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Just Said Yes July 2020

Losing Weight for Wedding

Porschea, on August 13, 2019 at 9:28 PM

Posted in Fitness and Health 50

I desperately want to loose atleast 10lbs before my wedding. But I am struggling to do do! I tried Keto for 2 weeks and lost 10lbs. I started back eating regular stuff n gained it right back. I think my issue is controlling my cravings. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated. 7/25/2020 is...
I desperately want to loose atleast 10lbs before my wedding. But I am struggling to do do! I tried Keto for 2 weeks and lost 10lbs. I started back eating regular stuff n gained it right back. I think my issue is controlling my cravings. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated. 7/25/2020 is the big day.


  • Amanda
    Savvy September 2019
    Amanda ·
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    I’ve been trying to drink only water, limiting my excessive sugars and switching to more fruits and even some dark chocolate here and there because I also get bad cravings for sweets!
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  • Emma
    September 1995
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    Just random thoughts here - which are all just my opinion! ;o)

    Since baby 5 I've done this: If you're coordinated you'll be losing inches fast!! (size 14 to a 6 in 3 months and for six years stayed at a 6 with just 15-30 minutes a day/2 to 3 x wk) I didn't even change my diet. In the years since, I have because I'm more health conscious.

    Don't start a new eating plan right before your period. That's when your cravings are raging


    Don't eat three to four hours before bed.

    Science has proven that "Calories in/Calories out" or "Burn more that you consume" is not true for every body. Everyone's body is different. Especially us women. Do some research on Leptin Resistance and Leptin Sensitivity.

    Stress!!! This is huge! Under stress the body produces cortisol which says, "Store Fat" around your middle. And if you stay in a state of producing cortisol long enough you'll end up being estrogen dominate. Because to make cortisol, the body steals from its source for making progesterone. Just research "symptoms of estrogen dominance" or "symptoms of low progesterone" (One is that your body will not burn its fat stores. Find effective ways to destress! Check out this site:

    Check out Trim Healthy Momma. (THM) My sister loves this and from what I've gleaned from it, I think it's a variation of Keto/Palo/Intermitted Fasting that is more gentle and more easily made a lifestyle. The two moms that started it totally look like models and have like 15 kids between them. Enough proof -- that it works for them anyways. Right?

    Low Carb and Intermitted Fasting together work for me lately. My hubby loves the Whole30 which he does 3x a year to maintain college weight.

    If you don't have time to, or simply don't want to exercise, Jack on Common Sense Keto has some interesting ways of explaining metabolism. Maybe it will resonate with you--you know your body best.

    The two things that signal fat storage: Caffeine and Cortisol(which I mentioned up there)

    I will just add that I strongly echo the, no soda, no fried/processed foods, lots of water bit. As for the salt, table salt is like poison in the body. Research how it's made and what all it actually has in it, and what all that stuff does to your veins and arteries. Sea Salt has its minerals still intact and is healthy for you. Using all different shades gives your body a wider range of essential minerals. You can research how those are helpful to weight loss too.

    Sorry this got long--I'm a little wired...... I hope you find the answers you're looking for!!

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  • Jeannetta
    Dedicated July 2020
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    Following for advice that is my day too! And I have already started a new exercise thing with my sisters plus I have cut my sugar intake.
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  • Kristin
    Devoted October 2020
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    With keto, the weight you lose the first few weeks is just water weight. So it does come right back on once you go back to eating carbs. It's still a great option to lose weight quickly, but you have to commit to it for at least a month so you lose more then water weight.

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  • J
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Jane ·
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    Year before a wedding is a good timing to start with some serious things. for start read the just cut it method by jennifer morris and go step by step, slowly, without any rush Smiley smile

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  • Maria
    Dedicated September 2019
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    Keto was the only way I could ever lose weight, it is hard but it works when you keep with it. I would try to do that again, and make fat bombs if you have cravings for sweet things plus they keep you full for a while.

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  • Naikesha
    Super September 2020
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    The fasting helps in addition walking. get up from your desk , your chair, your bed and walk. Start parking the car at the farthest spot and walk etc. leave the soda and juice alone and I know it sounds hard but cut your meals in half I found out i'm still full from just eating half the normal size plate.

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  • Natalie
    Devoted January 2021
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    What works best for me is small but significant changes that are easy to keep up over time.

    1. Cut back (not cut out totally) on carbs

    2. No alcohol during the week - I have a few drinks most Friday or Saturday nights

    3. Cook more meals, eat out less.

    4. Log food with myfitnesspal app

    5. Be more active, for me that means walk the dogs twice a week and do some easy 30 minute at home workouts with dumb bells.

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  • Harmony
    Dedicated June 2021
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    Last year I lost 20lbs by tracking what I ate and calorie counting. There is an app called 'Lose It!' and it looks like a little orange scale. I lost 20lbs in 6 months and it was helpful to see how much I was really eating. I also started going to the gym after work.

    Portion control + exercise will always lead to results in a healthy way because it is a lifestyle change. I was still able to eat all the food I wanted, I just had to alter how much I was eating. I also would aim to eat two 'healthier' meals and a 'normal' meal with portion control.

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  • Sarah
    Beginner October 2026
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    I lost 60lbs 5 years ago and all I did was portion control. I was doing the old Weight Watchers (which was WAY easier than the current version IMHO). The key is to eat relatively the same each day. For example, my days looked like this:


    either a mini bagel with cream cheese or 1 serving of cheerios w/ 1/2 cup milk and fruit

    Snack 1:

    Yoplait light yogurt w/ a fruit


    Ready Pac salad or Progresso light soup (whole can! Smiley smile )

    Snack 2:

    Cheese stick w/ apple


    Lean cuisine/ Smart one meal/ Progresso soup

    If I went out to eat for lunch / dinner, I would have the progresso soup for the other meal (so if I went out for lunch, dinner was soup). I would eat only 1/2 of what I ordered, no fried food, keep it lean. So for example, if I went to a local restaurant here I would order the shrimp scampi with broccoli on the side. If I got a salad I would have the dressing on the side and make sure it is an oil based dressing, not cream based.

    This really worked for me. If you want to do the old WW that I did, you can download the app iTrackBites. I think it was a one time fee of like $5 or something but you don't have to pay monthly and it's great! It has a barcode scanner so you don't have to type everything in, too. Smiley smile

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