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Beginner June 2019

Mom is ruining my engagement

Rsbride, on October 12, 2018 at 1:05 PM Posted in Planning 0 39
Hi everyone. I’m so stressed out and I didn’t know where else to turn.

I recently got engaged to my boyfriend of 2 years last week. It was amazing and in Epcot where we had our first kiss. I could tell he was nervous and the ring was absolutely perfect.

Like a lot of people, I called my mother right after and the first words out of her mouth were “when is it?” And I said “probably a year from now” and she said “that’s too long.” We’ve only been engaged a week now and my mother has called me multiple times to tell me that I need to look into dates in July because my sisters are teachers and they’ll be off so they can come down the week before (which is crazy because I work in hospitality so I will be working up until the day before regardless).

My mother is very manipulative - any type of financial support she offers for anything she uses as a way to control someone. When I was younger and driving a car she owned, any time we had a slight disagreement she would threaten to drive to Florida from South Carolina and take back the car. She did that a few times until I finally wised up and bought my own car. It is because of this behavior that I decided my fiancé and I would be paying for the wedding ourselves - my biggest fear is her paying for the venue/caterer and then cancelling them the day before.

Since we are paying for it ourselves, we started looking at venues yesterday. It was mostly for fun but we found a place we love. We decided to do the wedding on a Monday because the cost difference is like $3000 less and it’s open on Columbus Day so my sisters will be off. My mom called me while I was leaving and I told her what we found and she said “you need to do it in July in SC.” She called me later that night to tell me she felt like I was making a bigger deal out of the reception than the marriage and I clearly only care about the wedding and not the marriage. She went on and on about how her wedding only cost $6000 and her and my dad are still married. She’s mad that we want to wait a year because she feels like it means we aren’t ready to be married. My dad called me this morning and obviously had gotten my mother’s version of the conversation, telling me there is no reason for us to go into debt over a wedding and that his sister spent $25000 on her wedding and got divorced (I HATE when people compare wedding costs to the marriage outcome - no correlation).

Not that it matters, but we weren’t planning on spending more than $1000 on our wedding. I’m so heartbroken about the reaction from my parents, mostly my mother. I was so excited for our wedding and now I’m dreading it because it’s clearly going to be judged by my mother the entire time. My fiancé is fed up because it’s ruining his plans as well.

Has anyone else been having a rough time with a parent? Do you think wanting a large reception is a sign that you’re not taking marriage seriously?


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  • Laura
    VIP November 2019
    Laura ·
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    No pay no say. Let her continue to be negative and then decide if you want to invite her at all. You have to stand up to her bullying and stand your ground. Bend a little, she’ll take a mile.
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  • DC Wife 10.27.18
    Master October 2018
    DC Wife 10.27.18 ·
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    You're going to need to put up some boundaries with your Mom. Let her know flat out that this is yours and your FHs wedding. Do not speak to her about the wedding AT ALL. She doesn't need to know anything other than the date and time. Do not take any money from her for the wedding. I absolutely do not agree with her about the large reception. Do not put any weight to these things. Put up boundaries now so that she doesn't ruin your marriage.

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  • Loydie
    Just Said Yes April 2019
    Loydie ·
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    Wow im sorry to hear that, often times the excitement of someone you love thats getting married can cause people like close family members to get overly excited and make YOUR BIG day about themselves. Just remember that this day is about you and your future husband, dont let no one take the front seat away from you guys, plan it according to what makes you happy... because years from now you dont want to regret not doing what made you happy! It will be a day you will never be able to take back.

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  • Y
    Devoted March 2019
    Yvonne ·
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    No! A marriage is a serious commitment on it's own wanting to share it with the people you love and create beautiful memories are part of the wedding process. You're going to do what you can afford and no one expects you to be able to pay for your wedding that soon. Some people want short engagements some people want long engagements do what fits you and your fiance. Parents are tough but stick to your guns and remember you cant make everyone happy if they care about you theyll make efforts to be there.
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  • Alejandra
    Super March 2019
    Alejandra ·
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    Hi there! Not at all, the reception is the fun part ( at least I think so) I want my reception to be fun-filled and exciting so that I can make the best memories with my loved ones. The day after I got engaged (December, 2017) I came into work and while my coworkers celebrated my engagement they asked me when I'd be getting married. How was I suppose to know just hours after? I said probably early 2019 and a few told me Wow thats long! I am now 5 months away from my March, 2019 wedding and I can't even tell you how fast this year has flown by. I am grateful that we didn't try and rush into planning a wedding right away. We've done everything ahead of time and have not been stressed at all about anything. FH ad I are also paying for the wedding so we didn't want to feel overwhelmed. I am happy we went this route. Planning your wedding with you FH will test your relationship in many ways and coming out successful with your dream wedding is the best feeling. Moms feel a ton of crazy emotions in the beginning, my mom did and still does. You've only been engaged for a week, soak up the feeling and maybe take a few days off of wedding planning to actually enjoy your engagement.

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  • Courtney
    Super September 2019
    Courtney ·
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    I don’t think having a big, fun reception has anything to do with how seriously you take getting married!! Everyone has different visions of what the want in a wedding, some people elope and don’t invite guests, some people invite 300 people and spend a lot - that doesn’t reflect on a marriage. I’m sorry your mom is being so pushy and not letting you take the time to enjoy being engaged. I wouldn’t talk wedding with her for a while. Are your sisters more reasonable? Maybe they can tell her that this date is totally fine for them and she can relax. Ps there’s a lot of threads about dealing with difficult parents on here, you’re definitely not alone.
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  • Kenisha
    Champion June 2019
    Kenisha ·
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    Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾🎉 on your engagement!
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  • Kenisha
    Champion June 2019
    Kenisha ·
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    I’m definitely going through family drama so I do understand where you’re coming from. Moving forward do not discuss the wedding with your mom. I know it sucks but it’s for your own sanity.
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  • earias
    Champion December 2017
    earias ·
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    Don't share your plans with your mom anymore. It's sad but a lot of us don't have good relationships with our parents and had to plan without them. As far as the reception goes, it is actually your thank you to your guests for coming to your ceremony. It's all about hospitality for your guests and making sure they have a good time. So you're doing the right thing to make sure you have a nice reception for your guests. Also, depending on when your parents got married, the price of weddings has increased significantly. So there really is no comparison unless they got married in the last decade.
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  • Gipperkm
    Super September 2018
    Gipperkm ·
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    Wow. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. First of all, since she isn't paying, she doesn't get a say. Second, liked you said she is controlling, so you need to create boundaries. Don't include her in anything wedding all. And if she calls and continues to tell you want to do, just politely let her know that this is your and FH's wedding and you are planning your wedding how you see fit.

    It cracks me up that she mentioned how much money they spent on their wedding. Weddings these days can definitely get super expensive. Unless they got married last year, there is no comparison.

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  • Mrs. S
    Master November 2019
    Mrs. S ·
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    I’m sorry she is acting like this you shouldn’t listen to her bullying. And I think it’s fine to want a big reception.
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  • c
    Super May 2019
    c ·
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    I'd just tell her, "suck it up, buttercup." And leave it at that. Don't involve her in any other planning discussions.

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  • Happily Ever Mrs. H
    VIP October 2018
    Happily Ever Mrs. H ·
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    I don't even know where to start.

    Firstly, I am so sorry that you're going through this. I know how hard it is when you and your parents can't see eye-to-eye on something so important to you.

    There's so many things I want to address with what your mother said. Your mother said that she feels that you and your FH are not ready for marriage if you're wanting to wait a year to get married. That is absolutely bonkers and a blanket statement, if that. There is obviously a lot about modern weddings that she fails to understand, and I don't understand why she wants you to rush into marriage, even if you have been dating for 2 years already. There are some serious statistics on relationship length and marriage/divorce rates. Typically, the longer a couple waits to get married/have been dating before marriage, the likelihood of divorce decreases significantly. Of course, this is just a general rule and not true in everyone's case. There is also the factor of booking a venue, which typically book up year-2 years in advance. There is some stats on wedding costs and divorce rates, but what you said you were planning on spending is extremely low/affordable and nothing your parents should worry about. If you added two more zeros, then yeah, I could understand their doubts, but they should have more faith in you.

    And no, there is no correlation between a large reception and not taking your marriage seriously. That is another ridiculous statement.

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  • Haaley
    Expert December 2019
    Haaley ·
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    So far my step dad has been THE problem.
    He has only been in my life for 6 years, 5 of those I have been without my dad because he passed away.
    -I suggested that my brother be the one to walk me down the aisle and he went off, saying that no body cares about him because we aren't including him. He thought I was going to ask him. Now, I did not realize that he wanted to walk me, we are not close and he has never been the fatherly type. We were going to include him but as something else. So that was resolved by asking my brother to be a groomsman and having my mom and stepdad walk me.
    -Couple days later, we are going over budget. He is talking to FH saying that weddings are crap and he's going to come in a wife beater and jeans or a hideous tux on purpose. All the while talking down on all of our ideas. Being really rude. And telling FH that he doesn't get a say in his own wedding because it's not his day (Hello I am marrying him!)
    -I cannot talk weddings to my mom without scheduling time to plan it or he will immediately make a snide comment and wedding planning is not allowed to be discussed any further
    -my FH and I made a joke about my ManOH wearing a dress and stepdad- who is very religious but very vulgar- acted like we were serious and doing something disgusting that would get him kicked out of his Christian College if he invited his professors to MY wedding (my mom already laid down the line that the only guests we invite will be mine and FH choice)
    -He told me there was no point in planning a reception because "no one wants to see you get married so why would they stay?"

    So yes. I guess you could say I've had some issues with parents.
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  • Daria
    VIP January 2019
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    He sounds just awful. So it's not an important event, but it's important enough to him that he had a fit he didn't get to play a main role? And he won that battle.

    As for the last part about not staying, I'd confirm with him that he should not be included in the count and won't need a meal, since that's how he feels. The rest of you can party on perfectly well without him.

    I'd have no problem straight up telling this man that if he doesn't drop the negativity, he WOULD NOT be escorting you down the aisle. Your mom and bro can do that together so your mom doesn't miss out either. And if he keeps it up, he can just stay at home in his jeans, and be miserable all by himself. I had a stepdad that was, like, half as bad as this, and I thank god my mom saw the light and left. I would not put up with this for one minute.

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  • Claudia
    Dedicated September 2018
    Claudia ·
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    It is unfortunate you have to deal wirh this, unfortunately it is not uncommon. If your parents are not contributing at all I would suggest having an honest short open conversation with them stating you are very happy to start planning the wedding of your dreams and that you value their opinions and want to keep them involved, however that at the end you and your fiance will be the ones making final decisions and that you expect for them to be fully supportive. If they decide to continue giving you push back then very politely you can say to them it is unfortunate they feel that way and that you hope to see them at the wedding 😉
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  • queenbee
    VIP October 2018
    queenbee ·
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    I’m so sorry that she’s acting like this. Congratulations on your engagement! You should be happy, not stressed already!
    A large wedding is by no means any indication of your seriousness about marriage. Just because one person who is still married spent $5000 on a wedding and another person who is divorced spent $50000 doesn’t mean anything about your relationship because those people aren’t you and your FH! I also hate when people do that. You may need to keep quiet about your details from now on when you talk to her. Don’t offer her any details and if she asks, keep it vague.
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  • J
    Expert May 2018
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    There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a large reception. Sorry your mom is like that. Unfortunately lots of people have issues with difficult family members and setting boundaries is really important. Don’t LET her ruin your engagement. You have some control over this situation. Stop calling her all the time and stop taking her calls, your life will be SO much easier! I also think it would be beneficial to be honest with her and tell her that her behavior has really hurt you and because of it you will no longer be sharing wedding details with her (other the the stuff she really needs to know once you’ve made a final decision). It’s really wise that you aren’t going to accept money from her, because she doesn’t get any say in what you do and you have to make that clear to her. If you want, you can tell her once you’ve made a final decision about something, but present it like the decision has been made and will not be changed. Don’t tell her what you are thinking of doing because she will keep trying to meddle. Hopefully you can stand up to her and set boundaries because then her behavior might get better, but unfortunately it probably won’t change unless you change your behavior too and stop calling her all the time and telling her everything (she just doesn’t deserve that from the way she has treated you, so tell other people who are more positive and supportive and you can get around to her when you are ready!).
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  • Selena Ariel Kyle
    Devoted November 2018
    Selena Ariel Kyle ·
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    I think you may have to block your mom for a while let her have a taste of her on medicine. Also alot of venues don't include holidays as a discount day if that makes sense so be sure to double check yours does. Some venue's wouldn't give me a Sunday discount cuz veterans day is the NEXT day. Smh. ALSO I have 3 teachers in my wedding party AND It's out of town semi destination. So you can have a wedding with teachers in months other than the summer.
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  • Haaley
    Expert December 2019
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    Honestly, he can be a wonderful man but he has some things seriously wrong with him and unfortunately my mom does everything he says.
    I bet she would cancel my wedding If he told her to (which they have only contributed venue deposit that we already paid them back for) but they can't since we are paying.
    It makes me sad but at the same time, I feel like I shouldn't expect any better.
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