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VIP August 2020

Mama Drama

Kathryn, on December 2, 2019 at 10:09 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 24
Naming this after what my FH termed the whole trip home.

So I have a few issues with my mom, and I need you ladies to chime in and tell me if I'm in the wrong or not. My FH already said I'm not being unreasonable, but I need some female opinions who aren't close to the people involved.

So first problem. My parents had a terrible divorce- he had an affair and left my mom to marry my now stepmom, basically stepping from one marriage to another. This was about 12 years ago, when I was a teenager. It was messy and there were a lot of hurt feelings. I struggled with including my dad or not, but ultimately I decided to go with having him there because he is my dad and has been trying to be a better dad.
My mom is angry at this decision. She didn't think, apparently, that I would include him or his family. It's clear that she expected my stepdad to be given the father role because she thinks my dad doesn't deserve it. I tried to explain it to her, but all of her hurt and anger over the divorce is making her angry with me because I chose to have him there. In fact, she seems to rather be taking it as a personal slight that her husband is being given a lesser role in the ceremony (walking her in and delivering one half of the unity sand). It made her basically gripe about places my dad will be involved for most of the trip instead of being excited.

Which brings me to point 2. Since my dad is trying to do better and I have a good relationship with my stepmom, I asked her to join us for makeup. Broke this to my mom over the trip, and she was MAD. I may be in the wrong on this one - I honestly thought I was giving my stepmom a small honor because otherwise she isn't getting anything, not even being walked in as part of the ceremony. I think my mom saw this as an even bigger slight because she can't stand my stepmom for obvious reasons. It's honestly making me want to elope because she was clearly hurt that I intruded on our time by including my stepmom...but I figured she wouldn't even stay the whole time. Now I may need to coordinate my mom and stepmom getting makeup done so they're not in the same reason.

It's exhausting. I kind of want to elope, and I'm feeling guilty about my mom in general. Help! Am I being rude? Did I step over a manners problem?


Latest activity by Catherine, on December 4, 2019 at 12:57 PM
  • Amber
    Master February 2020
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    You haven't done anything wrong and you haven't been rude. My FH is in a very similar situation with his parents. It's sad that your mother seems to care more about holding a grudge against your father than she cares about you having a relationship with your father. I understand the hurt he caused her, but it was 12 years ago and she should be more concerned with her role as your mother than her role as his ex-wife. You're definitely not in the wrong and I would tell her that she needs to accept the way things are going to be or she doesn't have to be a part of it.

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  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
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    I don’t think you’re being rude, but I’m assuming your mom has felt this way about your dad and step-mom since your dad left so I probably would have anticipated that her reaction would be unpleasant. It’s great to suggest that people should be able to be adults and put their differences aside for their children but some people just aren’t capable of that. My ex-husband’s parents have been divorced 22 years and they still give each other dirty looks when they see each other (once a year for our kid’s birthday party). Some people just never move past things.
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    Honestly I think inviting the stepmom (although it was a nice gesture) may have not been a great decision considering how your mom feels. I can see her perspective considering that she is the woman your dad cheated on her with. Yes your mom should be cordial for the day regardless of her feelings but maybe your mom took that badly which I can see why. I do feel your mom should be there for you and put her personal feelings aside and I am so sorry you are going through this. No you are not being rude, you are just trying to make everyone happy but sometimes that may make someone else upset. I do not feel you should cancel your wedding because your mom is being difficult. I think you need to have a direct conversation with her and tell her that how she is acting towards you is making you want to cancel the wedding all together. You need her for one day to put her feelings aside for you, her daughter. It is up to you but maybe having the stepmom there is a bad idea because I foresee that causing more drama the day of more than you realize. God forbid your mom decides to argue with her and the moments before should be relaxing. Best of luck!

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  • B
    Dedicated March 2020
    Brina328 ·
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    He is your dad and should be in attendance if you want him to be. It’s unfair of your mom to expect you to hold him accountable for something that you had nothing to do with. You didn’t put them together or tear them apart. It’s your day and it should only reflect what you want. 😇😇😇😇. You’ve got this!
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    My two cents:
    1) She has no right to dictate the role you’d like for your dad. He may be her horrible ex-husband but he’s your father.

    2) I would politely uninvite your stepmom to the getting ready part (but figure out another way you can make her feel special). Having those two women in your bridal suite will cause at minimum a great deal of tension which you don’t need. If you make this change for your mom though, you tell her the role you’re giving your dad. She complains you can say you don’t want to hear it. Period.
    Ok, but big hugs! This is a tough one.
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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    Yes, I already figured I was stepping on toes there. She definitely saw it as daughter/mom bonding time, and me inviting my stepmom ruffled some major feathers. I agree with uninviting my stepmom, but I'm not sure how to politely tell her she's uninvited. Any ideas?
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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    Thank you. I think I need to make sure she understands that she has to get over it - my dad is still my dad. It's a handful of days, then they can go back to never interacting until one of my other siblings gets married.
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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    You're right. I guess I was thinking she could deal with my stepmom being in the same room, but it seems to be something she wanted just us. So I can see why she's upset, more than I anticipated.
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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    Thank you! I think you're right about getting my stepmom out of the bridal suite - maybe I can give her a gift or something else. Any ideas on how to politely tell her she can't come?
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    I think have an honest conversation about the situation. I would tell her that even though it has been years your mom has not fully gotten over the situation and when she found out she was livid and you are worried about the big day (if someone told me that me being at a place may cause someone to act rudely to me I would not want to go) being problematic for her. Tell her you are sorry but you think it may be best if she does not go but if she would accept you would like to take her (and only her and maybe the bridal party) out to brunch beforehand or maybe before the wedding for a mani pedi. How do you think she will react? If your stepmom is understanding then even if she might be hurt she may get it. You can even ask your dad how to best approach it maybe?

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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
    Ivy ORP ·
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    You have done nothing wrong. Your mom needs to deal with her own feelings and not put them on you. After 12 years I would think everyone could at the very least act like adults for one day. Why hang on to all that anger and risk hurting people you love? It is not up to your mom to decide what kind of relationship you have with anyone, least of all your dad and his wife. If your mom can't put her feelings aside to be supportive of you, that is on her. I would let her stew on this for a couple of weeks then reach out to let her know that you are making the decision that is best for you, but that her feelings and actions cannot interfere with what is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. Good luck!

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  • Michaela
    Super May 2020
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    Well said from Pirate Bride! I definitely think your mom is in the wrong for issue #1. He's your dad, you should honor him how you wish. For getting your makeup done.. it was a nice idea to invite your step mom, but it seems like you knew it would upset your mom. It really was a nice gesture to invite your step mom, but it will be less heartache and stress for all 3 of you if she doesn't come. Wishing you all the positive vibes going forward!!

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  • Samantha
    Savvy October 2020
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    I think your mom took it as a personal slight against her. You didn’t do anything wrong by including your father in the ceremony and inviting your stepmother to do something. I think the best thing to do is to explain to your mom that your decision was not meant to insult her and you understand that there are negative feelings, but ask her to put them aside for one day for your sake. It’s your wedding and you can have whoever you want there.
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  • Jennifer
    Super March 2020
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    I can't say you are in the wrong but be mindful of your mother's trauma. Being cheated on in marriage or any relationship is detrimental to someone's health. It is not something we can just expect someone to get over. You constantly look over your shoulder, hate people, struggle with relationships, etc. Even in someone else's happiness, it is hard to put aside those negative feelings. I am 10 years out of my traumatic ending with an ex and I still can't go to the town or think of him without anxiety. In fact, I have dreams of him taunting me. Your mom may have more to her story than she leads you to believe. Again, you are being kind and open to a new woman, but that doesn't mean your mom is fully accepting of the situation and she may not be able to ever accept it. Just look at this from all angles and then decide.
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  • _
    Dedicated November 2020
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    I agree with this. I've been cheated on before and we were young and we weren't married and even after we broke up it still triggered my anxiety, gave me trust issues, made me self-conscious, etc and I dealt with it for years before it stopped really impacting me. I can't imagine factoring in marriage, a family, a whole life together. To be cheated on with this woman while he had a family/wife and then to be left for her and then they get married? That'd be very tough to deal with. It's easy for an outsider to say it's been 12 years, she should be over it, but that's really hard to actually do and you may not know everything that happened. It also sounds like she's the one that mainly raised you along with your step-dad, so I can get where she's unhappy with dad all of a sudden being in the picture and reaping the benefits, but also that is your dad. I think you should have a heart to heart with your mom and explain how you feel and let her do the same. Let her know that her feelings are valid, but are also affecting you and your attitude towards the wedding. But definitely un-invite step-mom from the bridal suite. If you explain that you want it to be a special moment between you and your mom, but you'd like her to join you for something else, hopefully she'll understand. Just find something else for her haha.

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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    You are doing your very best to balance three adults who should be "adultier" than you - and one of them is failing.

    While I understand why your mother doesn't like your stepmother, it's been a very long time, and she needs to deal with her emotions and grow.

    I'm sorry she's behaving this way, you are being completely reasonable.

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  • Alejandra
    Super November 2021
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    We have similar family backgrounds (messy divorce, dad cheating, teenagers, stepmom) so while I don’t think you’re being rude, per se, I do think it’s kind of a slap in the face to your mom. Obviously it depends on what kind of dad your dad had been, mine personally has been MIA for 8 years. But even if we were on speaking terms, I wouldn’t have him walk me down the aisle and I certainly wouldn’t have invited the woman he cheated on my with to get ready with me and my mom on the morning of my wedding. I think the father part is entirely up to you, but I do think you’re trying to be too kind to someone who hurt your mom so much. That’s how I see it.
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  • Alejandra
    Super November 2021
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    I don’t think it’s quite as simple as holding onto a grudge. Like someone else said, there’s major trauma involved. My parents had a very similar situation happen and even though I wasn’t involved, it directly affected me and my relationship. It’s still trauma my FH and I deal with. And while my mom would never wish my dad anything bad, and reminds me that he is my dad and deserved respect, she would never be open to any type of relationship with him. So I while I understand what you mean, I think that’s oversimplifying the matter.
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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    Look, I know I could have been more sensitive to her about the make up thing. And for the record, I spoke with my stepmom and she understands - we're going to get our nails done together as my treat to her. Thing is, I really wouldn't be talking to my dad except for this woman, mostly because he didn't approve of me and my FH moving in together before marriage. She talked him down and explained to him that he had to actually father if he wanted to father, and now he's taking great strides. Yes, they all have their drama from the past. But I see the good in my stepmom, and my intention was purely to honor her. What I didn't realize but should have guessed was the visceral reaction my mom would have to "our moment" being taken away.

    Thanks everyone for the comments and feedback. My mom is just going to have to deal with my dad, and for the sake of everyone my stepmom will not be in the suite. There will probably still be drama, but hopefully this limits it!
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  • Amber
    Master February 2020
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    My intent wasn't to oversimplify by any means, I'm sorry if it came across that way. Like I said, my FH is in a very similar situation with his parents. FH has finally been able to reconnect with his dad after a very bitter divorce (there was a lot of fault on both sides, but ultimately ended after his dad cheated on his mom and later married the same woman after the divorce finalized). His mom has said for years that she "hopes her children can rekindle the relationship with their dad", but now that they finally have, she's been insanely bitter about it. She never stops bringing up FH's dad and his new wife, that's literally all she'll talk about when it comes to our wedding. FH had to tell her that if she can't stop making our wedding about her ex-husband, she won't be invited.

    Your mom sounds like she's very mature and I hope she's healed as well as someone can in her position, but FH's mother (and I'm assuming OP's mother based on the post) is no where near the state of mind your mom is in. I definitely don't expect people to live in a fairytale state of mind where everyone can just forgive and forget and be buddies, but I think OP's mother should be supportive of her being able to mend things with her father and have them both be a part of her wedding day. That's just my opinion, I wasn't trying to offend anyone!

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