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Dedicated October 2022

Seating Arrangements - Parents & In-laws sit together?

Sharyl, on September 28, 2022 at 12:38 AM Posted in Wedding Reception 0 7
Just trying to condense tables as much as possible. Do you give your parents / MIL & FIL their own table or group them together? My dad is by himself and my mom passed away a few years ago. My siblings have their own table with their kids and I didn’t want my dad to sit alone. Both sides get along great. Just a bit of language barrier but at the same time I just want them to be comfortable if that makes sense.


Latest activity by Ashlee, on September 29, 2022 at 9:09 AM
  • Cece
    Master October 2023
    Cece ·
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    I would sit your father with your siblings and their children. Weddings can feel very lonely for people who have lost their spouses. I would ensure he was surrounded by his children who love him and who he’s comfortable with.
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  • Bailey
    Expert October 2023
    Bailey ·
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    I sit FMIL and FFIL with their kids and parents that were still here. I put my parents with my siblings and their closest relatives [moms brother, moms best friend/my adopted grandmother].

    Sit people with who they would want to be with most!

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  • Imani
    Master July 2022
    Imani ·
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    We did parents at one table and siblings and their significant others at two separate tables. I’d say if he’d be comfortable with his children, sit him there.
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  • Paige
    VIP October 2022
    Paige ·
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    We'll probably do my parents, siblings, and closer relatives at one table and a separate one for my in-laws-to-be, FH's sibling and wife, and then however many closer family members to fill the table. This way everyone knows who they're sitting with and won't feel forced into making small talk with people they don't know as well.

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  • Erin
    Super May 2022
    Erin ·
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    My parents wanted to be at the head table with our wedding party and their significant others because they did not want maternal/paternal extended families being upset that they “picked a side” to sit with at the guest tables. I was totally cool with that and included them at our head table. My in-laws were a different story though: only one side of my husband’s extended family was coming, so his mother told me she and FIL, SIL, and SIL’s husband wanted to be seated with family together at a guest table. It may have looked weird since my parents did one thing and his did another, but no one really cared in the end because they are just seats 🙂
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  • Orianna
    Devoted December 2022
    Orianna ·
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    We're doing all the parents together. My in-laws, my parents, and a couple that are family friends that we joke are my west coast parents (as my parents live on the east coast). We're adding humorous/sarcastic table names at each and since our parents contributed significantly to the cost of our wedding we're calling this table "The Money" 🤣 (luckily they all think it's funny too).

    I would say put your dad wherever you think he'd be more comfortable and have the best time - either with the other parents, or your siblings are great options.

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  • Ashlee
    Super September 2022
    Ashlee ·
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    We both had weird family dynamics. So we sat my siblings with my mom and grandparents. We sat my dad and stepmom with MIL and her parents/siblings. We sat FIL with his siblings and their families. My husbands siblings chose where they wanted to sit (with their friends who were at the wedding).

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