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Dedicated October 2019

Oct 26, 2019 - I'm so glad it's over!

Brandi, on November 5, 2019 at 3:31 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 22

I wouldn't really say I regret anything about my wedding (I really enjoyed the day & ended up married to my best friend), but if I had the chance for a do-over, I'd definitely make some changes. For starters, I would've taken more time dress shopping. I originally said I wanted a dress w/...

I wouldn't really say I regret anything about my wedding (I really enjoyed the day & ended up married to my best friend), but if I had the chance for a do-over, I'd definitely make some changes.

For starters, I would've taken more time dress shopping. I originally said I wanted a dress w/ sleeves...that was my deal breaker, but I was in such a rush to find something in my size & in my budget but also have enough time for alterations, that I ended up picking something I didn't absolutely LOVE. I eventually ended up at David's Bridal & they had very limited sleeved dresses in my size & in my budget to try on. I was so over the whole process that I just bought something that looked okay...and of course it didn't have sleeves. Don't get me wrong, I felt very comfortable in my fit perfectly b/c my seamstress was AMAZING...but when I look at the pictures I just really wish I would've picked something different...b/c I don't think I look as good as I felt. Smiley ups

I also wish we wouldn't have spent so much money on food, cake, & the bar. We invited 100 people, ~80 said they were coming, but only ~40-50 actually showed up. I could've 1) invited way more people (and avoided a lot of drama & hurt feelings) or 2) spent less money on food/liquor/cake/decoration & spent more on other stuff (better dress, hired videographer, hired a car service, etc). On the bright side, we used Sam's Club & WalMart to stock our bar, so anything that wasn't open, we returned & got ~$280 back Smiley catface

Finally, I wish I would've been more selfish. I was so worried about not being a Bridezilla, that I didn't get the wedding dress or bridesmaid dress shopping experience I wanted. My bridesmaids ended up in dresses that we ordered online & that I didn't get to see until the day of...and surprise surprise...the color wasn't right. My Man of Honor waited until the last minute to order his tux & couldn't get the one I picked for him. I let guests stress me ALL THE WAY OUT. And the whole planning process was NOT enjoyable & I'm beyond glad it's over. However, I will say that every time something seemed to be going wrong, it always tended to work out in the end. For example, the suite I booked for us to get ready in that weekend got overbooked & they had to put us in a smaller suite that barely had enough room for me to get ready in...but the hotel comped the entire stay.

At first, I stressed a little about the things I wish I could've done differently, but ultimately it is what it is. The people who really mattered & loved us where there & we had a great time. Now, I'm just thinking about all the stuff we can do now that the anxiety & stress of wedding planning is over! And I have some advice to help avoid the anxiety & headaches if anyone needs it Smiley laugh

Oh...and I have pictures!



  • Anna
    Super April 2020
    Anna ·
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    Thank you so much for your advice. We are planning on sticking to a budget and ended up buying a dress i was not in love with. I saw one online that i had tried on and was way over budget, well i ended up buying it. I kept thinking i would regret not getting it. So in a way i am happy i spent that money. But your wedding looked so beautiful. Just remember a wedding is one day but a marriage is forever. Congratulations!!

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  • Sherry
    Master September 2019
    Sherry ·
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    The pictures are great and you looked beautiful! Congratulations!!!

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