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Not invited to step-daughter's wedding

Anelli, on September 9, 2022 at 8:42 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 2 10

My husband has 2 grown children (twins) with his first wife. I am his 3rd wife so I didnt split them up or even know him back when he was with wife#1 (mother of his chidlren). We've been together for 13 years. I have 2 children from my 1st marriage. No children together. But we've been married much longer than any other wife :-) His 28yo daughter is getting married soon. She wants 2 weddings - one in US and 1 in India (her husband is from India). Her wedding planner alone costs $10K. She wants 200+ guests at each wedding event. The US event will be held at an exclusive winery outside San Francisco (we're in Florida). You can imagine the total cost. Her dad (my husband) has been asked to pay for it all. Fortunately, he has the means. I grew up poor and studied hard to get a degree and work 60+ hours/week to support myself. I don't rely on anyone. Never have. I pay all the bills at the house & my husband contributes $500/mo. When we go out, we usually split the bill. I paid for my kid's weddings, tuition, etc with nothing from him. His kids and ex-wives, however, only call him when they want something. And it's usually money...or a car...or a vacation...never a request to spend time with him or help him out.

For years I tried having a relationship with his kids. When we first met his daughter was 15 and snuck out a window, went drinking and crashed the Mustang her dad bought her just 24 hours before. Police brought her home at 2am. She cried so he hugged her and immediately had the car fixed. Not even a scolding. Unfortunately our parenting techniques are quite different. I have raised my own children to understand that there are consequences for actions. And if you want something - work for it.

In order to bring us all together I've arranged trips to Disney (her parents never took the kids to any amusement park), the London Olympics, etc. so that his children get to do fun things that their mom and dad (my husband) never had the time or inclination to do with them (his ex has never worked a day in her life - she lives 100% on his alimony and child support in a $1M home he paid for). When his ex-wife threw their daughter out of the house at age 16, I let her come stay with me (my husband was out of the country on business). I drove 3 hours at 1am on a work night to go pick her up at an airport. His son hasn't done much better in life. He's flunked out of 4 universities due to all his partying and won't get a job. My husband pays his rent, his car, his motorcycle and even bought him an airplane (so he could learn to fly). Both my kids graduated from college - one with a PhD from Cambridge - and they've both worked since they were 15 years old. We've got two very different ways of raising children. I'm not saying one way is right and the other is wrong. They're just different.

Now his daughter is 28 years old and getting married. And I'm not invited. Not a real big surprise, because his children never liked that I have rules in our home (no underage drinking, for example). But I'm feeling sad that my husband didn't insist that I be invited. Knowing he's paying for everything and then travelling to CA and then India for multi-day weddings with dancing, dining, etc. without me is making me feel like he's got another family and I'm simply not a part of it. It's not like he's going out for the day to attend her wedding. He'll literally be gone for weeks attending these events in two different countries. Without me. Not sure if I should say something? Or maybe be happy I don't have to attend? I'm torn here.


Latest activity by LM, on June 5, 2023 at 1:18 PM
  • Sharon
    Super September 2021
    Sharon ·
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    His daughter is being extremely disrespectful to you and your marriage. She doesn't have to like you but she has to respect your relationship with her father. Is your husband ok with you not being invited? With 200 people at each wedding she won't even have to talk to you.
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  • Katie
    VIP August 2020
    Katie ·
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    Hi Anelli, I’m so sorry you are going through this. My husband and I were brought up to work for what we want and are very appreciative of everything our parents/families have done for us, so I totally get it. I wouldn’t dream of not inviting a stepparent. You’re justified in being torn on this issue. If I were in your shoes, I would have a heart to heart with your husband. Let him know that if one of your children did that to him, you would not tolerate it. Also, he needs to get to the bottom of as to why. As a married couple, you are a united front and he needs to be the one to inform that to his daughter.

    I’m sure your husband loves his children unconditionally and would never want to place anything or anyone between himself and his children (which I’m sure you feel the same for your children and you are certainly not asking him to do that). In my humble opinion, your husband should speak with his daughter privately and ask her why. What I am guessing is a huge misunderstanding on her part, he should inform his daughter privately that you are his wife and will be invited. He should inform her she doesn’t have to love you, but common decency and respect are required and that includes an invitation. Period.
    Good luck to you! Glad your kids are such hardworking people in the world and hold your head high you raised them well! ❤️
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  • V
    Rockstar July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I would suggest discussing this with your husband. The fact she didn't invite you is extremely rude and hurtful, but it's also very hurtful that your husband doesn't seem to see the problem with this or the problem with how his children behave in general. They both sound like spoiled brats who are never going to change because he's enabling this type of behavior.
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    She expects your husband to pay, but doesn't acknowledge you. This is very disrespectful and your concerns are legitimate. You should voice your concerns to your husband.

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  • A
    Anelli ·
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    Thanks everyone for taking the time to not only read my torrid tale - but also taking the time to supply your wisdom. Much appreciated. Years ago my younger daughter was upset over my divorce & said she didnt want me dating. I explained that it's my life and I know she's upset but I'm going to date this man and hope she eventually comes around. She did. And now they are best friends. Even though his kids don't include any of my family to their graduations, birthdays or holiday events, his kids were invited to my kid's weddings and Christmas holidays. Neither of his kids ever showed up or even responded to the invites. Like I said - no surprises. But thank you for confirming that my hurt isn't unfounded. I'm not upset with his kids as much as I am with my husband. Now I've got to figure out what to do. If I argue for an invite - am I truly going to want to be in a place where I'm obviously not wanted? If I had gotten an invite from the get-go I could have graciously declined...but then I'm no better than them - right? Boy, this is tough.

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  • A
    Anelli ·
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    Yes - it's like having Paris Hilton as a stepchild :-)

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    I think primarily you have a husband problem, I'm really sorry to say. He has been allowing/condoning this disrespect toward you for years. It's no wonder they feel like it's ok not to invite you. If he goes alone, he's agreeing to that.

    Definitely say something to him.

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  • C
    Just Said Yes January 2023
    Christie ·
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    I know this is an older post but I have recently went through this. The wedding was yesterday. Here I am at midnight crying my eyes out over the whole situation. I've been married to my husband 14 years. Stepdaughter did not invite me or her 9 year old half brother. The save your date came 7 months ago, my husband had 7 months to say something on me and our sons behalf. My husband refused to talk to her about this and it's caused a lot of strife between us this past 7 months. The only thing he mentioned to her was that he did not want seated next to his ex and he wasn't comfortable having pictures if his ex was in them. It was a bitter divorce and they have zero relationship. Wedding was yesterday and stepdaughter seated my husband next to his ex and insisted on family photos. Of course not much he could do in that situation.

    I'm not sure how I'll ever get past him not saying something on our son's behalf or mine. I feel completely humiliated and feel he is a party to the disrespectful behavior.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Yep, you have a husband problem. I'm sorry that happened to you. I would seek individual counselling (not marital yet), because this can and will go on for other future events involving your stepdaughter. She knows that she can get what she wants from your husband, and she will continue to do it. I would have a really good think about where your boundaries are and how you need to be treated in that family.

    I'm not sure why your SD and your husband think it's OK to treat you and your son like that, but it's abusive.

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  • LM
    Super December 2022
    LM ·
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    I'm sorry this happened to you. A part of me thinks you were protected by not attending this farsical cr@# show. It sounds like your husband and his family are emotionally truncated. Your husband picked his battles about pictures and seating, and instead he lost emotionally on so many fronts. Please know, that if he was not paying for this wedding and not the host, he has limited say. But, he should have said something about the disrespect to you and your son.

    I'd limit your contact with that side in the future. It does not sound like your husband has healthy ways of communication to even hear you right now, so speak to a professional counselor as Jacks recommended. I would cease crying. These people live with illusions of happiness. Because you can see what's wrong, your son is in a better position to learn respect, support, compassion, and commitment from you.

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