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VIP October 2011

Inviting Friends you haven't spoken to in awhile?

Krystal, on June 15, 2010 at 4:06 PM

Posted in Planning 29

Is anyone doing this? I had a lot of friends from high school that I have on FB and Myspace (even though I hardly use myspace anymore) and I've been throwing back and forth whether or not to invite them. We were really close my senior year but when I started college I didn't talk to any of them...

Is anyone doing this?

I had a lot of friends from high school that I have on FB and Myspace (even though I hardly use myspace anymore) and I've been throwing back and forth whether or not to invite them. We were really close my senior year but when I started college I didn't talk to any of them basically because I was too busy with school and work.

My MOH said I shouldn't invite them if I think they will cause drama, which we're kind of expecting drama already, because of the FMIL.

My FH never met his dad until last year, and I'm not worried about his Dad getting along with his mom, it's his mom were worried about getting along with his dad.

I feel like I should invite them because we were really close in high school and stuff but i"m just seeking some opinion on it from someone else who is doing this.

Also, by "not spoken in awhile" I mean I have talked to them in the past 2 years since I graduated, but not hardcore talked to them. (Cont next post)


  • Mrs. Brown!!!!
    Expert July 2010
    Mrs. Brown!!!! ·
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    Think about your photo album. The people you are inviting to your wedding should be the same people that in 5 years you will still be in touch with them or your parents will still be in touch (face it lol...we have to invite our parents's friends lol)...but facebook buddies that you haven't spent time with recently - who can afford it and your wedding is for those closest to you. You don't want to look at your album and say ..."i wonder where she is now"..."what's her name again"... Share your day with those closest to you.

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  • Jass
    Master September 2012
    Jass ·
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    I have thought about this too. I have a group of friends whom I used to be very close in HS, but since then we rarely talk, and sometimes comment on each other's FB. Few people I have kept in touch with, but some not so much, and we are all over the country/and countries. So I have thought about inviting one friend out of that group who lives nearby because we were very close in HS and even after HS, and another one who is my BM, but I don't think we can budget in cost for the other people, who would probably bring their significant others with them, whom I have never met.

    One of the girls actually got married last year, and she didn't invite me, she was having a small wedding too. I was little hurt, because others got invited, but I'm over it now.

    If I have a destination wedding, the guestlist will become much smaller and simpler.

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  • Melissa
    VIP June 2011
    Melissa ·
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    I am inviting a few friends from college that I was very close to but because of schedules and distance we have not spoken much in the past few years. We keep in touch always on FB and emails and an occasional text, but it is important to me that they are invited. I think if they are that special to you and it is not cost prohibitive then invite them.

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  • Starsteph84
    Super November 2010
    Starsteph84 ·
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    Mine decision came down to the budget. We cannot afford to invite more than 150 people. That left me with quite a few people who I would have wanted to invite but just cannot. If my budget were larger, my high school and close college buddies would have an invite.

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  • MelKel
    Master May 2010
    MelKel ·
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    I wish I had cut the folks I hadn't talked to in a while. #1 it would have helped my budget, #2 I didn't spend adequate time with them at my wedding because there were more important people to be with, #3 (and most selfish) They didn't give us decent gifts.

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  • Rachael from Nearlyweds
    Dedicated July 2009
    Rachael from Nearlyweds ·
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    I invited a lot of long lost friends and most of them came. It was great having them at the wedding and I felt really loved and supported... Until this summer came around and they didn't invite me to their wedding. Really think about that when inviting old friends. How would you feel if they didn't invite you to their wedding? I am totally that kind of person who is offended when friends don't invite me to their weddings. Smiley smile So if you don't care about that, feel free to invite them if you can afford it. Oh yeah don't expect a gift worth the amount you spend on food for old friends. I spent $60 per person and one old friend gave us a card... with nothing in it... Smiley smile

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  • Mrs. McCheese
    VIP November 2010
    Mrs. McCheese ·
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    I'm keeping it at only family. I would love to see my college girls but they will be with me in spirit. I'm wearing a pearl necklace which the girls at my college wear everywhere. We're known as pearl girls. Anyway I also set a rule of only those we've seen and/or talked to in the last 4 years. That worked for my side but FMIL wants to use our wedding as a family reunion so people my FS has never met will be attending on his side.

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  • K
    VIP October 2011
    Krystal ·
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    I'm not expecting gifts/money from them because I know they are in college, and that's the main reason that we haven't talked is because I was in college and working, and they are still in college right now. Some of them my FH wants to invite because he's friends with them too.

    I'll see though how talking to them goes until we send out invites and then make the final decision

    The friends I did make in college I look back at now and don't even want to invite because half of them we're so fake.

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  • C
    Just Said Yes August 2018
    Caitlyn ·
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    Exactly! I had a best friend of 11 years, all through middle school, high school, and even kept in touch during my undergraduate years. When I say best friends I mean best friends. Sleepovers, dinner dates with our moms, got a first job together, dance dates if we didn't have a guy to go with, etc. But the last 3 years since grad school and employment we havent talked much and grew apart. We are both getting married in the same year and I invited her, her fiance, and parents to my wedding because I couldn't dream of not acknowledging that she was once a big part in my life. And I am having 200 guests. I just found out I didn't make the cut for her wedding of 180 guests. I mean we slowly grew apart and went from being each other maid of honors to just in the wedding party to just being a guest and now I guess to not even being invited? I am absolutely devastated and I feel like those 11 years meant nothing if she is using these last 3 to count me out.

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