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Syd D. S.
Syd D. S.

Happily married 🎉

July 28, 2018

2150days 6hrs


Syd D. S.
Super small weddings!
Syd D. S. in Planning, on March 5, 2017 at 7:29 PM

Calling all brides who had 20 or less guests! FH and I are contemplating having a super small wedding in order to have everything we want--dream location, really good food, etc--all without going over...

Mrs. Spring, Jan 8, 2021 20 115
Syd D. S.
What can I do instead of dancing?
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on January 5, 2017 at 5:36 PM

I just really don't enjoy dancing, and I don't love to be the center of attention. So dancing at my wedding? Yikes. I know it's my day and my decision, but I also want to be a good host for my guests...

Shesaysyes, Dec 20, 2020 34 14,082 3
Syd D. S.
Do you ever doubt your future spouse is the one?
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on May 10, 2017 at 8:37 PM

First, let me preface this and say that FH and I have discussed premarital counseling, and will hopefully be setting it up soon. I also go to therapy myself, so that's taken care of. But I wanted to...

Sam, Nov 17, 2019 89 2,462
Syd D. S.
Broke up with FH, wedding is off
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on June 4, 2017 at 2:20 PM

Title says it all. Some of you might remember my last post where I asked if any of you have doubted if your FH was the one you want to be with. I was having so many nagging doubts, and I kept tucking...

Michelle, Jun 4, 2017 39 76
Syd D. S.
Show me your moissanites!
Syd D. S. in Wedding Attire, on April 30, 2017 at 10:32 AM

FH and I have been having a lot of heart-to-heart conversations lately, about us and our future. We've decided to go to premarital counseling, which I know will be so helpful for us. While we've been...

Susan, May 1, 2017 25 958
Syd D. S.
Should I cancel my engagement pictures?
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on April 22, 2017 at 1:47 AM

Long story short: FH and I are talking about taking a break. Maybe even a permanent one. We rushed into the engagement, and I'm not sure if this is what I want anymore. I don't always know if we're...

ShanynL, Apr 22, 2017 26 37
Syd D. S.
276 questions to ask your FH!
Syd D. S. in Community Conversations, on April 15, 2017 at 11:22 PM

We just went through these tonight and it was so good! Obviously most of these topics we've discussed prior to getting engaged, but it was fun to talk through and to see how we would handle...

Bo Leigh, Apr 16, 2017 16 26
Syd D. S.
NWR: yogis!
Syd D. S. in Community Conversations, on April 10, 2017 at 11:03 PM

I'm trying my first yoga class tomorrow and I'm so excited! It's a hot yoga studio. I'm also a bit nervous as I have no clue what to expect, and I'm the opposite of flexible... like I can't even touch...

roman_holiday, Apr 11, 2017 11 12
Syd D. S.
Syd D. S. in Planning, on April 8, 2017 at 10:15 PM

This might be the stupidest question ever! I know that ETA means you edited your comment, but am I expected to explain why? I see people posting "ETA: ___", but I always just edit it and save. Just...

Melissa, Apr 8, 2017 2 12
Syd D. S.
E-ring/wedding band dilemma
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on April 5, 2017 at 8:08 PM

I've posted before that we bought my engagement ring online, and it really does not look like what I was expecting. (We picked it out together.) But, my FH was really excited about it, and I didn't...

TamraTexas, Apr 5, 2017 15 25
Syd D. S.
NWR: Paging those in the medical field!
Syd D. S. in Community Conversations, on March 30, 2017 at 10:52 PM

Thinking about trying to go back to school after the wedding. I've always wanted to go into the medical field, and there are so many different areas to choose from. I'm particularly interested in the...

AnnieL, Apr 4, 2017 66 78
Syd D. S.
FH wants uncle to officiate...
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on March 27, 2017 at 1:39 PM

I am against friendors, and quite honestly I'm not a huge fan of his uncle anyways. He's a pastor and FH says he does all the family weddings and will be "hurt" if we don't ask him to officiate. I...

Celia Milton, Mar 29, 2017 7 8
Syd D. S.
Brunch weddings!
Syd D. S. in Planning, on March 26, 2017 at 1:51 PM

Who here has had or is planning a brunch wedding? I love the idea, but I'd love to hear more pros and cons. My FH and I aren't the party-all-night kind of people, and we love the laid-back feel of a...

smox, Mar 26, 2017 12 429
Syd D. S.
Planning a semi-elopement a year out?
Syd D. S. in Planning, on March 23, 2017 at 11:43 PM

I doubt anyone actually remembers things that I post, given that doesn't happen often, but our wedding plans have changed a few times now. We have gone through what each type of wedding would look...

FutureFuji, Mar 24, 2017 7 283
Syd D. S.
I don't really love my engagement ring
Syd D. S. in Wedding Attire, on February 17, 2017 at 10:19 PM

When it came time to get the ring (a few months ago), I asked my FH if he would let me pick a few rings to choose from. I'm too picky to let him have free reign. He agreed and I chose a few from Etsy....

Jess, Mar 17, 2017 70 93
Syd D. S.
NWR: going to an OBGYN for the first time!
Syd D. S. in Fitness and Health, on February 28, 2017 at 3:07 PM

I don't have many girlfriends in my life to ask about their experience, so here I am! I'm going to a lady doctor for the first time this week. Also getting a birth control prescription for the first...

MoweryMe, Feb 28, 2017 40 58
Syd D. S.
Tell vendors you aren't using them?
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on February 27, 2017 at 9:46 AM

If you've reached out to several venues, photographers, etc., and have decided to go with someone else, do reach out & let them know you won't be using them, or just leave it?

StPaulGal, Feb 27, 2017 7 329
Syd D. S.
Perfect venue/planner..over budget.
Syd D. S. in Planning, on February 24, 2017 at 7:39 PM

We are doing a DW in Florida. At first I was going to get a beach permit, get all the rentals, and basically do everything from scratch. Considering that it's also 6 hours away, we just decided that...

Syd D. S., Feb 25, 2017 21 46
Syd D. S.
DW wedding etiquette?
Syd D. S. in Etiquette and Advice, on February 16, 2017 at 9:12 PM

My FH and I have decided on a DW in St. Simons Island, GA! We're so freaking excited. We'll probably end up inviting 50 people, though we're expecting less. My parents have kindly offered to foot the...

Syd D. S., Feb 17, 2017 9 38
Syd D. S.
Small destination vs. big & local?
Syd D. S. in Planning, on February 11, 2017 at 12:48 PM

There have probably been many posts about this subject, but we're really having a hard time figuring exactly what kind of wedding we want! On one hand, we think it would be so awesome to be surrounded...

Nikki, Feb 12, 2017 10 133
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