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Savvy August 2021

Plus 1s & Kids and covid restrictions

Laurissa, on April 16, 2021 at 10:40 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 5
We’re getting married in August and STD/Change the Dates were sent out last year. Haven’t sent invites yet but emailed everyone telling them to book travel since Tahoe is already getting super busy and I was worried people would be left without a place to stay. Venue said we shouldn’t send invites until June 15 when CA is hopefully fully reopening, but that wouldn’t give people very much time to make plans.

So, here’s my question: Our original STDs were sent to people addressed as “Joe and Guest” if they had a plus one and just “Joe” if they didn’t. But with California COVID restrictions we might be limited to 150/200 guests depending on what tier we’re in at the time. What is the etiquette around “feel free to bring a plus one for the weekend as we’ll have other more casual events open to all, but due to capacity restrictions they might not be able to attend the actual wedding”. Is that super rude? I’m hoping we’ll have enough space and I’m worried ppl won’t come if they don’t know anyone. Maybe they’ll just do that anyway and I don’t have to voice it? If we end up having to cut the guest list then plus ones will be the first to go. Really hope it doesn’t come to that because it will be a nightmare.
Similar situation with kids. I totaled up 70 kids (our friends are all in family mode) so the intent was always no kids just due to quantity. And now with CA requiring vaccinations for indoor events that gives more credence to not having kids. That being said, since most people are traveling from out of state and with COVID people might not feel comfortable having a stranger babysit their kids, so I don’t want people to not come? Should I say something like “please let us know if this is an issue” or “policy may change depending on CA tier at time of event”? No one has mentioned anything yet so maybe won’t actually be an issue. I don’t mind there being a couple kids there, I just don’t want to be overrun! I think a lot of people are being nanny/in laws to look after the kids, but obviously that’s not an option for everyone. I also want to let ppl know that nanny/in laws would be welcome at our other weekend events, but not sure how to phrase that.
Since we haven’t sent out actual invites yet I just worry that people will make plans thinking their plus one /kids are invited and then freak out when the invite is only addressed to them. So I’m wondering if I should address it now before ppl book their travel?


Latest activity by Pam, on April 20, 2021 at 1:31 AM
  • Ava
    VIP May 2022
    Ava ·
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    Yikes. With so many unknowns, this has the potential for disaster. If I were in your situation, I would start reaching out to guests via phone to explain the situation so as to ensure A. the wording doesn’t offend B. All the ins & outs and “what ifs” are explained and understood C. So people understand that they may need to be vaccinated and/ or tested in order to attend your wedding (depending on local requirements at that time) and D. So people don’t make travel arrangements for their children
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  • Stacey
    Super May 2021
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    This is hard to hear, but at some point you just have to plant your flag in the ground based on whatever the guidance is that day, make all of your decisions, and then move forward. It was really, really hard for us to do that, because we wanted to wait as long as possible in case the rules changed. But once we did that, it was such a wave of relief because all the uncertainty went away, even though it wasn’t our dream scenario. The “what-ifs” can be a real thief of joy. So just another option to consider. P.S. COVID sucks

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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
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    Decide firmly on kids if you want to allow them or not. But be consistent: don't have a flowergirl and infants only if all other kids are banned due to space.

    There is no polite way to say "feel free to bring a friend for the weekend but we might not have space at the wedding." Only invite those who are 1000% invited to the wedding itself. People can vacation with randoms on their time that is not your wedding weekend.

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  • Francesca
    Beginner June 2024
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    What Ava said. You need to be upfront and let people know ASAP. I feel like most people will understand because the reality is that many of these things are just out of your hands because of covid. Once you talk to everyone individually you are planting the seed that there MIGHT be some last minute changes or limitations. When you do eventually send out your invitations add a card with a friendly little reminder about what may happen the day of. That way it reminds them about what you discussed already. Good luck! This really makes me so sad for everyone dealing with this in CA. Sending hugs.
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  • P
    January 2014
    Pam ·
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    I wouldn't say anything like “please let us know if this is an issue” regarding the no kids issue. If someone were to call you up and say it's an issue, what do you plan to do about it? Make an exception? Word will get out and you'll have 70 kids there.

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