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Devoted August 2020

Surprise or not a surprise Bridal shower!?

Lauren, on February 13, 2020 at 11:42 PM Posted in Parties and Events 0 9
I'm staying awake because I need to sleep until like 5pm tomorrow because I have to work 3rd shift (ugh not willingly). And scrolling through WW which got me thinking about my bridal shower which I'm so excited for! My MOH and mom are hosting. I know they have been planning because my MOH asks me to remind my mom to text her back because my mom is AWFUL and always forgets to text back for days at a time. And MOH mentioned once it would be in April. But other than that I dont know the day and its bugging me! I'm a huge planner and live off my calendar, my job is busy and I'm in grad school full time. So I like to know when I have weekend plans to accommodate homework time. MOH shared the bachelorette dates and location, but plans are a suprise. So anyway I'm starting to think the bridal shower is a suprise, which is kind of bugging me but I dont want to sound ungrateful because I'm so grateful! And I love the idea of the party being a suprise, but I wish I knew the date so I can be prepared! No question, just tired and overthinking and I know FH is tired of my incessant blabbing sometimes 😂


Latest activity by Judith, on February 19, 2020 at 3:40 PM
  • Mandi
    Master October 2020
    Mandi ·
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    I only know when and where my bridal showers are.
    And I only know what day my bachlorette is.
    I kinda like it.I'd just ask your mom if they are planning something and can tell you when?
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    I think it's reasonable to talk with your mom & MOH and let them know that while you will be absolutely thrilled with anything they are planning, because of your tight schedule, a surprise shower will be more stressful for you. You'd hate to have budgeted time to work on a huge paper or major project, and then have your shower during that budgeted time -- just because you might not be able to fully relax and enjoy the shower the way you'd like to. I'd then leave it up to them to either share the date with you or to do their "homework" to make sure the shower will occur on a day when your schedule will be pretty free. In the meanwhile, I'd keep your calendar fully up-to-date and then make sure fiance, MOH, whoever knows how to access it. Good luck!

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    Girl, I totally understand this! I am so type A and I live for schedules! I did not want a surprise anything! Luckily, I knew exact dates of all my pre-wedding events (my rotating and on call work schedule wouldn’t allow for anything else), but some details were kept close to the chest. I was able to deal with that lol.

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  • E
    Devoted October 2021
    Erin ·
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    My MOH and Mom are planning mine too and haven't told me anything except date and asked me for an invite list. It's fun to not know anything because then I don't have to think about it and potentially stress about it but it definitely would have been annoying to not know the date because what if they chose a day I was busy and they just didn't know?
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
    Gen ·
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    Lol, take a step back and just relax and trust her! My shower was a surprise and honestly it was so nice not having to have anything to do with the planning of it lol. I kinda ended up figuring out what day it was going to be when it got closer but I didn’t know when or where. It was fun! Honestly even though I was 99% sure I had figured out what day it was going to be it was still more fun than if they had actually confirmed what day it was going to be, you know? Just try to stop thinking about it and trust that they have a plan and that it’ll work out.
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  • Jodie
    Expert August 2020
    Jodie ·
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    I'm being told dates and locations for my pre-wedding celebrations, but all other details are a surprise. And really I think the information I am being given is so I can make sure I am not picking up a weekend shift during that time. It's sweet that my girls want to do that, but at the same time I suck at surprises so it makes me crazy. lol

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  • E
    Devoted August 2020
    Elle ·
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    My bridal shower is going to be a surprise. I've never had a surprise party before, so I thought it would be nice; however, my schedule is really complicated. I work full time, but I am also a part time group exercise instructor, so I teach on Sundays. Saturdays, I am off, but I sub classes when I get the opportunity. So with my bridal shower coming up in the next few months, I actually have to ask my sister (Matron of Honor) if it's ok for me to teach, which is really annoying, because if I want to teach, then I will pick up the class...

    I have an idea of when the shower is now LOL because of the times/dates I'm "allowed/not allowed" to teach. But I don't know where it is or what they're doing.

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  • L
    Devoted August 2020
    Lauren ·
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    To update everyone I asked my mom! She definitely thought it had to be a surprise which is why she didn't say anything. But when I suggested it would be nice for me to plan my schedule and be able to get dressed for that day she agreed it would make sense for me to know the day and told me! Added to my schedule and relieved not to stress about over booking myself! Thanks ladies!
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    That is great. I hate total surprises. At least date, time, and casual or more dressy, should be given. Glad your mom saw the light. I have missed surprise parties for me, when I did something people did not know about. Everyone showed, twice, and I never came. I consider it a minimum courtesy.
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