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Just Said Yes July 2020

Sister Bridesmaids?

Katie, on August 20, 2019 at 1:47 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 17
My fiancé has four sisters. I am sure you already know where this is headed. . .not exactly lol. One sister has a two year old (and we want him to be in the wedding) and she just gave birth to her second child yesterday. Two sisters are the oldest ages 31 and 29. The last sister is the youngest (21) after my fiancé, and my fiancé and I are closest to her. It makes sense in my mind to just have the youngest sister be in the bridal party, but my future mother-in-law is not happy about it. She believes that family comes before friends always (not understanding how friends can be like family, she's never had that). In my life I have 8 women who I trust and confide in and I want them to be in my bridal party.

Here are my choices:

1. just have the youngest sister in it and deal with the drama

2. have all the sisters except the one with kids, (which btw the one with kids said "uh yeah I'm going to be in your wedding")

3. Have all of them in it anyway and have the bridal party be 9 guys and 12 girls, but then my own family will think I caved into the pressure

I know everyone says "no one is really wanting to be a bridesmaid", but these girls are VERY different and a lot of pressure is coming from my mother-in-law who on her wedding day was forced to have her sisters-in-law be in her wedding by her own mother-in-law. Advice please! My fiancé and I are freaking out!


Latest activity by Katie, on August 28, 2019 at 2:28 AM
  • M
    Devoted October 2019
    Melodie ·
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    That is a LOT of bridesmaids, and a lot of pressure for you to include all. I think you may have to consider all or none. How horrible would it be to have none of them up there with you? Can you honor them in some other way during the ceremony? Do any of them sing/play an instrument? Can they do a reading together?

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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
    MrsD ·
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    Every situation is different, so I'll just tell you what I did for our wedding! I am 25, my fiance is 29. He has two sisters (34 and 38), a stepsister (37), and a stepsister-in law (married his stepbrother - 30). For me, it wasn't an option to include some & not others, so I included all four. He included my brother as a GM, but not his stepbrother or stepsister's husband (he just isn't close with them). I had 9 BM and he had 10 GM. It was more expensive having a larger party (gifts, rehearsal dinner, flowers, etc.). Having a large wedding party wasn't a problem for us, we picked a venue that could accommodate a large group and I felt including everyone made it a huge family event!

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  • Jessica
    VIP June 2020
    Jessica ·
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    I would not include any of the sisters and just have friends and then have the sisters do a reading or some other aspect of the wedding. I would not just chose one though, if my sister included my brother in the wedding but not me I would be upset. Have them all or none and it sounds like you don't want the other two so have all three of them do something special so they are involved but not bridesmaids.

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  • 2d Bride
    Champion October 2009
    2d Bride ·
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    Those aren't your only choices. He could have his sisters be on his side, as groomswomen. They are closer to him than to you anyway. And unless he also had eight people he wants as groomsmen, all of them could be included without becoming an overwhelming number.

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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
    Ivy ORP ·
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    My FW has 3 sisters, all older. The oldest and the sister just older than my FW were each other's MOH so my FW chose the 2nd oldest to be her MOH for her first wedding. It was all good and everyone was happy. Cut to now and none of them will be in our wedding party. I think it really depends on the family. If you and your FH feel this is important to you, then take a stand, but you may have to include all or none.

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  • A
    Devoted September 2020
    Anna ·
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    Put your foot down and have it how you want it. Pick none, one, or all. It’s your day! I didn’t pick fiance’s sister even though I was pressured to by many a people. It should be about who you are closest to and want by your side
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  • Sara
    Super October 2019
    Sara ·
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    I think I'd leave them all out of it. It sounds like you already have pretty big wedding party (whether it's 8 and 9, 12 and 9, or 8 and 13), so I'd try to honor them by having them do a reading, act as ushers, or even all be adult flower girls to escort the ring bearer.

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  • A
    Devoted September 2020
    Anna ·
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    I don’t think it would be horrible not to include any of them. At the end of the day, bride should be able to pick her nearest and dearest that’s she’s most comfortable having with her on such a day. I personally don’t think being a sibling automatically makes you included in the bridal party.
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  • Cristy
    Master May 2021
    Cristy ·
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    So, let me get this straight........FMIL's own wedding party was basically hijacked by her FMIL, so she is now trying to do the same thing to you? I would think she of all people would be more sensitive to what you want, seeing as how she didn't get what she wanted.

    My opinion? DON'T CAVE!! Your bridal party is something very personal, and should only include those you feel closest to in life. You should never choose anyone to be in the BP just to make someone else happy. If you read these forums long enough, you will start to see a pattern of brides who were pressured into having certain people in their bridal party--and they end up regretting it! Do what makes you happy. Don't worry about everyone else. What's FMIL going to do if you don't have these girls in your bridal party? She might be mad, might even throw a fit, but in the end, you'll still be marrying her son, and there's nothing she says or does that will change that. So, avoid the drama, and have your closest ladies (family or friends) standing with you.

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  • Mary
    Expert July 2019
    Mary ·
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    Agree with PP to not invite the sisters as bridesmaids. Those who are standing with you should be your nearest and dearest. I like the suggestion above to see if FH is open to them being groomswomen (if he has a very close relationship with them).
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  • Rachael
    Expert October 2019
    Rachael ·
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    ^^^^^^ 1000% this

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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I never understand why people feel entitled to be in a bridal party. Feel free to choose none of them if that's what you want. A bridal party should be your nearest and dearest!

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  • Elizabeth
    Dedicated February 2020
    Elizabeth ·
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    Encourage FH to have them stand with him. They’re his sisters after all. Then they’re still included.
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  • Fmv
    Super October 2020
    Fmv ·
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    Holy cow that would be alot of bridesmaide, opinions, and people to deal with.
    I say stick to who you really want up there and deal with the drama of your mother in law. Cant your fiance tell her to back off and that you are asking the people who you want??
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  • Concetta
    Super March 2020
    Concetta ·
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    Hi, I think 12 girls may be just a tad much im sorry I hope I do not offend you. Why are you saying all except the 1 with kids? because her kids are in the bridal party? I think for myself I know I would cave and just do the family but I don't see anything wrong with having the youngest one and than possibly including the other sisters in something else

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  • Jessica
    Dedicated March 2025
    Jessica ·
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    Same thing happen to me!!!!!!!!! I chose the two I was closer with and held my ground. Fortunately for me MIL was understanding. And everyone came around within a month lol. Hope that helps. Say u need your support system there they are YOUR sisters.
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  • Katie
    Just Said Yes July 2020
    Katie ·
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    • Hide content fiance and I decided to invite the sister we were closest with to be in the bridal party to make our numbers 9 & 9, buuuut she then freaked out (with the help of the MIL) and called us later saying she didn't want to be in it. If anything this is the beginning of an eye opening process for my fiancé to see the unhealthy parts of his family, because they now have decided that none of them will be in it now because apparently "I do not value them".

    My fiancé has been very supportive and has really been holding a lot of the stress away from me by continuing to support me realizing that his family does not understand how friends can be like family (they thought it was strange to have friends in a bridal party; explains more below). Which we both then decided to write on our invitations how excited we are to have "related family and friend family" attend the wedding.

    Are we pushing too strong? or do you think this is enough undertone? We realized that their view of weddings is about family ONLY in bridal parties. My fiancé has four sisters and no brothers, so I knew I was going to shatter the ice; and I will probably continue to shatter the ice in various events being the only female marrying in. So yay......partyyyyyy lol.

    All of your advice has been so helpful and hearing everyones support has decreased my stress about this, so thank you to everyone who has commented and will comment. This has helped immensely.

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