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Savvy June 2020

Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands?

Cyndi, on December 9, 2018 at 3:49 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 39
My boyfriend really wants a black wedding band. I am strongly opposed to getting him one because 1) I don’t think they look like wedding bands. Black rings can be anything from promise rings to just-for-fun rings. He says that wearing it on the left ring finger makes it obvious, but I’m not so sure. I’ve seen guys wear rings on the opposite finger out of ignorance or simply being right-handed. I’ve even hit on guys in my younger years not realizing that their black rings were wedding bands.

2) I desperately want our rings to match. We’re picking out my engagement ring together, but honestly the major hold up is that we can’t agree on a metal for our wedding rings and my engagement ring. My boyfriend is half Philippino, and rose gold bands blend in perfectly with his skin - though they look best against my pale skin. Yellow is barely noticeable either. I’m so pale that I can’t buy foundation, so white gold blends into my skin - but looks great on my bf. He really wants a black ring, which would also pop, but I don’t think it will be easy to match that to an engagement ring.

Questions: 1. Do black rings look like wedding bands to you when worn on the right finger? Would a claddah make it better?

2. How can we match my future husband’s black gold wedding band with an engagement band and feminine wedding band?

3. Any tips from interracial couples on picking matching rings when your skin tones are opposite?


Latest activity by Tutsat, on August 31, 2023 at 2:47 AM
  • Realynn
    Expert September 2019
    Realynn ·
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    1. Personally, no. But if a guy is wearing a ring of any color or material (ie: silicon), I assume they’re married

    2. Is it important to him that your rings match? If so, I say you two should meet in the middle somehow. His could be black with an accent of gold and yours could be gold with an accent of black. Or your can just cross both your preferences out entirely and get silver rings.

    3. I don’t think skin color really matters for rings? I have tan skin and I personally don’t think rose gold looks good with my skin tone (not sure what his is). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that kind of applies with colors on particular skin tones too.

    My fiancé and I aren’t too big on rings, but I also get where you’re coming from. My FH is leaning towards a silicon ring which isn’t as picturesque as a gold ring, so I’m open to him gettin two rings (gold ring for special occasions + silicon ring for everyday )
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  • Asia
    Dedicated December 2018
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    I personally like the look of the black rings, it’s unique and different. If a ring is on the left ring finger, people are going to know that person is married.

    For me, I’m black and my SO is white. I Iike the look of white gold and he got gold, it’s just our own personal preference of metals. He did want ours to match and wanted my ring in gold but he bought it how I wanted it to look.

    I got curious as to see to how both your rings could match and browsed on Pinterest. There are a lot of versions of his wedding band that he could get with black + rose gold. I think as long as his has rose gold in it to match your rose gold ring, it should look fine. The two colors are a beautiful combination too.

    Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands? 1
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
    Caytlyn ·
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    A wedding ring is a wedding ring is a wedding ring, no matter the color or material. If someone has a ring on their left ring finger, I assume they're married. No men in my life wear rings for fashion, so I guess I could be biased. Also, does it matter if it "looks" like a wedding ring? It's a ring on his ring finger and if someone asks if he's married or makes any advances toward him, I'm sure he'll educate them.

    Is it a priority for you both that your rings match, or just for you? What if he did something like this? The best of both worlds.

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  • Cyndi
    Savvy June 2020
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    Thank you - those pictured would actually would solve both our problems. The problem with the gold rings, particularly rose gold, is that his skin is sort of an orangish dark tan, (think a little more natural than Donald Trump orange lol) and from like five feet you can’t tell that he’s wearing a ring unless you’re looking closely. We both agree that wedding rings should be immediately visible from basically across the room, so that’s why we wanted something that would immediately pop. We definitely want to avoid the awkward situations that occur when it’s not obvious to others that you are married.
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  • Asia
    Dedicated December 2018
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    What if you switch the rose gold to silver but still keep the black ring? You’d just have to have a silver ring. Personally I like the look the band with all the diamonds in the center going around (top left), it might solve your worries of people not being able to tell his is a wedding band if he were to just do a solid black ring.
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  • Cyndi
    Savvy June 2020
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    It’s kind of a trend here to wear typically cheap (so often black carbonate) promise rings on the same hand as a wedding ring. So the majority of unmarried Christians of particular denominations wear or wore them for a time. And I have met a lot of guys who wore particularly black Batman rings for fashion-the same ones marketed as wedding bands.

    I do trust him, and I know he would set them straight, but maybe not in time to prevent some awkward conversations that would affect professional life. My bf is a primary schoolteacher, so almost all the people he works with-from moms to coteschers to teachers at conferences-are female. Conversely, I’m a scientist about to start teaching massive classes at a university, so most of my colleagues will be male.

    I think the purpose of a wedding band is to be incredibly noticeable- the band is for everyone else, not really for the couple imo. I honestly don’t know why else married people would wear rings other than to make it clear that they’re married. Matching is just a cut way to make it identifiable which people are a couple, to me.

    Hmm. It’s not important at all to him that they match, but I honestly don’t understand why. It strikes me that maybe the traditions I grew up with surrounding wedding rings aren’t actually the norm, or at least not what he’s expecting. Thanks - I think the next thing is to ask him why he wants a ring and what it means, instead of just what kind he wants.
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    Your husband will be no more or less married whether he wears a rose gold ring, a black ring, or no ring at all. It sounds like you're speaking out of insecurity or distrust since your main concern is that someone can recognize that he is married from afar. I'm not sure what kind of awkward conversations you're worried about. They make an advance, he says "sorry, I'm married." The end. I truly don't think that any woman is going to think "wow that guy is handsome. He has a ring on his finger, but it's black so he probably just likes Batman. I'm going to give it a go." It's an old, often times now disregarded, tradition that couples should wear matching rings. You don't need to have the same color or material to claim your territory. The only time this would ever matter is if you were in the same room, and I'm positive that those in the room with you will know you're together even if you're wearing a lime green ring and he's wearing purple. This issue seems a little deeper than ring color.

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  • Chandra
    Master May 2019
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    "I think the purpose of a wedding band is to be incredibly noticeable- the band is for everyone else, not really for the couple imo. I honestly don’t know why else married people would wear rings other than to make it clear that they’re married."
    My dad would wear rings when he was younger that were much flashier and larger than his wedding band because he liked them. Marriage isnt the ONLY reason to wear rings...

    Matching is just a cut way to make it identifiable which people are a couple, to me.
    Okay. But if you're out with a group of friends and the girl sitting on his other side has a ring that matches both of takes away that "easy to identify the couple" thing based on rings.

    I get that its important to you, but remember he has to look at it more than you do..the ring alone doesnt make you married. Its the bond, commitment, and marriage license that do.
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  • Nikita
    VIP April 2019
    Nikita ·
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    I don't see a problem with a black wedding ring. Kidding, my FH is getting a $30 silicone one since he wants to be able to wear it when he works in his art studio. It's all about preference. If you both have different jewelry tastes, why force one to change for the other just to match? I wouldn't want to force a forever ring on someone that wasn't 100% their aesthetic.
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  • M
    Expert September 2018
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    I don't think matching rings are the "norm" anymore. At first I thought he'd wear a gold ring because i thought that's what wedding bands were. I never once thought of our skin tone. I do have rosegold because i liked how that looked on my skin vs yellow and white

    He wanted some meteorite fossil ring and at first i thought it was weird. But he said id never wear a gold ring. This is what i want and now he loves it. I told someone at work and she said that there are so many different ring styles and colors that men are becoming more creative.

    My suggestion is to 1 show him the many variations of rings or there to see if he's interested in any other than black (since it's taboo where you live). 2. Don't stress about it matching. 3. If you want it to match so much you can get a black wedding band.

    Here's a picture of my husband's ring.

    Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands? 2
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  • Courtney
    Super September 2019
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    I don’t personally care for black rings but yes I think when a man is wearing a ring (especially on his ring finger) I assume he’s married. I also think that I don’t necessarily notice if a man is wearing a ring because I’m not interested lol. It’s personal if it’s important to you for your rings to match or be very obvious against your skin but I don’t think that’s the purpose of the wedding ring. I know plenty of people that don’t wear rings because they aren’t ideal for work (heart surgeons, construction workers) or they just don’t like the look or feeling of rings. Not wearing one doesn’t make someone less married, just like wearing one that doesn’t match your partner doesn’t mean you aren’t a married couple. Since your FH will be the one wearing the ring every day, I think you should listen to what he wants in the ring.
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  • BohoRN2017
    Expert November 2017
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    My husband wears a black ring. But promise rings aren't a thing here that adults do, that's for little high school kids. Black seems to be very trendy for men's wedding rings. I've notice a lot more of them wear them now.

    Far as getting "hit on" / awkward conversations I can't say that's been an issue. Most people I know do not start flirting the minute the meet someone in a professional capacity. Surely his coworkers will know he is married.

    My husband rock climbs and does not wear a ring but yet everyone at the gym he climbs at knows he is married. Why? Because he talks about me...

    My band is very special for me, it was my grandmothers. So no I don't wear it simply so other people know I am married. Our bands do not match. Outside of a few photos I'm not sure people would even notice. It's not like it's something people compare in real life day to day.

    IMO I would jus let him pick the ring he wants. The mixed metals if he agreeable is a reasonable compromise.

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  • Micaiah
    Devoted July 2019
    Micaiah ·
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    My FH really wanted a black ring as well, but I really wanted it to match my engagement ring. My engagement ring is white gold with diamonds and blue sapphires. The first picture is my ering, second is his wedding band, third is my wedding band.

    Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands? 3

    Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands? 4

    Do Black Rings really Look Like Wedding Bands? 5
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  • Colleen
    Master September 2019
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    The purpose of a wedding ring is to unite you togarher in marrige. No one will be looking at his finger across the room then say that since they did not notice the band till they got closer they did not think it was a wedding ring . Secound i am sure if by the off chance someone does flirt him sating hey I am married would be no less awkward then him now saying hey u am engaged.
    Third he will be wearing it everyday so he should like it.
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  • M
    Super November 2019
    Melissa ·
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    I say black bands still look like wedding bands. Theres no hidden meaning behind the color. It's just black.
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  • Kenisha
    Champion June 2019
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    I think your fiancé should be able to wear whatever ring he wants. I’m sure that he spent a lot of time, money, and effort to get you whatever ring that you wanted. I don’t know why you cannot do the same in return. There’s plenty of black ring options that I think look really nice.
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  • J
    Master 0000
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    My wedding band is cobalt blue enamel over glass. No one has ever not thought I was married. . . There is no reason why wedding rings need to match. And your husband clearly sees no need. So if you are the one who for some reason thinks they need to match, get a black one for you. Then you will match. Do not want to compromise and wear a black ring? Then why would you expect your fiancé to change to what you want? Who made you in charge ?. . . We are an interracial color. But why do you need to pick something especially by your skin tones? Pick something you want to wear. It does not matter if you want rose gold to complement your coloring. Other people buy a ring because it looks like the pinkie ring their Dad wore, or thing nothing is more rich looking as yellow gold, or because they want maximum glitter, or prefer 10 tiny stones to a single one. My grandmothers wore carved ivory. Some think a particular color is symbolic. Metal colors are considers to be neutral and go with all skin tones. This idea of trying to match each other and complement each skin tone, sounds like an idea from a magazine or tv, not from real life. Like brides who completely match furniture and linen tablecloths to their bridesmaid's dresses. Looked at from a design viewpoint, it is bizarre. But brides feeling everything must match means wedding industry profits go up. Face reality: If your skin colors are different, each of you dress in what you like to wear, that makes you feel good about yourself, and let your mate alone, to dress in what he likes, and what makes him feel good, in this case, a black ring. Black is a classic neutral color, like gold, silver, grey and white. And if FI wants, black bands can come with onyx or hematite or black gems inset, or raised. Let it be.
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  • J
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    Edit above: We are an interracial couple, not color!
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  • Officiallymrs
    Super May 2010
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    I don’t think it matters what color wedding band your husband has ... and I really don’t think they have to match .. my e-ring is white gold and diamonds and my wedding band is a white gold eternity band ... my husband wears a yellow gold band becuase that’s what he wanted
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    Guy at my work had a black wedding band and it looked cool. I say let your fiancé get any band he wants (be happy he wants to wear one).

    Bands don’t need to match. You both get bands you love that fit your personalities and skin tones.
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