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Master September 2014

Worst Wedding Guests

Staci, on October 10, 2014 at 1:52 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 54

Whether the wedding has taken place or not, you probably already know who is going to cause problems! But for me my sister's boyfriend turned out to be the wildcard. They broke up/got back together/broke up/got back together several times before the wedding. Then I finally get to meet him at the...

Whether the wedding has taken place or not, you probably already know who is going to cause problems! But for me my sister's boyfriend turned out to be the wildcard. They broke up/got back together/broke up/got back together several times before the wedding. Then I finally get to meet him at the rehearsal and realize he is a total scuzz bag.

My BMs were practicing putting my dress on (sister is MOH) and he comes into the hotel room and sits on the couch drinking a beer! While BMs have their hands/heads/etc stuck up my dress and various parts of my body are exposed! SIL had to physically escort him out of the room.

People were coming up to me all night asking me who he was and telling me that he had either given them his business card or inappropriately tried rubbing their backs.

Who was the guest all your other guests were talking about at the wedding? Or who are you most worried about misbehaving?


  • M
    Master December 2014
    Melissa ·
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    I'm worried about FH crazy sister. She was a bridesmaid but was kicked out of the bridal party b/c she's nuts. I'm worried she will cause some sort of drama.

    I'm also worried about FH Slutty girl friend. She is the type of girl who needs to be the center of attention and hangs all over every guy, even if they're married. If she shows up in white or touches FH or any of the married men she's getting kicked out.

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  • KarenM
    Master November 2014
    KarenM ·
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    We cut out the drama. FH's brother and my nephew are not on the guest list. No one is questioning us about it. Most of the family is behind us.

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  • Future Mrs Yocum
    Expert November 2014
    Future Mrs Yocum ·
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    I have a couple bad guests.

    It's practically tradition that when FH's friends drink, certain couples fight quite dramatically. Too bad I couldn't have a dry wedding. Lol.

    Also, FH's sister is living with one guy and ALSO 'secretly' still seeing the father of her children and she's bringing him. Apparently she told FH that she would be cuddling and kissing this guy all night and FH told her he would kick her out since her reason for bringing him was "Only because the kids are in the wedding." It makes us both seriously upset that she's acting so stupid so I hope she doesn't start anything at the wedding. :-/

    His side is fuuuuull of drama.

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  • Sarah
    Master October 2014
    Sarah ·
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    My sister has a world of trouble always. She doesn't recognize social boundaries and is mentally unstable. Her highlights from my wedding yesterday...

    *She had been walking around the chapel barefoot while we were getting everything set-up for family photos. I asked her nicely to put her shoes on for the pictures and she got mad and threw a shoe at me.

    *At the reception she approached my best friend (who she never met before yesterday). She started talking in a robot voice, saying she wasn't crazy... followed by a bunch of crazy talk.

    *She thinks she sees and talks to spirits. During the reception she came up to me saying that our dead mother's spirit had just presented itself in the form of a spider. They had a long and deep conversation.

    It's sad but also a gamble to have her at a social function where not everyone knows how she is. Lord only knows what she said to other people.

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  • F
    VIP October 2014
    FutureMrsS ·
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    Here are my worries:

    FMIL. She is a controlling narcissist. If things don't go her way or she doesn't get enough attention.... She causes drama and fights. It has to be her show and her way all the time.

    FFIL. He has a hair-trigger temper. He explodes at any perceived slight against himself or his wife.

    Bc they aren't enough fun.... We are sitting all of are family at one table. It's a small wedding and it's easier that way. So my dad, his current wife, his ex-wife (my ex-stepmom), and my aunt and cousin and their husbands. Now my aunt and cousin are my bio mom's (my dad's first wife) family. (I don't have contact with my bio mom.) I'm pretty sure my dad's current wide doesn't know he was married three times (she thinks two). So add in alcohol and this is gonna be great. I can't imagine what could go wrong. Oh, also at this table... FH's grandma who has dementia and another random relative with severe anxiety and OCD. It's gonna be a shit show.

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  • L
    Savvy May 2015
    Lydia ·
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    I thought my Dad was going to be the wild card - but suddenly my mom has gotten all weird because of an imminent divorce concerning a relative. She's telling me I shouldn't marry my fiancee because he isn't religious. I guess she doesn't realize nobody in the world is as religious as she is...

    Both mothers want our ceremony to be religious, but we don't believe in the church. Blah. But the good news is, I'm now to the point that I am ready to just tell people they don't have to come if they don't want to - or they're welcome to leave as soon as they start to misbehave. Always with a smile, of course.

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  • kahlcara
    Master August 2013
    kahlcara ·
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    My mom threatened to faint and/or throw up because we invited my half-sister. Luckily she didn't do either and I got my brother to seat them away from each other.

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  • Jess D
    VIP May 2015
    Jess D ·
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    Worried about a few cousins who dont like each other and will rub in it in their face that one cousin is a BM and the other isnt.

    that the cousin that is a BM will try to put her daughter into the wedding.

    which I dont want. I had thoughts of it but i know the moment I choose the other cousin's(not BM) daughter there will be drama so I'm just not having it.

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  • Jess D
    VIP May 2015
    Jess D ·
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    why does your FH have a slutty friend and why are you even okay with that?

    i know their friends but if shes anything like you explained i wouldnt want her near my wedding

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  • Larissa
    Expert June 2015
    Larissa ·
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    I'm worried about FMIL and FSIL. If they are invited, they are the definition of crazy and cause nothing but problems.

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  • L + A
    VIP May 2015
    L + A ·
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    Well, my mom and step-mom don't get along but my mom has promised to be on her best behavior... And if she lays off the booze I believe her.

    My stepmom on the other hand is a royal, classless, bitch. But she also might not come because she thinks that it will be "too cold" in Seattle (at the end of May) and it will affect her asthma (which flares up from dirt during monsoon season in Arizona... Not cold). Hoping she keeps thinking that.

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  • Cassandra
    Devoted October 2014
    Cassandra ·
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    A few people. FH's birthmom doesn't like me. I'm hoping she will play nice since there will be 50 people and it's pretty public... hotel courtyard. Also, his good friend's wife is young and pregnant and has a big issue with me all of a sudden but is close with him (in a sister type way) so I feel like she would try to monopolize his time. I actually hope she doesn't come... And finally, my aunt is psycho. She wasn't invited but after I invited my grandparents, instead of RSVP'ing they told her everything so I hope she doesn't try to show up and crash the wedding.

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  • Mrs.F!!!
    Expert June 2015
    Mrs.F!!! ·
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    It will either be my sister or his sister that will be the biggest issue. Both are major drama queens...

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  • M
    Master December 2014
    Melissa ·
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    @Jess I am definitely not ok with their friendship and don't want her at my wedding but FH insists bc he's been friends with her since high school. I didn't give her a plus one bc I want her to feel uncomfortable and leave lol. He says he's known her for so long that her behavior doesn't even phase him anymore but it's disrespectful.

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