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L. Thomson
Expert October 2020

Wedding Planning With Chronic Pain

L. Thomson, on July 29, 2020 at 11:22 PM Posted in Planning 0 5
For individuals with chronic pain - how are you managing your pain while planning? Do you notice an increase of flares the closer you get to your wedding date? I have atypical facial pain and we are getting married this October. Even with Covid, I feel like I've been handling things well and going with the flow all while feeling like there is so much left to do. On top of planning for our wedding, I've had almost daily flares for the last 10 months. Just hoping that I dont have a flare on our wedding day. Anyone else worried about this too?


Latest activity by Tori, on July 30, 2020 at 3:02 AM
  • Breanna
    Savvy October 2020
    Breanna ·
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    I also have chronic pain ( back, neck, and leg pain from a car accident) and also getting married in October! My medication cannot be taken with alcohol so it has been on my mind recently with it coming up soon!

    How I plan to manage it is that I have your typical Tylenol, and medicated patches to help. I also have been wearing my heels for 20min a day everyday that I can to help condition myself. But my secret is that I am gonna be wearing crocs 85% of the day. This is one thing that has helped me a lot!
    My personal attendant also suggested we buy those instant heat warmer things ( people use them in the winter) and those instant ice packs so that while I’m sitting during dinner I can stick them or tape them to my body so I can get a little relief!
    I hope this helps! I know chronic pain is not fun especially on your wedding day!
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  • Jessica
    Master September 2020
    Jessica ·
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    I don’t deal with chronic pain, but I do have chronic migraines and anxiety/panic attacks, and both have gotten significantly worse lately as our wedding gets closer. I do my best to step away when I’m getting too stressed and reach out when I need help (which I’ve never been good at). I don’t do meds because I have had very bad reactions in the past.
    Are you on a pain management plan with your doctor? Is there anything they can recommend to help?
    I’m sorry I can’t give specific suggestions to help you. Stress acts on our bodies in crazy ways, so maybe if you can reduce the stress that would help. I know a lot of people love the calm app, I like to meditate, write, or go for a walk and clear my head. Take care of yourself and I hope you find something that helps you manage better. Good luck!
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  • L. Thomson
    Expert October 2020
    L. Thomson ·
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    I've had back surgery, so I understand how back pain can be. I love lidocaine rub and my TENS unit for that. I'm all about comfort! I plan on wearing my chucks for most of the day and flats for the wedding. My face is another matter. Unfortunately with atypical facial pain, the right side of my face droops, swells, can't open my eye, have crushing pain and feels like electric shocks through the entire side. The only thing that helps is meds, ice, and botox. Thankfully, I've scheduled my botox for September
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  • L. Thomson
    Expert October 2020
    L. Thomson ·
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    My neurologist and pain management specialists are wonderful. They know about our upcoming wedding so hopefully can get these flares under control. I also get anxiety/panic attacks which is a flare trigger...along with stress, lack of sleep, over exertion etc. You know, everything that comes with planning a wedding. I've been trying to delegate (which isn't easy to ask for help), but with COVID it has become harder to work on projects with my bridesmaids and we are doing most things diy.
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  • Tori
    Dedicated November 2020
    Tori ·
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    I’ve had chronic back pain nearly my entire life, and in times of stress I also get much worse. One thing I did was delegate where possible. It helped me tremendously with stress/aches... A few weekends here and there: I invite over our moms, the wedding party, whoever to help me with DIY wedding favors, signs, overall planning. All of them were delighted to help, and it made wedding planning more enjoyable. Plus a few extra set of hands makes quick work.
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