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Savvy October 2019

Money arguments venting/advice

FutureMrsHunter, on August 14, 2019 at 7:16 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 12
My fiancé and I are about 66 days away from the wedding (yay!) but it seems as things get closer the more my mom and I argue about money for the wedding.

My parents are generously helping pay for most of the wedding and fiancé and I are helping as much as possible (we are paying for photographer, cake/desserts, makeup, half of flowers, etc). My parents have pretty much let me take the reigns and plan while stepping in occasionally when my wants get to be too much.

Lately my mom and I have been arguing more about money and it’s really starting to stress me out. Like dress alterations were more than expected but I told her I would cover the difference. I reminded her I needed my dad tomorrow to get fitted and order his suit with the groomsmen (mind you I set a day and time about a month ago) and she completely lost it saying I am being inconsiderate of others involved because she said it seems like things are costing more and more. I offered to pay for my dad’s suit (groomsmen are paying for their own, and we offered to help anyone that can’t afford it) and that made her even more mad.

Just wanted to vent and maybe get some insight. Is this normal the closer the wedding gets?


Latest activity by Anna, on August 15, 2019 at 2:02 PM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I guess it makes sense because of all the build up of things happening, can be stressful. Perhaps they felt that things would cost less than they do? It sounds like you're being reasonable though by covering any differences.
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  • Soon2BSmith
    Expert October 2020
    Soon2BSmith ·
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    This definitely happens. My mom is in the wedding business and see family blow up at each other all the time from money-induced stress.

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  • M
    Devoted September 2019
    McKenzie ·
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    It makes sense, weddings can cost more than expected! Maybe ask your mom to sit down and have a chat about how to move forward. List out the things that still need to happen and how those things are payed for so no one is surprised when the bill comes and the energy can be put on the wedding and love.

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  • FutureMrsHunter
    Savvy October 2019
    FutureMrsHunter ·
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    Whenever I have an idea or whenever we decide to book a vendor, I usually try to do my best to research prices and stuff thoroughly so we all have an estimated idea of how much something will cost. But usually the final cost for certain things is out of my control because we have to wait to adjust after final head counts
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  • FutureMrsHunter
    Savvy October 2019
    FutureMrsHunter ·
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    I will probably sit down with her and discuss things in a couple days after we both summer down. Thank you!
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  • S
    Expert October 2019
    Sara ·
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    I agree with this. Maybe pick a time when you’re all relatively calm and hash out what needs to be covered. My wedding is around the same time as yours and we’re starting to feel the heat too 😅 Time is limited so there’s only so much you can save between now and then, but final payments are coming up. It’s stressful for everyone, but I think by laying out what’s left everyone will know what they’re responsible for and you can all enjoy the wedding
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  • karen
    Master October 2017
    karen ·
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    It may be that your mom thinks you are throwing away her money. Most couples do not offer to help pay for groomsmen or BMs outfits. To say you cannot control costs is a bit of a cop out. Your saying that you will pay for some stuff, but you are going over budget on her stuff is aggravating. Not certain what you can do now, other than recognize you did have control and apparently went over budget.

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  • Mary
    Expert July 2019
    Mary ·
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    Agree with PPs on clearly communicating what they are offering to cover, what their expectations are, and what is still pending. I can see this being an issue if they originally offered to cover certain elements of the wedding (e.g. venue, catering, etc.) and not giving a firm total dollar amount that they are willing to contribute. They may have had an amount already in mind that you have gone over.
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  • FutureMrsHunter
    Savvy October 2019
    FutureMrsHunter ·
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    How is that a cop out? Things like catering and flowers will fluctuate depending on head counts and that is out of my control until I recieve all RSVP's back. Those estimates will be at their highest in the beginning and go down from there, but they won't go up. We did not go over budget anywhere actually.. But thanks for your input anyways.

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  • FutureMrsHunter
    Savvy October 2019
    FutureMrsHunter ·
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    Everyone paying has been involved in all meetings with vendors for the wedding so everyone is aware of where we are at currently with costs, and everyone is on the same page. I'm just starting to think everyone is stressing out because all vendors want final payments around the same time, which is understandable!

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    We paid for the majority of daughter & SIL's wedding. We started by telling them exactly how much total we were willing to spend, so they knew up-front what our maximum was. We told them if they spent less, the extra was theirs to do with as they wanted. If they spent more, the difference was their responsibility. In the big picture it worked pretty well and daughter was very mindful of the total budget. When we were done, they were within about 2% of the agreed upon budget. (We shared a detailed budget spreadsheet in a Google doc, so either of us could see exactly where we were and what the remaining balances and due dates were.) Even so, there were a couple times toward the end of planning (we worked very closely together, by her choice) when she was considering adding things in (one small example was $55 flower crowns for the flower girls...), when I spoke up and told her I thought that was a waste of money regardless of who was paying for it, I know she was initially mad that I spoke up. Once she thought about it though, she agreed and we ended up finding silk flower headbands at Kohl's for about $5 each. I think it's really easy toward the end to pay less attention to the financial totals, but I also think if anyone has generously agreed to contribute, the B&G need to be mindful of the limits of those contributions. Were your parents clear about what their total budget was and what that included? Honestly, my husband/FOB was a little clueless and didn't understand why the new suit we bought for him to wear to the wedding and my dress didn't fall under "the wedding budget," so I understand how there can be different perceptions and expectations. I'd calmly sit down and talk with your mom, reminding her how much you appreciate all they are doing. Then I'd talk through exactly where you are with the total budget/expenditures and clarify what your parents can pay for and what you'll be covering. Depending on what's going on, even with the best planning, those last weeks of writing BIG checks can be kind of overwhelming.... Good luck!

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  • A
    Devoted September 2020
    Anna ·
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    There’s bound to be tensions when money is involved especially when someone else is contributing to your day. That’s why I’m glad that my fiancé and I are paying for our own wedding. I don’t have to listen to anyone!: opinions/ advice but my own.
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