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VIP October 2021

Social Distancing

Jennifer, on April 8, 2020 at 10:18 AM

Posted in Family and Relationships 29

Okay, as the entire world knows we are Supposed to be socially distancing from one another. In MY mind this means ANYONE who does NOT live with you does Not come over. In my fiancé’s mind this means having his friend and his friends live-in girlfriend come over 2-4x a week for use of our home gym...
Okay, as the entire world knows we are Supposed to be socially distancing from one another.

In MY mind this means ANYONE who does NOT live with you does Not come over.
In my fiancé’s mind this means having his friend and his friends live-in girlfriend come over 2-4x a week for use of our home gym and dinner. And maybe a board/card game after.
What does it mean to YOU, and what does it mean to Your Significant Other??? If it is like us- how are you handling that? If You are the “it won’t happen to me if this one person comes over” what could change your mind?

I am at higher risk because of underlying medical issues- heart mainly- and am terrified of getting sick. YES! I have expressed that to fiancé in text, email, in person calmly, crying and angrily. NO it has NOT worked- as his friend and gf are coming over, yet again, for gym and dinner. ( it is a date night for them! Meanwhile I have been locked inside, minus the 3 dr appts I’ve had, since March 15)
FH is 53, I am 41 and his “darling” 23yo daughter live together. She has been on my side( we HATE each other btw) for most part in this. But won’t tell daddy that usually. Her immune compromised 25yo brother lives away in his own apartment.
I don’t know what to do. I’ve shown him articles, videos, and data- no help.
I am sooo frustrated I am crying! I am scared af that WHEN I get sick I will be one of the ICU patients. He is playing Russian roulette with my, our, health.
Just need some support, NOT negativity please.


  • LB
    Champion November 2016
    LB ·
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    Everyone covered that this is not social distancing in the slightest but to me there is a bigger long term issue going on. Your FH has zero respect for you and your health. I cant imagine telling my H that something he is doi g is making me scared for my health and him completely ignoring me. That is just beyond disrespectful and a HUGE red flag IMO
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  • Devoted December 2019
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    That is so irresponsible of him. Please tell the other couple. Go to them directly. If he’s messing with your health, you need to take it into your own hands. This is SERIOUS! You don’t know where the other couple is going and what they’re doing! Everyone should be inside their homes as much as possible and not visiting each other. Do a Skype double date! That’d be fun! I’m a physical therapist for a hospital and we have gotten countless emails about being safe and smart. We are being deployed to different areas of the hospital and have notified my managers that due to my asthma I can’t go into the ICU. This is SERIOUS. Please cancel on your friends, I’m sure they’ll understand. And if he’s mad, then maybe he isn’t the one for you.
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  • P
    January 2014
    Pam ·
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    Honestly, from other things you've posted and now topped off with this cavalier attitude of his toward your health, I do not understand why you're with this man.

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  • Alejandra
    Super March 2019
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    My husband and I are still working at our office/work location, I go in maybe 2 or 3 days a week but my husband has to go 5 days a week. My mother lives with us and has a compromised immune system, we do not have any company at all. We're already putting ourselves at more risk than we'd like to by having to come to work. If my partner did not back up putting my safety first I'd have some really strong feelings about it. We get home from work and immediately go up to our room undress, throw our clothes it the hamper and shower. We wash our clothes pretty often now so that it just doesn't stay there. We're not only protecting my mother but ourselves who can also have a negative reaction to this disease. I would literally lock myself away in the room and express to the friends why you are not coming out. I'd feel disrespected that as the one at a higher risk no one would do a little more to protect me, but no one will protect you like you protect yourself. Don't participate, let them know that you are in an uncomfortable situation, if they're your friends and care for you they should understand and respect it.

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  • LB
    Champion November 2016
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    Oy just looked at the posting history. I 100% agree.
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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
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    This is a MUCH bigger issue than social distancing. A man who loves you would take your feelings into account. They would want you to be happy and healthy and if you have such strong feelings on something this important he would care. Your FH doesn’t seem to care about you at all. That’s what you need to be getting to the bottom of. This is not ok.
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  • Jennifer
    VIP October 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    Thanks all. It is sooo weird because he is good I’m almost all other areas of our relationship. I am having a kidney stone attack and he got me meds and a beer- as well as other liquid and put me back in bed telling me he’d hold pressure when he came back up- and or make a stronger drink to help the pain......

    I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to take this seriously from ANYONES telling him though- including his “darling” 23yo daughter, and as some know of he doesn’t even roll over to her that is STRANGE! Lol....
    He has taken care of me, in all ways: mental, emotional, physical, sexual, and financial. He’s made sure my son and my mother have what they need- I couldn’t do that on my own. He’s pushed me to get my driver’s license, high school diploma/wedding planner certification/associates degree for paralegal now, therapy to rid myself of last abuse by family and ex’s..... He was okay with me getting our kittens- pushed to get the second actually! But then he allows his daughter to be abusive and disrespectful. And not listen on things like this.... I Don’t Know!!!!!
    When it is he and I- we are GREAT! When it is he and I and anyone But his daughter( or mom) we are great. Sigh......
    Watching “Harry Potter & the Sorcerers Stone” and resting.
    Hope you all are safe! And thanks.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    You are correct, and, to be very blunt, your FH is putting YOU at risk by doing this. He cannot control where his friends are, and who they have contact with, so they could be exposing both of you.

    If he wants to play games with them, there are a lot of virtual options, now, so you can play over video chat.

    The ONLY reason for people to come over right now would be to drop off supplies or provide care if you were unable to.... and even then, they should have masks and gloves.

    Since you are immunocompromised, you need to make this a very strict rule. Make it clear that he could KILL YOU with this behavior. And I'm not trying to exaggerate, here, this is scarily true. Make it an ultimatum. Either he stops this, because it is *endangering your life*, or he goes and lives at his friends' house until this is all over.

    (If you need another bolster, I am prone to pneumonia, and both DH and my father are terrified I'll get sick - dad is over 70, btw - so DH actually turned down a transfer and extra pay at his job, because, as he said to his boss, "I could kill my wife if I bring home the virus.")

    As someone just outside NYC, in the worst hit area of NJ.... make it your relationship or his fun.

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  • S
    Dedicated August 2021
    Salem ·
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    I think at this point you need to vocalize this to the guests that are coming over. This is your home, your health, and your right to protect yourself. I’m a healthcare professional so I take this very seriously and have seen multiple patients pass from COVID not just the elderly. Please speak up and don’t worry about FH or anyone else not agreeing with you. Regardless of what other people believe social distancing means to you said you have pre-existing medical issues that don’t apply to the average person staying home please do what you can to put yourself first, don’t worry about being polite or hospitable at this point when your life is at risk.
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