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October 2020

Bachelorette Party - Who Pays?

Kristina, on June 29, 2020 at 10:35 AM Posted in Parties and Events 0 8

Hey, y'all! I'm getting married in October and am planning to have a bachelorette party the day before the wedding. My MOH, who lives several states away, is planning it with the help of another bridesmaid who knows the area better, but I just gave her a rough schedule of the day (approximately when to start and when we need to be at the venue for rehearsal), one specific thing I wanted to do (brunch at a certain place), and some general ideas of things I like or that are in the area because she asked. She also asked if I would like for them to throw me a lingerie party during the bachelorette day and I said I was fine with that. As we were talking, she brought up the subject of budget and asked what my budget was for the bachelorette with decorations and such. I was a little taken aback because I thought that she and the other bridesmaids were supposed to cover the costs of a bachelorette. I don't plan on it being super expensive (there will be no alcohol involved = less expense), but obviously I don't know what activities she will plan - I suggested stuff like mini golf, an escape room, walking downtown, hanging at a coffee shop, etc. I am fine to pay for my own meals/activities for the day, and I can pitch in if someone else can't afford the places we go and other activities. I think she was mainly referencing the decorations or fun things she might buy for the day, but I feel it's really odd to throw someone a party then ask them to pay for decorations. I understand she and her husband are trying really hard to save money for higher degrees, and she is supposed to be in another wedding in England this summer (which she might not be able to go to because of costs/COVID travel stuff), so I don't want to be a stickler, but I don't know what to do. When I hesitated and asked what kind of budget she was thinking and that I guess I could cover some as long as it wasn't a lot, she also said she could probably pitch in some.

She is driving in to the wedding, but will not have to pay any lodging costs as she will stay with her sister a few days before the wedding, and my parents are paying for all the wedding party (and their spouses) to stay at the venue for 2 nights. As my parents are largely paying for the wedding, lodging, and hair for the bridesmaids, I don't feel like costs are too high for any of my bridesmaids. I let them choose their own style of dress within certain parameters from a specific website, and I even kept checking back until I found the dress my MOH wanted on sale for $50 (less than half price, even though she may have to have it altered as the sale dress was a little big for her).

I am saving to be able to buy some nicer gifts for the bridal party, but I guess I can buy my own decorations, too? I don't want to cause a rift, so I would rather just pay for it than cause drama, but I'm just a little hurt and confused. Am I wrong or being a bridezilla? Should I try to discuss it with the other bridesmaid (also a very close friend) who is helping her plan? I just don't want to cause drama (my stomach is in knots now just thinking about it), but I also would prefer not to spend $200 on decorations for myself...I almost don't want to even have the lingerie party or celebration now because it feels less special. Any advice?

-Confused Bride


Latest activity by Jaime, on June 29, 2020 at 4:43 PM
  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
    Caytlyn ·
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    If you're planning on going to different places for different activities instead of staying stationary at hotel room or restaurant or something, I can't imagine how or why decorations would be necessary. I would just tell her that each person can pay for themselves and you don't really need any decor.

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I agree with pp. I’m planning a bachelorette right now for my bride and no way are we asking her to pay things for herself and honestly it doesn’t even cost a lot to have decorations. On amazon they sell decor kits for like less than $20
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  • Hanna
    VIP June 2019
    Hanna ·
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    Completely agree with this!

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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    I agree, it doesn't really seem like you need decorations. My bridesmaids took me overnight somewhere for a surprise bachelorette and the only decoration was that they bought one of those cheesy "bachelorette" sashes and a pack of pins that said "maid of honor, bridesmaid, bride" on them that we wore when we went out for the fun of it. Probably cost a whole $20 if that.
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  • Mindy
    Super November 2020
    Mindy ·
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    I was under the understanding that the bridal shower and Bach party was thrown by your girls and that they covered the cost. The only time I have seen anything to the contrary is if you were flying somewhere or staying in a hotel for it, then it was highly recommended that you cover your own room and travel expenses.
    I’m just wondering if trying to do all that the day before will be more stressful and less fun than expected...especially with all the current concerns. 🤞🏼🤞🏼Hope your girls can figure this out so you all can have an enjoyable day.
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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
    MrsD ·
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    Decorations aren't necessary. I'd tell her you have no problem paying for your own portion of the bachelorette but you don't have extra to contribute for decorations & things like that. Every bach I've been to, the bridesmaids & MOH covered that kind of thing.

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  • Mcskipper
    Master July 2018
    Mcskipper ·
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    Agree with the masses. I’d say I’m happy to cover my activities but don’t have a decor budget and wasn’t planning on buying any. Kind of push the ball back into her court— if she wants to organize decor she can reach out to the girls. If no one does decor? Won’t take away from the day’s activities AT ALL. This is something they can organize if someone wants to step up, or go without , and the day will still be a blast without decor !!

    Ps— we didn’t really have organized decor at my Bach (we did a weekend at an air bnb), but some of the girls still showed up with stuff (one couldn’t resist some penis tchotchkes, and one brought custom koozies), but as far as I know they were just ideas they had on their own and brought for fun!ALSO - my shower decor was minimal but adorable and FREE. They decorated with stuff around the house— twine and clothespins to make a photo display, and fresh flowers— from the garden! It was beautiful and didn’t cost anyone anything. Still, you definitely should be expected to decorate a thing being thrown for you!!
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  • J
    Expert May 2021
    Jaime ·
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    That does sound strange. Are they perhaps younger and maybe don't realize when you offer host an event for someone, that you actually are the ones to pay to host it (you know, aside from individual activities that people may pay for themselves)? I agree with others, I would push the ball back in their court - that you will pay for your activities and that you haven't set aside any money for decor. I get it though, it might feel a little awkward, but it will let them know that you aren't paying for anything additional without having to tell them what a host would pay for. They will get it.

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