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Just Said Yes September 2021

Parents inviting friends

Stephanie, on July 11, 2021 at 12:19 PM Posted in Parties and Events 0 7
My mother and I got into a disagreement yesterday over what guests to invite to my bridal shower. We are limited with the number of people we can have (48 people max) and my mom would like to invite all of her girlfriends over some family members that I would like to be there. I am already letting my parents invite all of their friends to our wedding, even though we do not know half the people, but I feel that the bridal shower should be more intimate and should include guests the couple know. My grandmother told me that I have no say over who my mother invites to my shower and it does not matter if I do not know people there. I am upset by this and I feel like my mom has put me in a terrible situation where I have to tell my future in laws to cut their guest list (including some of the grooms family) and not invite people from my fathers family (my parents are divorced) so that she can invite friends I’ve never even met. Is it normal for parents to pick out the guest list or should the couple decide who is at wedding related events, such as the bridal shower? I would add that both mothers are splitting the cost of the shower but my fiancé and I are paying a significant portion of our wedding.

Thank you for the help/advice.


Latest activity by Glam Geek, on July 13, 2021 at 12:34 AM
  • AJ
    Super October 2022
    AJ ·
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    Whoever is hosting/paying gets to dictate the guest list. That isn't fair that some of your grooms family would have to get cut in place of your moms friends who you've never met - I think family should be top priority and then if there is room then you invite friends. Its nice that you are letting them come to the wedding, but you'd rather celebrate with close family. Unfortunately your guest list is limited and they know that. Make sure all the must haves are invited and if there is room for extras then add.

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  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
    Katie ·
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    Typically the shower includes all the woman who will be invited to the wedding. So technically the guest list would already have been made when you made the wedding guest list.

    I think your mom is being a bit selfish and turning your bridal shower into her own personal party. I think you need to step in more and make it known to her that you were already generous enough in letting all her friends come to the wedding, but you aren't going to let them be at the shower over family members. Personally if I was in this situation Id tell my mom I nor would my fiancé family be attending this event if she was going to be using my party as her own personal party,and that me and my fiancé family will do our own shower if she couldn't cooperate with what I want.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Wow. Both your mom and grandma are ignorant of manners. Whomever is invited to the shower must also be invited to the wedding. The only exceptions are showers hosted by coworkers, fellow church members and other social groups. The bride is often asked to make a guest list but the hosts have final say, but they should be following etiquette. If you are not ok with how the shower is being planned, you can decline. Both your mom and grandma are out of line in this telling you to sit down and be quiet. The fact that you are inviting friends of hers you don’t know to the wedding itself is already compromise. Maybe your friends/relatives you want to be there instead will possibly host a party for you. Either way, mom can host her friends on her time not at your expense. Best of luck!
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    In my circle, the couple is in charge of the guest list for the shower.

    But, like others said, only people invited to the wedding get invited to the shower.

    I can't imagine how your mother thinks you'll have fun at your shower with people you don't know. Hold the line.

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    Super May 2019
    KYLIE ·
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    It is 100% not okay for your mom to have total control over the guest list, especially if she and your MIL are splitting the cost! You are well within your right to tell your mom that you want a shower of no more than 20 (or whatever the number is), and you’d like to name 10 of the guests, with she and your MIL getting 5 each of their complete choosing. If she balks, decline entirely
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  • Paulina
    Savvy August 2021
    Paulina ·
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    The rule is don’t invite anyone who won’t be invited to the wedding.
    As some here have said, the one paying and throwing the bridal shower gets a say in the guest list. Maybe ask your mom for two different showers? One with family and another one with her friends? My sister just yesterday reminded me: you catch more flies with honey than vinegar
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  • Glam Geek
    Dedicated November 2018
    Glam Geek ·
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    All of this. I agree with everything that Michelle said.

    You definitely are already compromising by inviting strangers to your wedding. A shower should (in my opinion) should be moreso focused on family (the bride's family, as well as future in-laws) and close friends of the bride. It is not fair to you or your FMIL that you have to cut out people on her side of the family, people on your Dad's side of the family, and I'd assume some of your friends, just so your mother can invite strangers to your shower.

    Around where I am the couple usually create a guest list and will tell the host(s) whom they want to invite to the shower (and of course if - for example, there are too many people invited, the host(s) can discuss with the bride in order to cut down the guest list a bit). Since your FMIL is also helping to pay for the shower (hosting), she should have a say in which important family members to be invited and so should you as the guest of honor. It can't just be all of your mother's guests - even if she is co-hosting. I'm sure that your FMIL will be hurt if (for example) her sister had to be cut in favor of one of your mother's friends. If the tables were turned and your mother couldn't invite close family members of hers, I'm sure she wouldn't be happy.

    I'm sorry that your mother and grandmother are stressing you out so much. This should be a joyous occasion where you can relax and enjoy yourself with loved ones. Not a meet and greet with people that you've never met.

    Stephanie, would your mother be opposed to having brunch or a small get together with you and her friends - that way she feels that they are included (like what Paulina said)? If your mother won't budge on this then the only thing I could suggest is an additional compromise of some sort, which might mean either two showers or an additional gathering with you, your mother, and her friends.

    Best wishes and luck to you. I hope you have a lovely time.

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