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Super October 2021

Possible Ring Bearer and His Brother

Lisa, on June 16, 2021 at 5:36 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 4

Initially my fiancé and I were not planning on having a ring bearer since we do not have any young boys on either side of the family that we actual know. We were thinking maybe our closest friends son, it they idea came and gone months ago and we never talked about it since.

My fiancé and I were at our friend's house last weekend where surprisingly they brought it up(!). They said if we didn't have a ring bearer their son could definitely do it and it would save them the hassle of a sitter. They also mentioned that if their son was the ring bearer, they would also want to bring their one year old, and both kids would leave with the grandparents (who are invited to the wedding) after the reception and we could go on our way and continue the party without the kids.

We aren't allowing any kids, except my nieces who are the flower girls, since they are in the wedding.

I told my fiancé that I didn't think it was a good idea to allow one couple to bring their kids because it looks like favoritism and I feel it could just create problems. The ring bearer being at the reception is one thing, but the brother is another. We are excluding A LOT of kids, friends and family. I told him I think it's best to not have the ring bearer so we aren't put in an awkward situation. He doesn't agree and said people can just get over it. He added that it seems like our friends wouldn't have a baby sitter if we didn't have the son as the ring bearer and allow the brother to come, too. I told him it's not our problem that they cannot figure it out - they've known about our wedding date since July of last year. They have family that lives close by and the family also have a sitter recommendation for them.

We are still undecided as to how to move forward. What are your thoughts?


Latest activity by Ariel, on June 16, 2021 at 10:21 PM
  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Could both boys be ring bearers since you are having two flower girls it would make sense to have two ring bearers? The older boy could help the younger boy walk down the aisle.
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  • Mcskipper
    Master July 2018
    Mcskipper ·
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    If you have one and both get to come, I’d do think it’s best to make them both officially wedding party members. I’m on your side with this one, and I kind of feel like them suggesting their son a month before the wedding feels a little pushy and a little “don’t want to find a sitter so THANKS 😬” which I don’t love. But if they’re really your closest friends and this kid actually means something to you, it’s fair enough and you’re call. Honestly the center of the decision should be your relationship to the kid. If he’s just a body in a suit to look cute, skip. If he’s close enough that he’ll grow up calling you aunt and uncle and you’re actively involved in his life, then that’s cool
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  • Piper
    Dedicated April 2022
    Piper ·
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    It wouldn't be 'unfair' to add these 2 because you're already allowing 2 flower girls. I mean: When it comes to kids , if you're making one exception, even if they are in your WP, some parents will get upset no matter what because you already played favorites.
    So having 1-2 more kids won't change anything, in my humble opinion, since you already made 2 exceptions.

    YOUR situation is the reason why we decided to have 0 FG and 0 RB (since we're hosting a kid-free wedding), regardless of the relationship we have with them.
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  • Ariel
    Devoted October 2021
    Ariel ·
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    We are having a no kid wedding except for the flower girls and ring bearer and it’s a hassle. We should’ve just none no kids period. With that said if you didn’t think to ask the boy in the first place then you probably aren’t that close with him. I’d just pass and avoid the potential drama and hurt feelings.

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