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Happily married 🎉

August 22, 2015

3215days 12hrs
How can I make them apart of the wedding w/o being in the actual bridal party?
E1RA, on October 9, 2016 at 6:05 PM

Hi, my Bridal party is already getting too big and I really wanted to keep it very small. I'm trying to keep it to only 4-5 bridesmaids total my cousin-MOH, my other sister, my aunt & bff. I have my...

Mrs.Thornton, Oct 10, 2016 8
TMNT Bride
NWR - Assisted Suicide - thoughts/opinions?
TMNT Bride, on July 15, 2016 at 9:54 AM

A friend recently posted an article on Facebook about a teenage girl with an incurable disease making the decision to die and he posted a quote with it. "Suicidal teens without disabilities get...

Laura, Jul 15, 2016 15
Say what?
Sept2017AKBride, on July 14, 2016 at 1:04 PM

I was talking to my aunt last night who is attending a wedding this weekend. The invite indicated that the wedding is black tie formal. The wedding is on Saturday. The welcome party is tonight. My...

Lynn, Jul 14, 2016 23
What have you learned on WW?
FutureMrs.Dyson, on July 12, 2016 at 1:55 PM

I'm still a little new here, but I've learned so much! 1) What a honeyfund and Jack and Jill shower is. 2) Your bridesmaids are your friends and family, not employees. 3) Just because the majority of...

AshMar, Jul 13, 2016 49
FH dropped the ball big time *update in comments
Sarah195, on July 12, 2016 at 10:04 AM

And the church isn’t completely blameless either. Back in January we decided rather than get married at our reception venue we wanted a church wedding so we visited the church and booked it. We knew...

Sarah195, Jul 12, 2016 24
What to call our ceremony?
Becca, on July 8, 2016 at 3:10 PM

We had to legally get married about 6 months before our scheduled date. We are still planning on our "wedding" in October. But what do we call it now? We are doing more than just a reception.

Miss.MtoMrs..K, Jul 11, 2016 67
Roaring 20's ideas
Morales331, on July 8, 2016 at 12:29 PM

Hi everyone!! I am having a roaring 20's themed wedding. Any ideas on what kind of favors I should do or cool ideas? Thanks! =)

September Bride, Jul 8, 2016 19
Is it Necessary?
Linda, on July 7, 2016 at 12:13 PM

Is it necessary to invite your boss to your wedding? FH and I work for the same company and we were wondering if it would be rude if we didnt include our Boss on the guest list mostly because its not...

Kisha, Jul 7, 2016 30
Disappointed for FH
Natalie, on June 30, 2016 at 1:20 PM

FH informed me last night that his best friend since grade school will not be able to be in our wedding anymore due to his wife's issues. He felt really bad, but I can't help but be a upset because...

Natalie, Jun 30, 2016 45
Wedding/Bridal shower registry help
Kendrie, on June 29, 2016 at 9:51 PM

Okay i need help with, what exactly is okay to put on registry :-/ So theres accessories i would love for the wedding like The cake cutters, special robe, card box, glasses for toast, etc... I was...

Kendrie, Jun 30, 2016 20
Moscow Mules
E-CO, on June 29, 2016 at 4:18 PM

Moscow Mule lovers- do you think you could tell the difference between ginger beer and ginger ale? The price of ginger beer has gone through the roof and it'll cost me over $60 to stock it for...

JulyPittsburghBride, Jun 30, 2016 40
OG Brittany
NWR - My friend from HS is on a reality TV show
OG Brittany, on June 29, 2016 at 2:00 PM

His first episode on "Coupled" aired last night on FOX, and I about died watching him, especially his shower hookup scene. But in his defense, he stayed pretty true to himself, So I think I may have a...

OG Brittany, Jun 29, 2016 101
Bridal shower/wedding gifts
Tracie, on June 29, 2016 at 11:27 AM

Question, my FH and I have about a $9000 wedding budget (yes, small I know), do you think it's incredibly tacky to ask for money at the shower or wedding? I'm thinking shower money to help pay...

Lauren B., Jun 29, 2016 24
Mary, on June 28, 2016 at 2:28 PM

I'm trying to figure out how to get from the Brown X to the blue X without being seen

Lara, Jun 28, 2016 35
Vegetarian Menu?
Dana993, on June 28, 2016 at 9:37 AM

So here is the menu my caterer has come up with. We will be going to a tasting next week so I was hoping to get your opinions so I could recommend any changes to them. We will also have cake (of...

Allymonbanana, Jun 29, 2016 303
How do I get him to propose
LaQwana, on June 27, 2016 at 3:48 PM

I'm love with him. He tells me he's in love with me and wants to be his Mrs. But he hasn't proposed. He keeps bringing up kids but I don't want have anymore until there's a ring on my finger how do I...

Jacky, Jul 1, 2016 78
Moms of the bride and groom
Melissa, on June 27, 2016 at 10:49 AM

My colors for my wedding are plum and pewter. The grooms mom will be walking our 1 month old niece down the Isle and my mom will be walking me down the isle. What color should I have them wear??!! The...

Celia Milton, Jun 27, 2016 8
Low budget wedding
Colbie, on June 24, 2016 at 3:02 PM

Hi friends, I'm recently engaged (obvi), and we have decided on a color scheme ( lavender, navy and blush) with a boho spring theme. The date is May 28, 2017. We also decided on spending only...

Colbie, Jun 24, 2016 86
Kelly Clarkson
SoonToBeDames, on June 24, 2016 at 12:57 PM

Is anyone related to Kelly Clarkson? I need to ask her to sing as I walk down the aisle. #notserious #kindofseriousthough #nobutseriously

JPB808, Jun 24, 2016 33
*Update* I can't believe this sh!t, y'all
FutureMrsWhitman, on June 24, 2016 at 11:27 AM

A good friend of mine is having her bridal shower tomorrow. Yes, I waited until the last minute to look at their registry because that's just how I am...a procrastinator. First of all, they only have...

OMW, Jun 26, 2016 170
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