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Devoted November 2019

Long distance

Halle, on March 4, 2019 at 11:15 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 1 12
So me and FH have been long distance since we first started dating . It’s been almost two years. I’m wondering if there are any other couples out there that are long distance with their hunnys . What are some things you guys do to keep the communication good ? Do you guys fight a lot ? Lol we do . What are some things that keep you guys together ?


Latest activity by Furture Mrs. G, on June 20, 2019 at 4:05 PM
  • Victoria
    VIP October 2018
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    We were long distance for the first 2 1/2 years of our relationship. I was in NJ and he was in western PA, so about a 5 1/2 hour drive.

    We tried to see each other every other weekend, taking turns who did the visiting. We talked every night on the phone, not just texting, actually talked. We never really fought, still don't, but it IS stressful being apart so much! The worst times were when I really just wanted a hug and he was so far away. It stinks, but remember it won't be forever!
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  • Alexandra
    VIP June 2019
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    We were together for 3 years in high school, then in a LDR for 7 years: 4 years at different colleges about 45 minutes apart so *sort of* long distance; then 1 year where I had a consulting job based in CO (he was in NJ); then 2 years when I was in grad school in NC and he was still in NJ. Last year we FINALLY moved in together in PA and it has been amazing!!!

    We would text all the time, but made a point to speak to each other on the phone at least once a day. The best time for us was during FH's commute, so we'd have at least a 30 minute conversation each day. We also tried to see each other every 3-4 weeks.

    It was rough, truly. I don't wish a LDR on anyone! We did fight a decent amount and it was always about the distance. Now that we're living together, we really only fight about wedding related things, haha.

    Sending hugs. You'll get through it!

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  • Tara
    Master May 2020
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    Hmmm I wouldn’t consider my relationship LDR, but many others do. My FH lives 100 miles away. We see each other every weekend. About once a week we video chat while eating dinner. I actually enjoy the arrangement right now and don’t see conflict arising until if and/or when we decide to have children.
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  • Tara
    Master May 2020
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    Halle, how far away does your future spouse live from you?
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  • Mariangeli
    Devoted October 2019
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    Me and my FH have been long distance our entire relationship and will be up until we get married, so 5 years. It is definitely hard, but we make an effort to see each other about twice a month. (we are 3 hours apart) We don't really fight, but we text pretty much all day and call whenever we have time during the day. Sometimes they are 5 minute phone calls and sometimes 1 + hour phone calls, it varies based on how busy we both are. We just make time when we can, no pressure on either end! I think that is key. We also try to alternate weekends so it's not just one person doing all the traveling

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  • HayMrsO
    Master October 2018
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    My husband and I were in an LDR for the first year (2.5 hours apart). We would see each other every weekend. We talked every day, as much as possible. Texting during the day. Phone calls for hours on end at night, once the kids were in bed. We have talked every single day since the day we started seeing each other. It was awful to be apart and I swear on Friday afternoon the clocks would go backwards. We did not fight. Not at all.

    How often are you able to see each other?

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  • Daria
    VIP January 2019
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    We did it for the first year. it was tough but we made it.

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  • Kiki
    Super May 2019
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    My FH and I met in Cancun Mexico we were both at the same resort on vacation. He was living over 1200 miles away from me. Luckily we were only long distance for 6 months then FH moved to my city.

    We would spend hours on the phone everyday and when we weren't calling each other we were texting, it was hard but it was worth it!

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  • Halle
    Devoted November 2019
    Halle ·
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    Awe I love these responses !!!!! And me and my FH live about 3.5 hours away from one another !
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  • Telly
    Beginner June 2020
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    We were apart for the first year. We were 3 hours away. I would usually visit him every weekend. We would talk every day and text every day and sometimes Skype, but not much. Then after a year, I moved where he lives. We never fought while we were apart. Now we argue from time to time but that's normal in a relationship. We are now engaged and the wedding is next year. We have been together for 4.5 years now.

    Do you plan to move where he is or does he have a plan to move where you are? Someone has to move sooner or later if you guys are planning to get married.

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  • Sweetness
    Dedicated March 2023
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    Me and my fiance live in different countries, but we share an ocean. He is in AZ in the US, and I'm in Ireland currently. I plan to move back to England, hopefully near Heathrow airport. That way I can fly direct to Phoenix to see My Amazing Man. Smiley winking

    We message every day, and we usually google on the weekends. Sometimes if I'm having a rough day, I will request he joins me on google. We video call on an ad hoc basis depending on our schedules. We share with each other about our day, and send each other images. I make things for him, and I send him care packages. He is planning a pampering surprise for me on my next visit at Christmas. Smiley love

    We both have mental health issues, and we find each other to be a really positive boost and support for one another. We are both very conflict avoidant and fairly easy going, so we don't argue very much. When we do, I can't get angry with him. I seem to be incapable of it, but I do get upset sometimes. We talk things out when stuff comes up, and we get through it and come out even stronger. Smiley smile

    We frequently say we love one another, and we talk about how lucky we are to have found each other. We make a point of showing appreciation for each other, and we support one another in everything. We have publicly defended our relationship against others, and we recently announced our engagement to his family and friends, after keeping it private for 3 months. I wanted to tell everyone, but he wanted to keep it between us. We did compromise by telling the forum that we met on of our engagement, but we hadn't told anyone IRL. He is worried about how his mum may take it, as she doesn't seem to think/believe that we are romantic. It upsets and annoys me, as I had to deal with that from a therapist I was seeing last year. She went into a full spiel about how it wasn't romantic because we hadn't met, and it wasn't a proper relationship. That put me into a depressive episode for 6-7 weeks. Needless to say, I stopped seeing her after that session.

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  • Furture Mrs. G
    Expert September 2019
    Furture Mrs. G ·
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    We did long distance the first year and a half. We literally talked any time we had free time. Sometimes we would fall asleep on the phone. We text a lot. We Skype'd when we could. We saw each other when we could.

    We didn't fight a lot. It wasn't until we moved in that we started bickering a lot. LOL

    That is because we were seeing each others real flaws. But, 6 years of living together... I feel like I know my honey like the back of my hand.

    His flaws are beautiful to me now.

    What kept us together is because there was always a next time to see each other a next time to talk, a next time to txt.

    He did an amazing job at not letting distance be the reason we didn't work out.

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