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Expert August 2014

Oh No Stress Hives 6days before wedding

Amber, on August 11, 2014 at 3:11 AM Posted in Planning 0 9

I don't even feel that stressed, I feel pretty relaxed. but my body is saying totally different.. For the past day I've noticed multiple hives all over my legs, thighs, and shoulders. Cold sores popping up on my face and I just feel itchy all over. This is weird.. Any tips?


Latest activity by FutureMrs.S, on August 12, 2014 at 1:29 AM
  • Sissy
    Devoted May 2015
    Sissy ·
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    I feel so bad for you I also get hives when I'm stressed I would take antihistamines and go see your dr. I'm sure he will be able to give you something to help! Good luck

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  • 2014AD
    Super August 2014
    2014AD ·
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    Go to the doctor (I know, not what you want to hear). You could have an allergic reaction to something, including wedding-related stress. You don't want to be all itchy (or red) during the big day. For now you could get an over the counter anti-itch medicine like caladryl.

    Hope you feel better soon!

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  • Mrs. Smith-Smith To Be
    Expert May 2015
    Mrs. Smith-Smith To Be ·
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    I break out in hives when I am super stressed out. OTC antihistamines don't work when I get to this point, therefore, I either get a antihistamine shot OR get an Rx for a pill called "atarax". It's a tiny pill but it's pretty powerful. I will only take it at night, when I am able to get 8+ hrs of sleep. I usually take the next day off because sometimes I'm still groggy. Good luck!

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  • Rachey
    VIP June 2014
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    I had hives out of nowhere in my 20's, had to get on prednisone but be careful with this because it causes rapid weight gain and craziness! But it did get rid of the hives. After allergy testing, they determined I was having food allergies. Went on a daily dose of Zyrtec and took that for about 3 years and they just poof, vanished. Zyrtec is a now an over the counter anti histamine so you could definitely try it. I would take it at night thought, it may cause some sleepiness but it never bothered me and no side effects.

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  • Abbiell
    VIP October 2013
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    I don't get hives, but DH does sometimes. He's gone to the dr for a shot in extreme cases and it usually helps. I also think taking Benadryl helps. If you get on top of them now, I think you'll be okay in time for the wedding. Just don't let them get too bad. Good luck!

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  • Marissa
    Dedicated September 2014
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    Ok so I am way late on this but just in case... First yes doc for sure, it is probably a good idea to be on a non-drowsy antihistamine ie: Reactine and to continue taking it until after your wedding. You mentioned cold sores. There is a medication called Valtrex that if taken within 72 hours of the first symptom can really reduce the cold sore. There is also a new topical I am in Canada and it is called Xyerse it may have a different name in the states but it works really well and it also helps it to feel better. Good luck I hope it all feels better soon

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  • StitchingBride
    Master October 2014
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    I'm going to invite you to connect because I'm having the same problem. personally I've seen doctors for this and other than figuring out ways to relax in order to prevent them, there's not much western med wise that has been done for me that makes much of a difference. chamomile tea and creme helps.

    I also use my grandmas remedy and put pure aloe oil on the rash.

    doing things for the stress have help prevent the flare ups. but as for once I already have them, things like hemorrhoid cream and witch hazel has helped a lot!

    if anyone can name a good creme to get in the states please send it my way. I know what is causing them and it's stress. in my case the stress isn't the wedding, the wedding I can do things about . it's the other things in life that I can't control. to me that's the worst feeling.

    ironically sewing on my veil has worked wonders for the stress. think I'll sit down and watch some firefox and work on the veil Smiley smile

    thinking I may have to rethink my dress design to include some sleeves. I want to wear gloves, but my hands and for arms are so big that most any gloves I can find don't fit.

    there's thing I can do to relieve the itching, but if all else fails I hopefully I can edit the rash out of the pictures. Smiley smile

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  • Amber
    Expert August 2014
    Amber ·
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    Thanks for the suggestions!!! Just spent some time taking a ooatmeal bath, hope this helps a bit if not to the doctor I go tomorrow

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  • FutureMrs.S
    Savvy May 2015
    FutureMrs.S ·
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    I feel you.. i am ages away but anytime i talk to family on the phone, i get a breakout the next day. my birthday was yesterday and after an extremely exhausting stressful wedding convo with my grandma yesterday- i wake up today with an eczema flare up around my eye! i haven't had a flare up in 2 years. I fear for when it gets close to my wedding and my family is in my face.

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