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Devoted May 2018

Acne treatment and skin care routine

Erika., on September 21, 2017 at 11:55 PM Posted in Wedding Attire 0 36

Hi everyone!

I'm posting because as my wedding gets closer and closer, I'm starting to freak out about my skin more and more. I know it can take months to treat skin, so I'm really needing some help with this one!

I've never deal with acne growing up or even in high school. It's been an issue the past few years now. But I've always been really insecure.

Currently I just use a Clean and Clear face wash with salicylic acid. I don't sleep with make up on. I wash my face after working out - even if I only can use water.

My skin is not dry nor oily. But I get red blemishes and gross acne breakouts. The red blemishes also get inflamed sometimes. And it hurts.

I'm attaching pictures to give more of a visual. Luckily it's not as bad this week for some odd reason.

Another thing not seen in the pictures are bumps all across my forehead. They are a lot more visible with foundation on.

Please let me know what all works for you guys!


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  • Erika.
    Devoted May 2018
    Erika. ·
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    Sorry, on mobile!

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  • FSTL
    VIP September 2018
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    Have you been to a dermatologist? I was having a similar problem. I never had acne at all until my second year of college, and I broke OUT. My entire face was covered. It was horrible and really brought my self esteem down so much. I went to a dermatologist and I have tried a few different products since then, my skin has gotten a lot better, but still not as clear as it once was. I thought breakouts mostly happened to teenagers and I had miraculously skipped that phase, but my derm says that it is extremely common for people to start breaking out in their early twenties.

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  • Diane
    Dedicated January 2018
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    Adapaline just became available over the counter so you may want to try that. It may also be beneficial to see a doctor. They may prescribe an oral antibiotic such as minocycline

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  • MrsMcK
    VIP September 2017
    MrsMcK ·
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    Luckily you have enough time, you should go to a dermatologist.

    Drink lots of water, change your pillow cases often, and keep your hands away from your face. Other than that, everyone's skin is different and what may work for some won't work for everyone. That's why it's a good idea to see a doctor for specific treatment.

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  • FSTL
    VIP September 2018
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    I just want to second @diana. They sell something called differin gel at Walgreens that used to be prescription only but has recently become over the counter, and that was actually one of the first products I tried. It didn't work for me as well as I had hoped so I am currently on the "stronger" version that my dermatologist prescribed to me.

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  • VABW
    Savvy May 2018
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    I started breaking out pretty bad last year and my sister got me Artistry Hydra V and it works great for me. They have a cleanser, toner, and then 3 different lotions you can choose from depending on your skin type. I don't know a whole lot about this stuff so I just use whatever she gives me

    But I agree with the PPs, a dermatologist visit is definitely a good place to start

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  • Erika.
    Devoted May 2018
    Erika. ·
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    I'm definitely gonna go to a dermatologist. But my brother in law says that they'll just prescribe pills that'll make my skin super dry and make me peel.

    If that's the case, maybe also use a good moisturizer?

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  • FSTL
    VIP September 2018
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    @OP my dermatologist hasn't prescribed me any pills. Just face wash, the stronger "differin" topical cream and I use cera ve moisturizer.

    On another note, I believe what your BIL is referring to when he says pills is accutane(?), which is usually a last resort for dermatologists, as they don't like to recommend it because of the side effects. Extreme dryness, peeling, painfully dry lips, etc. it is supposed to "cure" acne, but of course it takes a while and gets worse before it gets better. I believe you even have to sign waivers that you won't get pregnant and pledge to use forms of birth control while you are on it, as it can cause birth defects. I had a friend on accutane in high school.

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  • PG
    Dedicated November 2017
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    In high school my doctor used to prescribe me doxycycline. It'd help clear it up. I've always had issues with acne and just this January decided to try the Rodan+Fields products. Two friends had used it and had amazing results. I'm seriously in love with their unblemish regimen. It's expensive but so so so worth it!

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  • Erika.
    Devoted May 2018
    Erika. ·
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    Should I try OTC Differin first before going to the dermatologist?

    @FSTL my brother was prescribed accutane a few years back and he got extremely dry lips. But he no longer suffers from acne and it's totally gotten to his head. Now I'll get one pimple and he is so rude. Possible side effects: cockiness!

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  • Nicole2017
    Master August 2017
    Nicole2017 ·
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    I just went to a dermatologist for the first time in years and got started on a medicated face wash, toner, moisturizer regimen as well as a pill that's not accutane so I haven't had any side effects. It's slowly helping me.

    But to be honest my makeup artist did such a great job on me for the wedding you can't tell I have acne in any of my pictures (I have ALOT of acne at all times) I was confident this would be the case so I waited until my schedule freed up to see a dermatologist after the wedding

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  • Hannah
    Super August 2017
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    You should go to a dermatologist so you don't have to waste time experimenting. Different things work for different people. I used to have horrible acne since I was young and I tried everything under the sun. The only thing that makes it pretty much clear is just leaving it alone for the most part. I wash it and moisturize. That's it.

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  • Jennifer
    Expert May 2018
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    There are two causes to acne (Hormonal and bacterial). If you are under stress, it will lead to break outs. The hormonal acne has to be treated by a doctor, if it is bacterial there are a few things you can do.

    Use salicylic acid only on the pimples, salicylic acid dries your skin, your body will produce more sebum or oil if your drying out your skin. Even if you have super oily skin.

    Use a good facial wash for your skin type. I use Dermalogica Special Cleaning Gel its good for combination skin.

    Don't over wash your face, again will produce more oils.

    Use a Facial mask every 2 weeks to draw out the impurities.

    Change your pillow cases regularly

    Don't put your face against your phone.

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  • Monica
    Dedicated June 2018
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    Dermo man! best 100$ you'll ever spend, they'll probably put you an antibiotics which take about 3-6 months to work so you have plenty of time for your wedding, you can be on them for 1 yr and they're work magic wonders and you can go off them after wedding and your skin will return to normal. I had no side effects from their medication and I'm a sensitive person, your brother is probably talking about acutane which is RARELY prescribed anymore and its only for severe cases usually. They can also recommend topical solutions, but those are actually more expensive than the antibitoics. Clean and clear is harsh on the skin, switch to cetaphil and cerave products, you can get them at Meijer or any pharmacy and they're very gentle on the skin but still clean it. Clean and clear tends to overdry skin which causes more oil production and more acne. I use a cetaphil cleanser morning and night or after a workout and then apply cerave face lotion, keeping the skin hydrated and clean is key. (I've had bad skin since I was 12 so trust me I got this) and also your skin really isn't that bad, dermo will find an easy solution for you.

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  • Monica
    Dedicated June 2018
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    Also note that if they do antibiotics your skin will get worse before it gets better, but then it will be amazing once it works! So don't expect immediate solutions from anything. Change pillow case often and try not to touch your face or pick at pimples. Follow the dermos plan plus twice a day wash with cetaphil and moisturize after each wash with cerave and you'll be golden. I would stay away from the sacylic acid for now, if it's not used properly it can overdry your skin and just make things work, just follow the dermo and don't try to treat it by yourself.

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  • Elizabeth
    Expert May 2018
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    1) As kind hearted as the advice has been on here...DON'T use any products anyone suggested. Everyone's skin is different, and what might work for some, might make your issues worse.

    2) Like others have suggested, def make an appointment with a dermatologist. They specialize in skin and unlike what your brother-in-law stated, they will recommend products and potentially medication that's tailored specifically to your skin issues.

    3) Try removing your makeup prior to working out. If that's not going to happen, then make sure at the very least, you use a makeup remover wipe on your face post workout instead of just water.

    4) Do not try OTC Differin like you mention above, until you go to the dermatologist.

    5) If you're getting small bumps on your forehead along with breakouts on your cheeks, etc., a culprit might be over drying and increased oil production to compensate. Until you see your derm, I would suggest stopping with the Clean & Clear wash, and using something more mild like Purpose cleanser.

    6) make sure your regularly washing your pillow cases as well as makeup brushes and sponges. Try sleeping with your hair in a low ponytail and away from your face.

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  • VC
    Super April 2018
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    Personally, I would skip the dermatologist, because they're a waste IMO. Theyll see you for 3 minutes and prescribe some expensive cream. Skip it.

    Instead, find a salon near you that does facials, specifically acne facials. You can probably search through Yelp in your area, that way you'll get tons of reviews too. They'll take their time, clean your skin, and guaranteed you'll see MUCH better results than with any dermatologist.

    Take it from someone who's struggled with acne since I was a teenager.

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  • Zaz
    Master October 2016
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    I have occasional breakouts, and seemed doomed to live forever with blackheads on my nose - seriously, nothing worked. After trying three different facial cleansers over the course of 18 months, I finally chucked them all and started using plain ole regular Dove soap. In the last three months, my skin has cleared up, the breakouts have cut down to almost zero, and the blackheads are completely gone. My skin is clean, clear, soft, and moisturized.

    This may or may not work for you, OP, but it mat be something to consider trying while waiting to see a dermatologist.

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  • Emily
    Super July 2019
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    Back in the teenage years I was on accutane. They DO NOT prescribe that stuff lightly. They were hesitant to do it before making me try gels first, but I wanted it clear by prom so they did. They make you go on a super strict birth control regime due to EXTREME birth defeats if you're pregnant while on it. I had to take a quiz on my birth control every month in order for the accutane prescription to renew. It made my skin soooo dry and peely and I always needed chapstick. It also messed with my (red or white?- can't remember) blood cell counts and they took me off for a month. Overall, yeah I was thrilled to have clear skin. But man, that stuff is intense.

    Try Differin and make an appointment. Can't hurt

    ETA: I guess my point was that Accutane isn't as simple as take a pill, put on chapstick and you're done. It was a terrible few months. Please think about this if they try to push it on you

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  • Alforev
    VIP August 2018
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    I've noticed that since I've been exercising a lot more this summer, I was breaking out like crazy and I'm still having issues. I'm going to just try not to touch my face and I'm trying charcoal face masks.

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