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Savvy July 2022

My fiancé doesn’t want his brother officiating our wedding :(

Jada, on January 15, 2022 at 8:41 PM Posted in Wedding Ceremony 0 12
I’m a bit sad y’all! So we’re having a destination wedding at a resort and it also comes with a person in Mexico that officiates who we won’t meet until the day before wedding. His brother is a pastor and also officiates weddings. He said he doesn’t want him to officiate because he wants his brother to just relax and enjoy the vacation and I understand where he’s coming from but I also feel like the meaning of having someone we know and love officiate our wedding will have such a deeper meaning. Especially when looking back at our wedding years from now. He doesn’t even know if he wants to even mention it to his brother to see if he’s down (his brother loves us so I’m 98% sure he would say yes happily)… having someone bless our union who we trust and who truly knows and loves us would mean so much to me. More to me that someone we don’t know and have never met. I would also add that his father officiates as well and that too would be lovely but he also wants his father to just relax…We’d also comp that full day for his brother (or father) for that day if he officiated it) so it would be money off him and his wife’s trip too lol … what y’all think? Should I just give up on my hopes of having someone we have a connection with officiate?


Latest activity by Rosie, on January 16, 2022 at 5:43 PM
  • Jm Sunshine
    Jm Sunshine ·
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    If I understand correctly, a destination wedding in Mexico is actually a symbolic wedding as you legally need to get married in the US (if you're US citizens?). Why can't they officiate your legal wedding and be guests at symbolic one?
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Unless you plan to go through a crap ton of red tape paperwork, a ceremony in Mexico if you are a US citizen is a vow renewal and not the legal ceremony, which would have take place in the US while adhering to the laws in your state. So it doesn’t matter who officiates in that case. But I completely understand why he wants his father and brother to relax: because family/friends as vendors don’t get to relax and enjoy the wedding as the other guests do. You need to get on the same page with fiancé. Wedding planning is practice for other life decisions that you will face together.
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  • Jada
    Savvy July 2022
    Jada ·
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    They live in another state so it would cause them to have find baby sitters ..etc it would be a lot to have them travel twice in such short time. They don’t live driving distance
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  • Jada
    Savvy July 2022
    Jada ·
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    Lol we obviously should get on the same page, I think that’s clear. Just seeing what others think about the general sense of having a stranger officiate your wedding vs a loved one. Nothing more nothing less
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  • Candace
    Super March 2022
    Candace ·
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    I can understand where both of you are coming from. I would like to be married by someone meaningful to either of us like you. I have a pastor friend that I considered. But FH really wants someone more significant to the local area, like a city council or famous person 🙄. At this point I just want someone who will do a good job and be sincere. It's still up on the air.
    On the other hand, many years ago I was very involved at my church and my sister asked me to officiate her wedding. I realize I was the closest thing to a minister that she knew and it would have meant alot to her. I turned her down because I really just wanted to enjoy her wedding as her sister rather than officiating it. That's a very important job. I didn't want the pressure! So I did ask my pastor friend to do it, and he did a wonderful job. And I got to attend and dote on my little sister in a completely sister role. I think she understood why, at least I hope so. So I see why your FH feels that way too.
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  • Jen
    Dedicated June 2022
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    I’m pro having a close friend or loved one do it. It’s so much more meaningful and the ceremony is more personal since they would actually know the two of you and have watched your story unfold in real life. My fiancé officiated our best friends’ wedding and it was so amazing. He had so much fun doing it. He didn’t think it took away from his day or experience at the wedding. He said it was just similar to being a groomsman or best man in terms of responsibility. We are also having a friend do ours. I think as long as that person enjoys public speaking I think it’s totally fine and not too much extra pressure.
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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
    Rosie ·
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    I think I understand where your fiance is coming from.

    We had a different situation - Our original celebrant had married my fiance's brother and his wife, as well as my best friend and her husband, so we both felt like she had a connection to the family and it was a bit of a 'sign', type thing - we never considered asking anyone else and knew from the get-go we wanted her.

    Well, we had to postpone, and our celebrant somehow managed to double-book us after saying she was available.

    She suggested a new person and I remember after interviewing the new lady, I called my mum SO upset, saying I just couldn't quite get my head around this new woman, and that I didn't know if I didn't like her because she was associated with the old celebrant who had screwed us around and so I'd (rather unfairly) formed my dislike of her on that, or if maybe she just wasn't for us, or what!

    My mum said that even though the ceremony is the reason for the day, basically, that it's only 30 minutes of it, and when she got married they didn't get an opportunity to choose who it was, it had to be the pastor of their church, and it was just fine. She also told me that at the end of the day, as long as we're legally married, we don't need to really vibe with our officiant or have some special connection - many people don't, and they're no less married, which is so true!

    It really helped me feel better about things.

    In the end though, the replacement woman told us another of her couples was postponing to our new date and she felt obliged to do their wedding as they were her original clients. But we found someone who we like a lot more and honestly - the new person is better than our original celebrant, AND cheaper, even if she doesn't have that connection that the first one did.

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  • Jada
    Savvy July 2022
    Jada ·
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    Thank you, it’s helpful hearing your point of view on it as the sister who was asked to officiate!
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  • Jada
    Savvy July 2022
    Jada ·
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    Thank you! He definitely enjoys speaking publicly lol. I hope my fiancé will at least ask him in a no pressure type of way so if he feels it’s too much he can say so. I’d feel better with having a stranger do it knowing that we at least asked the person who’s great at it close to us
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  • Jada
    Savvy July 2022
    Jada ·
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    Thank you for this, gives me a new way of considering things
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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
    Rosie ·
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    You're so welcome! I know I rambled a bit to get to my point, but basically, it IS a very short portion of the day, and it honestly doesn't matter who it is, as long as they are legally allowed to perform the ceremony.

    You have to assume that your fiance knows his family best and has his reasons for making this choice. I read once about a brother who had been asked to video his sibling's wedding and he said he was so resentful - he had the worst seat in the house up on a balcony somewhere getting the film and never felt like he truly got to see his sibling get married the way he would have liked - so maybe your fiance is worried his brother will feel that way too!

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