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Dedicated October 2015

wedding with no reception?

Candice, on September 2, 2010 at 7:40 AM

Posted in Planning 33

My fiance and I do not have the money to have a reception and my mom suggested having no reception and just inviting all the people we planned on in the first place. I would also have no registries. What do you guys think? Is that rude?

My fiance and I do not have the money to have a reception and my mom suggested having no reception and just inviting all the people we planned on in the first place. I would also have no registries. What do you guys think? Is that rude?


  • S
    Just Said Yes January 2018
    Samantha ·
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    You don't have to have a reception. If your fiance and you don't want it, don't do it. If you cave to peer pressure, buy a small cake fill a punch bowl and call it good. Smiley smile gifts are not expected but if you wish they can be sent to such-and-such address

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  • Latonya
    Devoted April 2021
    Latonya ·
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    That is very interesting. I am more concerned with the union and the meaning behind it and the ceremony. I personally don't plan to feed my guest and have a short 2 hr cocktail reception and then private after-party in an undisclosed location. doing this will allow for us to mingle and greet our guest and then let our very religious and older guest go on their marry way and we change and party it up.

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  • MelisM
    Expert January 2019
    MelisM ·
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    You don't have to have a reception but I do agree with everyone that posted. Keep the guest list very small close family and friends.

    Do a sheet cake and coffee as a simple thank you to the guests that attended. You could either bake the cake or go to Costco, get a big coffee dispenser, get paper products and decorations at Walmart or Party City. You can do this! Let your family and friends help you celebrate with both you and your FH.

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  • Mrs.Whooooo
    Master May 2017
    Mrs.Whooooo ·
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    Why not just invite your parents and take them out to lunch (or dinner) after?

    do you plan on inviting a lot of people?
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  • A.Magill.Since.May
    Master May 2018
    A.Magill.Since.May ·
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    I wouldn't just have no reception at all, I think that's rude. The point of the reception is to thank the guests for coming.
    What you could do is have the wedding at a non meal time, like 2pm, and then just have cake and punch and some informal snacks like cheese and cracker plates for all the guests for a very short hour or two long reception. That's perfectly polite and very short and sweet, people know what to expect with non meal time weddings.
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  • T
    Beginner October 2019
    Ty Woods ·
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    Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me how you had such an inexpensive wedding and reception? I have been trying so hard to find a way to have an inexpensive wedding and I am struggling to figure it out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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  • K
    Just Said Yes August 2019
    Kristian ·
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    Thanks so much for this! I heard this but was nervous about what people might think. At the end of the day, it’s our wedding.
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  • Sally
    Just Said Yes March 2023
    Sally ·
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    I know this is an older post, but not an old issue. I agree completely - I don't want a reception. I was married once, 20 or so years ago, and now at 52 am looking at remarriage. I had a reception with my 1st marriage and it was just work, work, work - had to circulate all the tables, make chit chat with everyone, was on my feet for hours - by the end of the night I was just ready for it to all END. To me - that's NOT how I want to feel this time, after I just vowed forever loyalty to my best friend.... this time I want to go off and be with him only for a day or two. Just us. Also, at 52 (he's 59) - we already have everything we need - so no presents wanted. WHY can't we just have a Church ceremony - and that's it? WHY can't we leave right afterwards? If this is our family and friends - don't they know us? Don't they love us? If there's even a possibility of being "offended" because there will be no reception - then don't come to the ceremony. What if I don't like being the center of attention? What if I'm really shy and just want to escape the spotlight?? Isn't that MY choice?? Isn't this day about the couple? Society puts so much pressure on a couple to have a reception... you MUST do something... YES I DID. I INVITED YOU. I invited you to be there with me on a really special day; just the invitation ALONE says you mean a lot to me, and I'd really like you to be there and share this with me. I really don't get that a reception is needed or expected - it's like... we are inviting you to witness our dedication to one another - that's an honor in itself, that WE want you to be there - why isn't that special in itself?? IT IS! IT REALLY IS. And it's BEAUTIFUL in itself - just being invited.

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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    If you have any guests at the ceremony, they must be hosted at a reception immediately following. It does not have to be a full dinner and many couples don’t even consider a full dinner. They serve cake and coffee and greet all guests to thank them for coming. Lasts 1 hour minimum and 2 hours maximum. If you do not want a reception, you do not invite any guests to the ceremony. That is basic courtesy.
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  • Sally
    Just Said Yes March 2023
    Sally ·
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    We will have to agree to disagree. I don't see why they MUST. Who makes these rules??? I can invite whomever I wish, and let them know there will not be a reception... and they can either choose to be a part of the event or not. Why MUST we be slaves to what society says we MUST do in the name of possibly offending someone?? So I am to bow down to what society says regarding MY wedding day??? Absurd. Either I'm inviting family and friends, or I'm not. Either they KNOW me, or they don't. I think - in the end, its THEIR choice - to be honored that they were invited to share the moment, or be offended they won't be served cake/and or fed. But thanks for the input!

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  • Katherine
    Savvy June 2023
    Katherine ·
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    I don't think it is rude at all for you to not have a reception, as long as it is made clear that this is a ceremony only event. The people who still want to come see your union will come, and those who don't won't. Do what makes you happy!

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Michelle is pointing out the etiquette that applies. Simply stated, etiquette is how to treat people well, without being rude. Having a ceremony and inviting people means they take their time to come and support you and your union. It's important to thank them for that. It could be something simple like a gathering for cake and punch at the ceremony location.

    If you don't want to have a reception, then eloping is a valid choice.

    I mean, you won't be arrested for not hosting your guests, but to some it will come off as impolite.

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  • Charlotte
    Dedicated June 2022
    Charlotte ·
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    I'm with you. I had a friend who had to cancel her reception because of COVID. Obviously different circumstances, but we all still came, even though it was an hour away. Now, how far is it for them to travel? I might be a little miffed if I had to drive an hour for just a ceremony, but if I truly loved the person I would go.

    It is your day. IMO do whatever you want. Just make sure you clearly communicate with your guests the plan. It's very unusual to not have a reception, but again, do what you want!!!

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