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VIP September 2023

fh can’t make up his mind

Erin, on August 18, 2019 at 9:06 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 5
I wasn’t sure where to put this.

My FH is driving me crazy. He got upset at me a few days ago because I was texting him to talk about the wedding stuff I was thinking, and about venues that I liked. He got upset because I “never talk about it when we’re together”. Well, today was a perfect example of why.

We were in the car on a long drive today, and I pulled out my planning book, and mentioned an idea I had for a frost your own cupcake table, instead of trying to frost them myself (I hate frosting, so I never really got very good at it). He told me that he didn’t really care, he’s not particularly creative, and that I should just Decide on stuff and come to him to ask “yes or no?” I told him he couldn’t have it both ways. He can’t get mad at me for not talking about it when we’re together and then completely dismiss the conversation when I try to have it in person. He’s driving me crazy!

Both of my bridesmaids are out of state and I don’t really have friends here (I moved here 3 years ago, but I’m terrible at making friends as an adult DSmiley smile. He told me I should make new friends and bounce ideas off of them instead, and I told him that even if I did make a new friend right now I’d barely know them and I certainly wouldn’t trust them to help me plan my wedding. He doesn’t seem to realize or care that it’s actually kind of a big deal for me. It feels like I’m wasting my time, planning a nice wedding.


Latest activity by Cheryl, on August 19, 2019 at 2:58 AM
  • M
    Savvy August 2019
    Misty ·
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    My FH used to be the same way until the day got closer. I would ask him stuff and he would seem uninterested. I would make him watch When I started making all the decisions and not asking him anything that's when he got more involved because he started to feel left out.
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  • Erin
    VIP September 2023
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    I'm pretty close to that point. What's the point in asking when he's just going to dismiss the whole conversation? I hope he comes around and helps more, but it's just so frustrating. It's not even so much that he's uninterested, it's that he got so upset with me about not bringing it up and not even a week later wanting nothing to do with it when I do try to bring it up.

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  • Julie
    VIP February 2020
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    I don't really know what to FH doesn't care about anything if it isn't too expensive (he didn't want a DJ at first but has seen the light). He cares about the music, the food (to a point, he "trusts" me) and what he's going to be wearing.

    The thing is, he didn't want to have a wedding at all. He thinks it's a waste of money, but when I told him how important it was to me, he started to come around. HOWEVER, because of his feelings about weddings in general, I don't ask him the details. I just show him things after I do them, and he's like "oh cool!" or "you got the date wrong." I don't mind it, actually. I'm having a blast planning it with my mom and wedding planner and bridesmaids via text/facetime etc. Maybe he just cares about marrying you, and wedding planning isn't his thing. I think that's okay, as long as he helps you with seating or whatnot.

    But I also remember reading in a few other posts of yours that you two have been doing this on-again off-again relationship for YEARS and only recently have decided to get more serious and settle down. Maybe you guys can sit down to talk and see if he's picking fights because he's feeling pressured, or if it really is just what it seems: stressful wedding stuff.

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  • Erin
    VIP September 2023
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    I totally get that. I know the planning isn't really his thing. The weird part is, he's the one who wants to have the wedding. I asked him multiple times if he just wants to elope. (we live in Colorado so it'd be super easy) he refused, saying he wants the wedding. I've tried talking to him about it, it just doesn't seem to make sense. I know he's probably stressing about money, but I gave him an inexpensive way out, and he didn't want to take it. I'm being as frugal as possible, and hopefully this weirdness doesn't last long, it's just really annoying.

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  • Cheryl
    Expert November 2020
    Cheryl ·
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    I encourage you to read the article "F* Yes or No" by Mark Manson. He's a modern philosopher/relationship guru. I was going to post the link but it contains the fully spelled out f word and I dont want to be disrespectful. You can Google it if you like.
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