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Master July 2012

The first week of marriage...

Amanda, on July 15, 2012 at 7:48 PM Posted in Married Life 0 14

How was yours? It seems like ours has been full of accidents, mess-ups, and annoyances. Not on each other's part, but on everyone else's. We seem to have a stroke of bad luck following us around. Even before the wedding, it seemed to be one thing after the other. DH's groomsmen got in a fight the night before the wedding because they were drunk. He had to stay up with them until 2 am getting them to calm down. The day of the wedding, he discovers he has the complete wrong tux and has to hunt one down in less than an hour. The morning we left for our honeymoon, DH's tungsten wedding band slips off his finger, hits the bathroom floor and shatters into three pieces. Then we had to switch flights at the airport due to ours being delayed so we wouldn't miss our connecting flight. They didn't switch our baggage, so it didn't make it to Jamaica with us. Luckily, the resort handled that. I didn't get my paycheck Friday because my school corporation keeps switching our pay dates. CONT'd.


Latest activity by The New Mrs Seedes, on July 16, 2012 at 8:49 PM
  • Amanda
    Master July 2012
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    So that means money is a bit tight this week. We are used to that though with planning a wedding Smiley smile Today, we go to Men's Wearhouse to complain about all the mistakes they made with our tux rentals. They pretty much called us liars, didn't apologize for DH's tux fiasco, didn't care that we missed out on an hour of photography and party bus rental due to their mistake, and then discover that they gave one of our GM $50 in cash to make up for us missing out on our party bus. Seriously, he was a GM, that money didn't come out of his pocket to begin with. Then after that disaster, we ran to Walmart to pick up groceries and none of the checkouts were working. We waited for an hour to get our groceries while they fixed things. DH and I just laughed because this has been a week of disaster. If we can make it through all this crap, then we are golden.

    How was your first week of marriage? Relaxing or full of craziness? Were you relieved that the wedding was over?

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  • Amanda
    Master July 2012
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    I forgot to add that while we were opening cards and gifts, I came across quite a surprise. One of my BMs borrowed a gift bag to put our gift in from a mutual friend of ours that I haven't really spoken to since high school. The mutual friend was friends with my ex which is why our friendship doesn't really exist anymore. Well, the mutual friend left a card in the bag that I guess he didn't see. The card was from my ex to the friend thanking him for coming to his wedding. I saw my ex's name and thought it was a sick joke. They were totally video taping and I said "What the F***?" in front on my parents, grandparents, and my in-laws. I then discovered what the card really was. Stuff like this only happens to me.

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  • Nikki
    Devoted July 2012
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    Compared to yours our week has been amazing! No offence. At least you can laugh about it. We just got back from our honeymoon on friday late afternoon, had saturday to relax, but since I wasn't working on wedding stuff anymore I was bored fast. I ended up cleaning our condo, painting the trim as we're going to try to sell it soon and buy a house. No fiasco's happened to us. We thought we lost our luggage but it just happened to be the last one they threw onto the conveyor belt. Phew. Nice weather on the honeymoon. Wedding costed less than we thought. Yay! (Happy dance) Thankfully I have renovations to keep me busy otherwise I'd be going crazy. Definitely glad the wedding is over, but wish the day could have lasted longer. Truth be told, my wedding day wasn't exactly what I expected it to be. I'm super happy but i think the anticipation and expections i had let me down a little.. hope i'm not the only one this has happened to..

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  • Pan
    Master March 2012
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    Ah, I'm sorry all of that happened. If you can laugh together through the hard times I think you'll be fine ;D

    Our first week was sad.....we ran around up here to Social Security and gathering the paperwork we needed to get me enrolled in D.E.E.R.S. only to find out that the closest base's office was not open the day after everything came in so we ended up not being able to. By the time all of that was done we had 1 night left of his leave. He took a copy of our marriage certificate with him thinking he could just enroll me down there. They informed him they needed the original documents, which we didn't think he should take with him since he had one week left before he deployed and I kind of need my Social Security card, driver's license, and certificate of citizenship. They wouldn't have done me any good in a storage locker a few hundred miles away. We had been informed prior to this that photocopies would be ok....apparently not if you are a naturalized and don't have a

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  • Pan
    Master March 2012
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    Birth certificate. I went down to NC so we could get it done, but they were so busy that I barely saw him for anything other than breakfast, dinner, and sleeping. I should also mention that I booked a flight that should have allowed us to have 6 days together, but we ended up with 4. Every plane I was on was delayed. It should have been 6 hours altogether with flight time and layovers. My first flight and the earliest possible one was supposed to leave at 7:00a.m. I was supposed to have two connections and get there by 1:00p.m. Yeah, 14 hours later I finally landed in Atlanta Georgia :/ They'd moved me to the last flight to Jacksonville, NC out of Atlanta when I had landed late in Detroit and explained my situation. Well that flight closed its gate 20 minutes before we landed, because the Detroit to Atlanta flight was two hours behind schedule. The earliest flight they could get for me was a later flight. My 6 hours travel time turned into almost 2 days spent in airports and on planes.

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  • Pan
    Master March 2012
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    With one night and part of a day spent in Atlanta. They wasted 2 of my last 6 days with my husband for almost a year! No happy newlywedness for me Smiley sad

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  • Ab
    Master October 2011
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    Yikes, that sounds like a lot of snags! As for the tux though, our MW had us pick it up two days before the wedding..did he pick his the day OF your wedding? If not, he really should have checked it out beforehand, so you can't really blame them for losing the hour of photography and stuff...however they should not said you were liars..We also got tuxes there, and they had the wrong color vests..that was my second vest choice..I told them but they just kinda stared, my brother said it would be I just went with it..also I thought DS's pants were a bit baggy, told them, again no real reaction. oh well.

    I'd say just focus on the fact you married the man of your dreams; that will make these issues pale in comparison/not seem as big of a deal :-)

    Oh ya, come to think of it we were delayed also for our HM, but we go there like 3 hours later, so it wasn't a huge deal.

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  • 2d Bride
    Champion October 2009
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    Compared to that, our first week was bliss! We actually spent most of a week just getting married. We drove to Massachusetts on Sunday. On Monday, we got our marriage license and the waiver of the three-day waiting period, picked up a friend at the airport, moved into the accommodations where we were staying the night before the wedding and the wedding night, got our nails done, met with the rabbi, and had dinner with all our guests. Tuesday was the ceremony and luncheon, and then a dinner with all our guests. Wednesday, we had breakfast with our guests, then drove back to Maryland. Thursday and Friday, I decorated for the Friday evening at-home reception while NotFroofy made the wedding cake, and then we had the at-home reception and cleaned up. Saturday, I went back to get those items we hadn't been able to transport home from the at-home reception at the end of the night. After that, I think we were pretty much wiped out for the week!

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  • Amanda
    Master July 2012
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    @Ab Z. - He did pick it up two days before and checked it out at the store. When he was getting dressed after trying it on, they took the bag with his tux and got it mixed up with someone else's. So he actually had the correct tux in his hands at the store. He didn't think to check it again once he got out of the dressing room before he left the store.

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  • Z
    Master May 2012
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    Just look at it this way, IAMC-- you probably got a whole year of bad luck out of the way in one week! And, as others have said, it will be something to laugh about very soon.

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  • Shannon
    Devoted June 2012
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    Wow that's a tough break! I hope things start looking up for you from here! My first couple of weeks has been interesting because of all the doctors visits I've been making. On our honeymoon I got a rash on my arms and it wasn't going away. Doctors appt in another country and found I was allergic to the sun. Lol. Then when we got back from honeymoon I sprained my ankle badly and missed work and have pretty much been on bed rest since!

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  • Emmy Nae
    VIP October 2013
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    Mrs.C- Why on earth would they give the groomsman money? That makes 0 sense

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  • The New Mrs Seedes
    Super August 2011
    The New Mrs Seedes ·
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    I felt like our first week was a bit crazy as well. The wedding went great and we had a day to tie up lose ends before we left for the honeymoon. We left for the honeymoon on Sunday and got to Jamaica no problem. On Tuesday, we come in from an excursion and I see all these people gathered around a tv. I walk over to find that an earthquake has hit in my area...NEW JERSEY! I quickly e-mail my parents to check on the family and my home...all is good. On Wednesday or Thursday I then find out a hurricane is on track to hit my area. I e-mail again and check on family and my home. Dad went and secured everything at our home. I stay up all night of the hurricane watching the news in a panic. Hurricane damage BUT the Phila airport is shut down. We will be delayed 5 days which will cost another 1,000 or so. At this point I no longer want to be in Jamaica and just want to be home. Somehow we get the only international flight allowed into Philly on the day we were CONT

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  • The New Mrs Seedes
    Super August 2011
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    Originally to come home. The airport was a ghost town...only 2 flights in the entire day. We finally relax and then 2 days later we get a phone call...DH grandmother passed away suddenly. We cope and deal with that the best we can.

    Not the first week, however, 2 weeks later I find out my brother (32) is diagnosed with a rare cancer. Thankfully, months later he is cancer free Smiley smile

    I remember looking at my husband on our 1 month anniversary and saying "holy cow that was a hell of a month. I hope it calms down." It has Smiley smile

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