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Just Said Yes June 2022

Best Friend of 10 years assumes she'll be moh

Emma, on August 3, 2021 at 3:39 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 10

Not sure this is the best place to ask for this advice, but here goes nothing.

My very best friend of over 10 years has failed me a number of times. We'll call her Lucy. When we were teens, we dreamed of how we would support each other for our respective weddings. Now that it's happening for me, the support is nowhere to be seen.

I know you may be thinking, if she's not there for you how is she still your best friend?

I've been going to therapy this year and I have a more clear understanding of the kind of friendship I want in my life, and Lucy's started to show me how much she's not that.

Some examples include: saying she wants to have a girls night where we drink and do skincare, only for her to tell me we gotta rush because she double booked herself for (eggplant emoji) appointment. Complaining multiple times that I live too far for her to come visit me at my home, so I always drove to her, only for her to drive to the edge of civilization (if you live in florida, you know what i mean) for a friend she hadn't spoken to in 5 years. Asking if I had time in my schedule to have her come over and me being excited to host her and have girl time, only for her to say "great! I need my makeup done for an event." We drove up together for a couples Disney trip for my birthday, only for her to separate and pay little attention to me and my fiance.

You're thinking, okay where is the question here??

Well, during these hard times, i've grown so much closer to my sister. She's 16 years older than me and we were never close when I was growing up. When I close my eyes and think of someone who will be there for me when I need it and have my best interests at heart, I immediately think of my sister! I've already asked her to be my MOH and everything that she's said or done for me since then have just validated how much this was the best decision i could have made.

My best friend Lucy completely assumes that she'll be my MOH or just in my bridal party. And I've realized that i'd be setting myself up for disappointment and hurt if I have her as a bridesmaid. Even my fiance has said to me, "The day of our wedding, we're going to say 'can u believe Lucy did X?' and that's the literal opposite of what our day should be" and if he's saying something like that, it's probably true.

Interestingly enough, I have another best friend who lives in NYC and i see her only once a year for the holidays. I trust her to be there for me more than I do Lucy!

I know for a fact that Lucy is going to confront me soon. Either about why I haven't asked her, or simply to clarify what her position in the bridal party is. How do you think I should handle that? Do I tell her that I don't think it would be a good idea? I know that I should probably be more upset that she's selfish enough to ask me "why am i not a bridesmaid?" but i truly care about her. She's going through it, as is everyone, but that's almost why I think she wouldn't be a good bridesmaid. I want someone who would be there for me.

What would you do?


Latest activity by Liz W, on August 6, 2021 at 8:16 PM
  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    Yikes! I totally agree with your decision (not that you asked or needed validation, but i wanted to give it anyway!)....perhaps something like "I know you have a lot going on, and I wanted to keep the bridal party small. I'm so excited to dance with you at the wedding though! And we'll definitely have to get a few pictures together when we're all done up!" Gosh, I don't know, I'm just throwing out some suggestions. I wish you the best of luck in this possible confrontation and in your wedding planning process!!

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  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    It sounds to me like she isn't really a friend. She just uses you for what you can do for her. And then she gives you these short little pity dates that she knows she is already booked for, all because she wants to string you along for whenever she needs something from you.
    I'd probably drop her as a friend all together. You said after going to therapy that you realize that it isn't the friendship you want. So why keep bothering to maintain this friendship?

    I had a best friend like her but she was a little more toxic. We went out to our old schools bond fire, she ended up inviting another friend which I didn't mind but then when we got there she and her friend ditched me with their kids and ran off with some guys acting like they were 16. Then she was always putting me down for everything. And when I would call her out on it she would use the excuse I'm just looking out for you. Like for example I got a new car, it was a used car but new to me. She pointed out every scratch and dent on the car and had the nerve to tell me my tires are bad, when I watched the mechanic put new tires on it and they had stickers still on the tires. But anyways she thought she would be my MOH as well. I definitely didn't want her in my wedding because she would try and make it about her all while putting me down through the process. She also put me down for my engagement ring and didn't seem at all happy for me when I told her I was engaged. I wanted my mom she and I have become so close when I became an adult. Well my friend had the nerve to ask me if she would be the MOH and I told her I asked my mom. She took to Facebook to complain about how I ruined her bucket list and how she can't believe I took this from her. After that I called her and told her she wouldn't be in the wedding at all and well our friendship ended. I couldn't be happier to not have to deal with her anymore.
    I wouldn't tell her that she isn't in the wedding, but if she asks I'd just say that you already have everyone picked out. I would be honest and tell her that you to are just not as close as the other girls.
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  • A
    Super December 2020
    Anais ·
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    I think in this case, honesty will be the best way to handle this. Wait until she asks you about it, and if she does just say you’ve already made your choice and asked your wedding party. If she asks more questions, just be truthful and say you have other friends you’re closest to. There’s a chance she will be mad, sad, disappointed but I would make sure to stick to your guns as I agree that she will make your wedding day difficult if she is part of the wedding party.
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  • Emma
    Just Said Yes June 2022
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    Katie, oh my god! This is exactly that!

    For one, I'm so very sorry she was in your life to begin with. That level of narcissism is too much to bear. Thank you for sharing!!

    Lucy is definitely a little like that. I told her my boyfriend and I were taking a trip for our anniversary and how I thought it was THE moment, you know? During the trip, she kept messaging me and going "oh right! You're on your trip!" (I was right, it was THE moment, haha) When we came home and I texted her a picture of the ring on my hand, she replied with "ooh, the aesthetic!" and,, that was literally it.

    Her next message to me was asking to see me over zoom to help her with her resume which she then asked zero questions about the engagement or anything.

    I know I'm painting her in a bad light, but I honestly don't think it comes from a terribly malicious place. Through it definitely hurts the same. Like, I know for a fact that if we have a friendly conversation about this, she won't internalize it in the proper way and grow. She'll probably just think i'm a bad friend. And isn't that just the kicker?

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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    “Lucy” is not a friend by your description. Surround yourself with people who love you and support you. You will feel so much better afterwards.

    Be blunt if she asks. You are not required to invite her to the wedding as a guest either.
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  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    Oh wow you would think she would have congratulated you and wanted details. My fiance purposed to me with his grandmothers ring. My ring is his grandmothers and when I told other people their comments were omg that is such an honor, hers was I knew it, I told my mom the ring looked used.

    Unfortunately people like this are always going to play the victim. Hopefully she never asks or if she does she is ok with the answer and understands.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    She sounds like not much of a friend but just to throw a couple things out there. You CAN have two MOH's, there's no rules about that at all. Also if your sister is your MOH will there be other bridesmaids? If not, then that's a perfect reason to say "well I asked my sister and that's all".

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

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  • MariaFario
    Just Said Yes March 2016
    MariaFario ·
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    On the wedding day, you should have the best peoples around you. Without disguise. I think your friend Lucy is a masked person
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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
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    This exactly.

    Tiptoeing around to protect the feelings of someone who doesn't care about your feelings helps no one. Be honest with her. She may freak out, end your "friendship", etc but that is her choice to make. Still with what feels right to you and don't be swayed into including someone in your wedding that you don't trust to be there for you.

    Weddings bring out true colors. For our wedding, people stepped up that I didn't expect and some people I really thought would be there for me proved that the friendship was more one sided and I wasn't a priority. Lucy doesn't sound like someone who is going to make your day better.

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  • Liz W
    Savvy November 2021
    Liz W ·
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    First of all, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I think the first decision you need to make is whether you want to maintain this friendship after the wedding. If the answer is no, I would go with pure honestly and explain that you don't feel as close to her anymore and have been feeling like your friendship is very one-sided. If the answer is yes, then I would keep it simple and just say that you wanted to keep the bridal party small.

    I was a bridesmaid for a friend from high school a few years ago and I think she expected reciprocity because she flat out asked me if we had picked our wedding party and then asked who we picked. She is a loyal friend, but we have a very complicated history and wanted to keep things small, but it was still not a pleasant conversation. Brace yourself, but remember, at the end of the day, this day is about YOU and your fiancé and you should surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel good.

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