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Dedicated January 2019

Story about how you met your fiancé?

cc1234, on April 4, 2018 at 1:47 PM

Posted in Planning 39

I just finished writing the “How We Met” segment on our wedding website and I loved reminiscing on that time in our lives and telling our story. I would LOVE to hear your stories! Copy and paste from your wedding website or type out your story below. Here is mine that I wrote for our website: Ty and...
I just finished writing the “How We Met” segment on our wedding website and I loved reminiscing on that time in our lives and telling our story. I would LOVE to hear your stories! Copy and paste from your wedding website or type out your story below. Here is mine that I wrote for our website:

Ty and I have known each other since we were kids. We grew up in the same town our entire lives. But the story doesn't really start until a few years after we graduated high school. Let's start from the beginning. In 2014, I went to see a psychic that I had heard good things about. I was a bit skeptical but was curious about how a psychic reading happens. My session was an hour long and I mostly wanted to know about my family. Towards the end of the session, she comments "You're single right?" I nod my head yes. She says, "Well I want you to think about someone that you know but that you do not think much about." Next she says, "Northeast keeps popping up in my head." I give her a weird look. "Do you know anyone that lives in the northeast?" I shake my head no. Fast forward to 2015, my best friend Gabby and I are laying on her bed talking about how bad we want to take a summer vacation. "I have some family in New Jersey. We should go there!" she says. We started looking up places we could stay and ended up finding a beach house in Belmar, New Jersey that could fit 8-10 people. We asked a bunch of our friends and booked the house for a week in the middle of June. It rolls around the time that we are getting ready to go on our vacation and a couple of our friends were not able to go with anymore. Having a lot of mutual friends, Ty was asked if he wanted to go on the trip with us. It's crazy how much I thank god every day for Ty going on this trip with us. So there was 6 of us road tripping to New Jersey. Girls in one car and guys in the other. I'll admit right now, Ty was lookin' GOOD. I was keeping my cool though. I wasn't really worried about getting into a relationship with anybody at the time. But throughout the trip, he had shown a lot of interest in me. He was respectful and kind to me. He made me smile any chance that he had. One of the last nights of our trip, we all went to an arcade on the boardwalk. He bet me a kiss that he could beat me at air hockey and I said game on. Well I lost the game and he got his kiss. Maybe it was an intentional loss or maybe he just got lucky? He'll never know Smiley smile. Needless to say, I fell for him. We went on a few dates when we got back from vacation and on the 4th of July under the fireworks, he asked me to be his girlfriend. We have been inseparable ever since. About a month after we started dating, I get a text that says, "Oh my god, do you know what I just realized? You and Ty got together on vacation in New Jersey. Do you know what New Jersey is? It's Northeast! New Jersey is Northeast! That's what the psychic was talking about!" I got instant goosebumps. I hadn't even put the two together but it all made sense after that. I had found my soul mate.



  • Kc
    Dedicated December 2018
    Kc ·
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    I met my husband on Facebook. A "friend" of mine and ruined two of my previous relationships and for my next relationship I didn't want her to have anything to do with it. I started adding guys who I had mutual friends with but weren't friends with her at all. I remember adding him because his profile picture was him giving my school mascot a piggy back ride. We hung out a couple days after he accepted my friend request and started dating that night. We met up at a park down the street from my house after he got out of work. He hid in the kids playset and hurt himself going down the slide. As soon as I saw him I knew that was it. We talked around town and ended up hanging out at a local gas station until it closed for the night. We went back to my mom's house and watched tv for a while. He attempted to ask me out over Snapchat 😂. I told him if he didn't ask me out loud he was never going to get an answer. He did and I said yes.

    He ended up proposing to me while we were sitting on my grandfathers couch while my dad was sleeping not 5 feet away.

    We ended up having a court house wedding last year due to family drama. We both knew it wasn't what we wanted. We are having a vow renewal as our "official" wedding the day after our one year marriage anniversary. Although we did get married very young, there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with.
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  • Elisabeth
    Just Said Yes June 2019
    Elisabeth ·
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    We both were living near LA, about 45 minutes drive away from each other. However, we met 4 years ago at the Denver airport! A snow storm delayed all outgoing planes for 6 hours, so everyone was just kind of stuck at their gates. He noticed me, struck up a conversation, and we wound up spending those 6 hours adventuring together around the airport. Since we realized while talking that we didn’t live very far apart, he asked me for my number before we parted ways. He started calling every night and about a week later we went on our first date. Smiley smile Love happy coincidences!
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  • R
    Dedicated May 2019
    Ruthann ·
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    I'm procrastinating writing the how we met on the website because it's just not as interesting as some of y'all's haha! We met on Coffee meets Bagel, and had our first date on the lawn of the hospital where I worked eating soup from whole foods 😂
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  • Desiree
    Savvy September 2018
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    I have had a crush on Robert since I was 7 years old and at the age of 11, I told my mom he was going to be my husband!! Fast forward a decade later to a Bowers Family Reunion in Oxford where we reconnected and dated briefly. However, life took us in separate directions. It wasn't our time.

    In 2011, we reconnected during his visit to PA. Before he left, I said, "Find me on Facebook"! (Gotta love social media!) A few weeks later, I received an inbox message from Robert saying, "I found you"... You see, there has always been an attraction and connection between us. Our paths continued to cross throughout the years and the special bond we shared never wavered. Conversations were consistent, fluid and timeless. But it wasn't our time.

    ABC’s hit series Scandal fueled our "pen-pal relationship" when it debuted in 2012! We talked frequently about its twists and turns in addition to our lives at the time!! We would always check in with each other every now and again; conversation was never lacking. However, in 2014, Rob shared something different with me via text. He said, "I've always admired you and the woman of God that you are, but never felt I was good enough for you". I remember asking why he felt this way. We talked briefly that night, but he was on his way to a men's conference and couldn't talk long. Life intervened and we never finished this conversation. It still wasn't our time.

    In 2015, my best friend said to me, "Des, you owe it to yourself to find out what this is between Robert and you." That same week, I sent him a text to let him know I was thinking about him... He responded by saying he had been thinking of me also and missed our conversations. He said, "now that we both acknowledge we miss talking to each other what are we going to do about it?" I said, "You know I'm old school when it comes to some things in relationships... Been waiting on you to anticipate and make the next move for that one..." Robert said, " response, "Amen! I am studying the book of Daniel right now. I will call you tonight before 9pm, old school!" (I think it may be our time!)

    We finally finished the conversation we started in 2014. Robert shared this with me: when we started dating in our 20's, his mother (love and miss her) told him to leave me alone because I was a "good girl". Unlike most men, Robert listened!!! He left me alone because he felt he wasn't on the right spiritual path at that time. THAT is a true testament of his character and humble spirit. You see, the day I sent him the text, Robert had just finished fasting and praying - specifically for God to show him his wife. He felt in his heart since 2014, it was me, but asked God once more to confirm it for him.

    On that night in 2015 we talked for hours. Robert said he was finally the man he felt that I deserved because he allowed God to transform his life and mold him into the man God intended him to be... In my personal reflection of my journey to this night and all God brought me through, my response to him, “now I understand why nothing else came to be – because in the end it was always meant to be you and me”. It’s finally our time!! #walkHer2aBowers!!!

    Engagement PhotoStory about how you met your fiancé? 1

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  • MrsDW2B
    Dedicated August 2018
    MrsDW2B ·
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    Lovely story! Is this Oxford in PA?

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  • J
    Super June 2019
    JuneBride ·
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    I enjoyed reading everyone's stories. I found them all interesting. I haven't started our website and we haven't done engagement photos. I figure still have time. Ours isn't that interesting. It was my first week at college and someone was having a house party. I went with my roommate because we wanted to meet people and party. My FH almost didn't go. He didn't want to go because it was his third year and he knew it was all freshmen going. His friend bugged him and he gave in. My roommate met him first and was interested, but he turned her down so she settled for his friend. As they went off to hook up we started talking while he waited for his friend. He ended up not wanting to leave and we hung out talking and we exchanged numbers. We started dating and three years later he proposed. He said he wanted to propose after the first year but it was too soon, so he waited until I graduated.

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  • Desiree
    Savvy September 2018
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    The picture was actually taken at Longwood in Kennett...

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  • MrsDW2B
    Dedicated August 2018
    MrsDW2B ·
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    Ok awesome, love Longwood Gardens. I'm from Oxford...well Lincoln. Smiley smile

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  • plangalCG
    VIP May 2018
    plangalCG ·
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    The short story is: Plenty of Fish. The long story is that I was in my late 30s and literally hadn’t dated for years. I was happy that way—living in the city, going out with friends, advancing in my career. But there was also something missing. I was at a meetup group at a Panera, looking awful, and someone caught my eye...he was staring at me...and came over and asked me to go to the movies with him. He was a hottie. Spoiler: not my FH! He was a guy like 15 years my junior...that fling ran its course in a few weeks but it got me realizing how I wanted someone in my life. Plangal got her groove back. I went online and had a series of short relationships with good guys—not the creep parade I had previously experienced online (ok, communicated with a few of those!). Some were quite intense and painful when they ended. A few weeks after the last of those, I decided to get back in the game. I decided to try another site—Plenty of Fish. The first guy I chatted with for a week or two was a member of the creep parade. I then got a message from another guy. He was funny, though not the “type” I would normally go for. He asked me out and I basically said oh what the heck...might as well get back out there. I don’t have to see him again after that. Well, that guy was my FH. He planned a really romantic date, in a rotating restaurant with a sunset view. He repeated this just shy of our 2-year anniversary at another rotating restaurant in Niagara Falls and asked me to marry him! ❤️
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  • L
    Savvy November 2018
    LMM1117 ·
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    My fiance's best friend from college is Robert and my best friend from infancy is Lauran. Robert and Lauran are married (she and I both went to high school with Robert so we've been a happy "family" for awhile. haha). Robert went to college out of state and Lauran visited him often. I only went once and it was during a break so most people went home. Well, fast forward about 6 years! Lauran and Robert finally got married and were living about two hours away. Robert's best friend (my future hubby Smiley smile ) just moved to their city to start fresh. Both Lauran and Robert were selling him hard to me... "he's awesome! You're going to really like him!" "You're going to marry him one day, I KNOW IT.", etc. We hadn't even met yet and they were already planning our wedding. Haha. I was still recovering from a HARD break up and had gone on quite a few first dates but no one really grabbed my attention. Well, I finally had a weekend open so I made the drive to visit them. Mostly to see my best friend but I won't lie I was interested in meeting this guy. Smiley smile All weekend, they made comments right in front of us about our wedding and if we had chosen a date yet. It was horribly embarrassing since I'm an introvert and I really hate attention. Haha. But we stayed up late talking each night and right before I left to drive back home, he asked for my number. We went on our first date a few weeks later and he was it. That was solidified when my grandmother passed away and he would call to pray with me or just let me cry (I was super, super close with my grandma. She was like another mother to me). That hard time made us strong and we realized our best friends were right and here we are now planning our wedding. Smiley smile

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  • Victoria
    VIP October 2018
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    We met in Las Vegas. I was in from NJ for a work conference and had one of my girlfriends fly out to meet me for the weekend. He was in from Pittsburgh, PA for his birthday. We met at a roulette table in the Four Queens, my friend and I invited ourselves to dinner with him and his buddy and wound up hanging out until maybe 3 or 4 in the morning at which time we all went back to our respective hotels. Met up again the next morning and made plans for him to come visit me after Christmas. Two and a half years later I sold my house in NJ and moved out to the house we bought together near Pittsburgh. He proposed on the 4 year anniversary of the date we met at the top of the Duquesne incline on Mt. Washington and we'll be married in 6 months minus a day from today.
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  • Whitney
    Devoted June 2018
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    I met my FH on OKCupid. I had been on OKC on and off since 2005. I had gone on some pretty horrific online dates. In 2015, I was 30 and beyond tired of being single. I saw his profile and moved on because he was 26. This gave me pause because many 26 year old men are still screwing around. A couple weeks later I received the most eloquent and kind message from him. I looked at his profile again and decided to give him a chance. We messaged on the site 3 times before he asked me to lunch that weekend. Our lunch date was 9 hours long. We have been inseparable since the day we met in September of 2015. We get married in less than two months!
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  • MrsV1027
    Master October 2018
    MrsV1027 ·
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    FH met at work Smiley smile We worked in different departments but we were on the same floor. One of his teammates always had Lindt truffles in his drawer that he let me have whenever I wanted. So I'd frequent that row at least 3 times a week and my FH apparently had tried to talk to me but I'm SUPER shy so I'd quickly go grab my chocolate and run back to my desk. This went on for apparently a couple of months without me knowing since I legit block out people to avoid contact because of how shy I am. Then a tragedy happened to my supervisor and she lost her son who is my age. When she came back to work I would often be in her office helping her since I was her lead. I spent quite a bit of that time trying to cheer her up. The chocolate provider and my FH were friends with my supervisor from working with her previously so they would both also come into her office to cheer her up. FH and I would then start making jokes at each other as part of our effort to cheer her up. I quickly started realizing that he and I got along really well and had the same sense of humor but I didn't think he liked me. My supervisor then told me she thought that he and the other guy both liked me and basically didn't believe her since I had been previously married and my ex made me feel ugly and horrible about myself.

    Then one day I was scrolling through Tinder because that's how I entertained myself. I never set up an actual date to meet anyone cause I was afraid they would kidnap me or something lol. Have I mentioned I'm terrified of people? LOL. So anyways I saw FH's picture and swiped right( I think that's the one that means you are interested) and got a pop up that said it was a match. I freaked out because I really didn't think he liked me so I messaged him and was like oh hey I know you LOL. Less than a week later we went on our first date. A year after that we moved in together and then he proposed 8 months after that Smiley smile

    I'm so glad he was persistent and I didn't scare him away with my shyness lol

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  • Sarah
    VIP July 2018
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    My brother hosted New Years parties every year while he was in high school and I always went. One year, one of his friends had broken up with a long-term girlfriend (they had lived together with his best friend and the best friend's girlfriend who had hit on me at the party in a prior year before while I was 16, he was 20) because the girlfriend slept with the best friend. My brother was friends with the whole group so all had been invited to the New Years party and FH was freaking out about it but wasn't sure they were coming because of the situation.

    I told him that no matter what happened, to just go with it. Even if he was mad, he could yell at me later. The other couple came in to the party and I walked straight up to him (no idea where the confidence came from) and in a weird PDA, made out with him in front of the party. I won!

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  • Alysia
    Devoted September 2018
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    I met my FH on PlentyofFish. My best friend had just gotten engaged and I knew I would need a date for the wedding. I scrolled through all of the matches but didn't like any of them. I found the profile of FH - he was not a match, but he was so cute. I messaged him, we chatted a little, and set up a date to meet for coffee.

    He was a half hour late to our first date (and is late to just about everything else in life, too). I called my friend after the date and told her that this was the man I was going to marry. We moved in together ten months later, bought a house together four years later, and six and a half years after our first date, he proposed. When we get married in September, we'll have been together just over seven years.

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  • A
    Savvy September 2019
    Amanda ·
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    My FH and I are both volunteer firefighters. We met each other through mutual friends, but never really talked to each other. My firehouse had a breakfast fundraiser that he came to and I playfully made fun of him and he ended up friending me on Facebook.

    Our one friend ended up getting into some trouble and he messaged me on Facebook, asking what happened. I gave him the details I knew but told him not to tell anybody. He replied, "if anyone asks, I'll just say I asked you out for a drink. " To which I replied, "okay thank you."
    FH "but seriously, would you like to go out for a drink?" And it's all history from there
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  • Kate
    Devoted September 2019
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    I am so in love reading these stories!!!
    My fh and I first met in May 2015. I was a vendor at a renaissance faire and he was a customer. It wasn't even an event he was looking to attend...he was from the other part of the state and took a drive and stumbled upon it. He spent a large portion of the day at our booth, and before leaving for the night we hugged and he left his phone number, which I promptly "filed."
    Over the next FIVE months I talked about him to my best friend who was also the booth owner. I had looked him up on fcbk, thought about him every day, etc, but didn't know what it was about him...I just couldn't stop thinking about him or that one chance encounter.
    Finally, after all those months, my bf reached out to FH on fcbk with a little hello and casual mention that he had been thought of by yours truly. I was mortified but he found me online and we chatted nonstop for several months. Finally in March '16 I was brave enough to meet him in person. And. We. Clicked.
    First date was amazing. But before our second date, he was diagnosed with cancer (successfully treated now!!). He gave me the opportunity to walk away and I said surgery, chemo and daily radiation treatments together for 8 weeks pushed us into knowing every intimate detail about each other and made our bond unbreakable. On our one year anniversary he proposed, and now in 510 days I have the privilege and honor of marrying the man of my dreams.
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    Super May 2019
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    My FH and I met in Highschool in 1996 and dated for a bit. Then like 11 years later me met again when he was visting his home town on his way to his duty station in Alaska!! I wish we had pictures of us together when we were teens. If only iPhones existed back then lol
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  • char
    Expert September 2018
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    So many great stories!!

    My FH and I were initially coworkers, 18 years ago. He was married (or engaged?) then, and I always thought he was sooooo handsome, and sooooo nice. We went on a few motorcycle rides, and even raced together once, and sometimes he seemed sad to go home.

    2 years ago, he messaged me on Match. I had about given up on Match; I signed up after my divorce, fell into a rebound relationship with someone I met IRL, went back on Match after that went south, but never met anybody who wasn't creepy, douchey or just weird. I was logging in maybe once every week or 2 to check my messages just to see if there was anything crazy enough to laugh about with my girlfriends. Anyway, there was this message from a super attractive guy with motorcycles, and it was him! Even though I hadn't really thought about him after I left the company we both used to work for, he remembered me, my real name, and (of course) what kind of motorcycle I had back then (still do, in fact). We met up for drinks a week later and pretty much became inseparable after that. He is exactly as kind as I remembered ... and still handsome too (actually, more so IMO). We ride motorcycles together as much as possible, and we share so many other common interests & values (with enough differences to keep things interesting).

    We had both been married and divorced in the intervening years, so we've both accumulated a bit of baggage, but we have an amazing relationship despite it all. There is no doubt in my mind he is The One and when he finally (!) proposed at Christmas, it was amazing.

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