I can't help but feel like I am waiting for the pattern to return in the next 6 months like it has in the past.

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  • Allie
    Master August 2019
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    Have you guys gone to marriage counseling yet?

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  • Tara
    Expert June 2019
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    I did not read everything, but it definitely sounds like he is hiding something. My ex-husband would do the same things (not with money, but something else) and deny, deny, deny, play stupid, etc. and it always circled back around.

    I definitely understand how you are questioning the marriage. I was unhappy for a long time, but stayed because I was scared of the unknown (we were together since I was 16). However, one day, I said I was done and did not look back. I had the realization that we were basically just friends - nothing romantic and we are young and that is not how I want to live the rest of my life. He tried to make me stay, but I said that we are better off as being friends.

    However, you should meet with a divorce lawyer. At least just to see since you do have a decent savings and he may be entitled to it upon divorcing or how to get around this. If you recently got married, I would do this fast because you may qualify for an annulment.

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  • OldSchoolKindaLove
    Devoted September 2018
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    Married in September of 2018. No assets together and we have separate accounts which was verbally agreed upon before our marriage, and he has no access to my account nor I to his personal account. I don't understand how annulments work, from what I've heard/read you have to have extenuating circumstances.

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  • OldSchoolKindaLove
    Devoted September 2018
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    He was supposed to make an individual counseling session appointment prior per my personal counselor before we did a couples session. Basically to see if he was even open to the idea of working with a counselor, or if he would be wasting everyone's time. This appointment still has not been made, despite me providing the office # and the other necessary paperwork about a month ago.

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  • Allie
    Master August 2019
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    Unfortunately, it sounds like he doesn't want to change. I recently dealt with some issues like this with a family member. Makes a ton of money but never seems to have any and has lots of debt. It was 100% drugs. Just something to consider. I would consider temporary separation if he isn't willing to do counseling.

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  • OldSchoolKindaLove
    Devoted September 2018
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    I want to advise you seriously sit down and think about this in depth. I have been seeing a counselor now for about 3-4 months. She asked me what our wedding planning was like and honestly during all of the stress and trying to plan I had forgotten how much I put towards the wedding, and I realized I paid for about 75% of it by myself, with my parents helping at about 10% and I paid 100% for the upfront expenses for our honeymoon. My counselor pointed out, if he didn't help you financially then, what makes you/ made you expect he would help you after marriage...Perhaps this is a question you may want to ask yourself or even ask your FH. I hope this helps and works out for you.

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  • Chanie
    Dedicated April 2021
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    I am doing the exact same with my finances. Keeping separate account and filing separately so it does not affect his student loans. I think communication about finances is very important to have a successful marriage.

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  • Michael
    Savvy May 2019
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    Your counselor made a good point about his actions before the marriage. It applies to both good and bad actions. If there is no genuine effort towards improvement l leading to a positive change, the price of remaining married may be too high for you to pay and may cost you dearly. Again, this is only based off what information you’ve shared and we don’t know the intangible nuances your relationship has but it may be something to consider.
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