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Happily married 🎉

December 7, 2018

2009days 15hrs

Lynnie commented:

2061 days ago

Are you a tried-and-true traditionalist, or are you taking a more modern approach to wedding planning? Come tell us if you went modern or traditional in these community discussions:

Lynnie commented:

2093 days ago

The countdown is on!! How much time are you taking off work for your wedding and honeymoon? 📅 Share your plans with other couples in this community conversation:

Lynnie commented:

2124 days ago

Relationships (and wedding planning) are filled with a whole bunch of "firsts" - and we want to hear about yours!! Come tell us all about your firsts by answering these questions:

Lynnie commented:

2139 days ago

Are you planning a Florida wedding? Come share the where and when of your wedding plans in this community discussion just for Florida weddings:

Lynnie commented:

2156 days ago

When did you book your honeymoon? Have you already started making plans? Come share your travel tips and expert advice in this community conversation:


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2193 days ago

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Lynnie commented:

2193 days ago

From your wedding dress to your shoes and your bouquet... there's a lot of color decisions to make for your wedding! We want to know where you went for all white, and where you're adding in some color.💙 Come share your answers in these community discussions:

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