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Savvy May 2024

Fiance's Family & Comments on Wedding Costs

GoldenJoy24, on January 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 7

I'll be getting married in my fiance's hometown later this year. I wouldn't say that I am from the "city" by any means but I have lived a lot of different places around the world, love to travel, and would consider my style more cosmopolitan. My fiance is from a small, rural Southern town, and we decided to get married there to save cost as well as for me to have my vision of a "Southern Belle" wedding.

One small issue - he and his family are complaining about the costs for EVERYTHING. I make more money than my partner, and will likely be putting in a bulk of $$ for the wedding (my parents also offered to help some). His family is paying for the rehearsal, but will not be putting forwards any additional funds.

Literally anything I mention (like live florals, fancy centerpieces) they have commented that it is a "waste" of money or I should consider something less expensive like renting flowers. His sister also recently got married a few years ago and I have noticed my FMIL is making a lot of comparisons to her wedding and how it was already planned by this time (we still have 6 months to go) and it's making me feel like she is taking shots at my family and my process of wedding planning. I feel like it's my wedding and I should be able to be picky and choosy about what I want vs just going with their hometown vendors and people they know (nothing against this, but I am looking for a more classy and elegant feel, and a lot of the vendors feel very homegrown and back-yard wedding esque).

My fiance is taking a lot of his cues from FMIL and has been very critical of costs as well, even though it was his idea to have a large wedding, not mine. Just looking for some guidance on how I can handle this and feel supported without going off on my FH and his family in the next 6 months I have. When I first started planning my wedding I was excited and now it just seems like a depressing process where everyone is critical and complaining about everything I do. Smiley sad


Latest activity by CM, on January 14, 2024 at 8:58 AM
  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    I'm sorry this is happening. You and your FI need to get and stay on the same page when it comes to budget and expectations around the wedding.

    I would stop completely sharing any wedding details with them, when asked just say "oh, I have it handled, I'm hoping to make it a bit of a surprise".

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  • R
    Rockstar June 2018
    Rae ·
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    There's no need to share details of your planning that they aren't paying for. I'd put everyone except FH on an information diet.

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  • C
    CM ·
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    Ditto. If they aren’t paying then they don’t have any say, nor would I share information with them. Your real issue is your FI. If his mother is influencing him to the point that she’s putting a wedge between you then you need to address that before any wedding.
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  • H
    Savvy June 2024
    Haley ·
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    I had a similar experience earlier in my wedding planning and I feel like people don't talk about what a vulnerable time it can be. I agree with the above comments, I just started keeping the details to myself and those closely involved. His family may be feeling insecure about how their daughters wedding will compare to yours but that's on them not you. It's really frustrating when people insert themselves and give unwanted financial advice and I'm sorry your fiancé is having a hard time seeing it that way. Staying true to yourself is the only way you'll be able to enjoy your day! Smiley smile

    I also took one week off from any wedding planning and it really helped bring back some of the joy Smiley laugh

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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    This. So much. Stop sharing details. And ask your partner to keep the details a secret too.
    If you haven’t committed to a lot yet, do you want to check-in with your sweetie to see if you both still want a big wedding? It’ll help you both continue planning if you’re on the same page.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Stop sharing details with other people and put planning on hold until fiancé is on the same page as you. If someone doesn’t like your choices, they can decline the invitation or keep their opinions quiet and do their own thing at their wedding. Parents who already married don’t have room to talk because they made whatever decisions they wanted at their own wedding.
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  • C
    CM ·
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    Actually, part of the problem is the opposite, since many of them didn’t make their own decisions at all in their own day. Now they think they have the same control as their parents did as hosts and that it’s their “turn.”

    I agree with PP that this may be motivated by not wanting their own daughter’s wedding to suffer in any comparison. Since they are neither hosting nor contributing to the wedding they have no proper say. I would continue to ignore them and stop with all the sharing of info, though again I suspect FI is the real problem here.

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