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Happily married 🎉

March 12, 2012

4578days 7hrs


Shoe Stretching
Pan in Style and Décor, on August 9, 2012 at 1:18 PM

So I got this really cute pair of shoes that's just a little narrow at the toes. Anyone know a good way to stretch them out?

Alec, Jul 6, 2017 11 32
Bridal Party Gifts, When to Give Them?
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on October 24, 2011 at 4:58 AM

So, at what point should you give your BM's your BM gifts? Right before the wedding, at the engagement party, after the wedding, rehearsal dinner? It's my first marriage(lol), so I'm not sure. I'm...

Katrina Goodrich, Sep 28, 2016 11 582
Color Palette Generators
Pan in Style and Décor, on April 17, 2013 at 2:15 AM

For any brides who have no idea what colors to pick, or who have one color want another 1 or two but don't know what color(s) to pair with it. It's actually a really useful tool. I use them a lot if...

Blair, Nov 2, 2015 4 272 1
Share Your Proposal Stories!
Pan in Community Conversations, on October 28, 2011 at 8:19 AM

Just for fun. No matter how it's done I think it's interesting how many different ways there are to propose. So, how did your future hubby propose to you? Was it a long time coming, or a spur of the...

Jared, Dec 17, 2013 47 159
Don't Sweat it!
Pan in Community Conversations, on October 19, 2013 at 1:16 PM

We all know people like to give opinions. It gets annoying, but they aren't actually serious I've learned. They just like to tell people what to do. So, the next time your mom's second cousin twice...

Barbara, Oct 20, 2013 4 14
NWR Should I just cancel?
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on October 19, 2013 at 11:47 AM

I don't know if she is on here or not, but I ordered some makeup from a bride in the facebook group. I needed some Fall colors, and my favorite not pricey lipstick is Avon so I thought I'd help out a...

Jay Farrell, Oct 19, 2013 7 3
What the?
Pan in Community Conversations, on September 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM

Serious question, what the heck does "twerk" mean? I am probably the most unhip 20 something ever so I seriously have no clue what it means other than it's negative(probably?) or possibly some kind of...

Michelle, Sep 22, 2013 22 24
Workouts to do at home?
Pan in Fitness and Health, on June 30, 2012 at 2:12 AM

I'd love to join a gym, but there are no 24 hour ones around here, and me working at night and sleeping in the mornings makes it pretty unlikely I would be able to drive an hour to go to the gym every...

Hannah, Aug 13, 2013 35 31
Do people think kids are a hobby or something? Vent
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on May 19, 2013 at 2:33 PM

I have an...acquaintance who is about my age and had a kid when she was 15 and another one last year. Well, she's one of those who still feels she should be able to enjoy her 20s and will complain and...

Vanessa <3, May 19, 2013 22 5
A Thin Line
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on May 4, 2013 at 6:49 PM

Or alternatively "Why you should send BP invites". I love that my friend "A" is so laid back and undemanding. I'm really lucky that she is, cuz I know there's some crazies out there who think they...

ForeverMyLove, May 4, 2013 2 4
Tastings and Venues. Just Curious BM Related
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on April 22, 2013 at 8:47 PM

Can anyone explain why people feel hurt if others decline going to tastings(food/cake) and looking at venues? I just don't get why you would need your BMs to go with you. Especially if they have...

All Smiles, Apr 22, 2013 6 6
House Hunters?
Pan in Community Conversations, on April 19, 2013 at 6:28 PM

Looking at this house . Anyone else house hunting? We're pretty much getting a feel for what's out there and at what...

MJ, Apr 19, 2013 4 14
Other Things That Cost Just As Much or More, and are Possibly Once in a Lifetime
Pan in Community Conversations, on April 19, 2013 at 4:48 PM

Just talking to a friend, and got onto the subject of weddings (lots of weddings this year). Well, she brought up an interesting point about college and how not only does it cost as much or more than...

Just Reenski, Apr 19, 2013 3
Cross your fingers and toes! NWR
Pan in Community Conversations, on April 17, 2013 at 3:29 PM

I have 2 job interviews tomorrow. Hopefully I can get hired by both in alternate shifts. That would really help me out. One is full time seasonal and the other one is part-time, so if I can get both...

Private User, Apr 17, 2013 6 15
Passive Aggressive In-Laws Vent
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on April 16, 2013 at 12:52 PM

Or maybe just personalities clashing, or whatever. MIL sort of asked me if I can pick up my nephew from school and possibly watch him and his sister, but she kept going back and forth between me...

, Apr 17, 2013 13 18
What to make....
Pan in Community Conversations, on April 16, 2013 at 2:14 PM

My friend's bridal shower is this Saturday. Her mom, grandma, and aunts are throwing it. They offered to keep the BMs from having to take it on, because 1 is just graduating, 1 is still in school, 2...

MonkeysandBananas, Apr 17, 2013 25 26
What the heck? NWR
Pan in Community Conversations, on April 16, 2013 at 9:57 AM

Why do companies even allow for uploading your resume if you still end up online filling out their application with all the same info as in your resume? I might as well have not written one :/

, Apr 16, 2013 12 11
Confessions of a Terrible Bridesmaid
Pan in Etiquette and Advice, on April 1, 2013 at 10:02 PM

...well I would be a terrible one according to a lot of people's apparent expectations(my bride doesn't actually think I am...I think). Well, I thought this might possibly be helpful or maybe just...

Murphy Birdsall, Apr 2, 2013 33 28
Budget Bride? DIY a Silver Ring
Pan in Do It Yourself, on March 30, 2013 at 5:20 PM

If you have a lot of patience and time and can find a 1964 or earlier half dollar or quarter you can make a ring for 24 cents. If you can't find them, you can easily buy one at a coin shop or ebay for...

RayRay, Apr 1, 2013 11 16
NWR Virtual Dress for your body site
Pan in Wedding Attire, on March 28, 2013 at 5:02 AM

You plug in some info, and it recommends clothes for you. Kinda neat. Most of my recommended dresses are from Modcloth which is funny, because I love that site.

Pan, Mar 28, 2013 10
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