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Just Said Yes January 2021

In-law involvement in paying for wedding

Victoria, on May 18, 2019 at 2:41 PM Posted in Planning 0 12

Hey everyone,

So I have sort of a strange situation going on. We were planning to have our wedding and even had proposals and everything and then we realized we didn't want to do it so fast (in 8 months) so we postponed it. Backstory to the whole thing, there were discussions about the in laws helping to pay for the wedding ( they already wanted to have the rehearsal dinner open to ALL WEDDING GUESTS and we told them only the wedding party) and then when we got the budget my future husband said he didn't feel comfortable asking his parents to pay (keep in mind his parents have 10x the money my parents have and already tried to plan a rehearsal dinner with every attendee of the wedding and not just the wedding party) and that my parents needed to just pay and my parents told me a number and that was what they could contribute it was about half of what we were needing. ( also keep in mind i have about almost 1/3 of the guests from my family and the other 2/3 were from his). With all of this we decided to postpone until we could figure some things out. When we told the in-laws they offered to pay for the whole thing because they didn't want to have to tell their whole family that we were going to postpone, but my future husband didn't like that and still agreed with me that we should postpone. Fast forward we have found another venue that is relatively cheaper, but we don't love it as much. The number is so low that my parents have agreed to pay for most of it, but my fiance isn't completely on board because the place does not hold much meaning to us. What should we do? Regardless of place how do I say that I do not think it is fair that my parents are paying for a wedding where 40/120 people are my family and the rest are his and the FMIL is already complaining about everyone not being invited that she wants with that number? I don't want to make our entire wedding about money, but how do I navigate this?


Latest activity by Tiffany, on May 19, 2019 at 11:23 AM
  • Alexis
    Dedicated February 2020
    Alexis ·
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    I’m going through sort of the same thing, where the majority of the people invited are FH family, so my FMIL has offered to pay. (They also make way more than my parents) The only difference is that I wasn’t very comfortable with accepting the money. How come your FH is so uncomfortable with accepting help from his parents but not yours?
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  • Tara
    Master May 2020
    Tara ·
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    If his in-laws are paying for the rehearsal then I don’t see a problem with them inviting everyone. I recommend you tell him your concerns about this. Or maybe to avoid some conflict, plan a type of wedding and have a venue that the two of you can afford without any loved ones’ help.
    MY FH and I decided not to accept any of our parents’ offerings. As a result, we have 100 percent control on the wedding planning and decisions made.
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
    Caytlyn ·
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    Pay for your own wedding and stop trying to meet everyone else's expectations.

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  • Jessica
    Master September 2020
    Jessica ·
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    First off, you are incredibly lucky that your parents can afford and are willing to pay for anything, and same with your FH. A lot of people have to pay for everything themselves. Not to be mean, but it sounds like everyone in this situation has different expectations and desires, and you’ll all need to figure out how you can compromise and work together especially if your parents and future-in-laws are footing the bill. Yes, it is traditional for the brides parents to pay, but that is kind of antiquated now and they shouldn’t feel obligated to go beyond what they can afford. Also, it’s not about how much money people have or make, I understand where you’re coming from that FH’s parents make much more and are making requests that you don’t agree with, but that doesn’t mean they have to pay for it. Presumably, they worked to be in the financial position they are and absolutely nobody is obligated to pay for your wedding for you. Setting a budget you can afford, or whoever is footing the bill can afford is one of the first major things you need to do, and once you have that number sometimes it does mean making compromises about specific vendors because they are out of budget. Good luck, and remember at the end of the days it’s about getting married and celebrating your love.
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  • T
    Super June 2019
    Tiffany ·
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    Good advice here. I’d take what they make out of the equation and just what they can afford.
    However I’d be alarmed at their insistence at things already and set very firm boundaries that this is your wedding not theirs and they can not dictate guest list etc.
    we are struggling BAD to pay for our own wedding, but I’m glad I don’t have this type of involvement.
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  • Courtney
    Beginner September 2021
    Courtney ·
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    I know financial topics are sensitive and everyone is different, but would you be willing to pay for the remaining portion that your parents can't pay for and still book the venue you love? My family is like his in this situation, in that they are much more capable of handling the finances. However, my fiance's family is considerably larger (literally a 4:1 ratio) and can't really contribute although they would if they could. Also, we currently live in the city he was raised in, while my family lives across the country. Due to the fact that it's not exactly fair that my family would basically be hosting several wedding events for us and his family and have to travel for everything including planning, he and I will be taking on 1/2 or more of the cost. In all honesty this is our day and our vision and my parents aren't obligated to pay for anything. Also, speaking for myself, I like what I like and no one should pay more because I'm being picky or want upgrades. My family could pay for the whole thing, but it's the principle of the thing and I don't want to place this responsibility on my parents.

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  • D
    Super July 2020
    D ·
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    Flip it. Have your parents do the rehearsal and his do the wedding. Im not sure why FH is getting his panties in a bind over the tradition of bride's family pays. Or cut the list to 40 people for each side.
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  • Alyssa
    Dedicated October 2020
    Alyssa ·
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    My recommendation is to plan for what you and your FH want. What is going to make you the most happy in the end? The date/time of year? The venue? It sounds like maybe you just need to sit down and have a conversation so that everyone can be on the same page.

    My FH and I are planning our wedding assuming no money from anyone, which is helping us plan for what we want and what we know we couldn't live without. This way, if anyone does mention helping in any way, it's a bonus (or a money saver for us).

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  • Heather
    Expert August 2020
    Heather ·
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    How about your family pays for their guests and his pays for theirs? I think that is the most fair way you can make it. If FH feels a certain way about his parents contributing more than your family, yet FMIL complains not enough of her people are invited, this is the way I can see it working. My FSIL is getting married this weekend and this is how she is doing it, and a lot of people I've talked to have done it that way. You're right, it is not fair for your parents to pay for a huge guest list if most of that guest list is on the other side. And if FMIL doesn't mind about paying for it, FH shouldn't mind either. I hope everything works out for the best!

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  • V
    Just Said Yes January 2021
    Victoria ·
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    YES! I think that is what we are going to have to do, because seriously we've had to set so many boundaries with my in-laws already because they still think my fiance is like 15 years old and he's almost 23.

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  • V
    Just Said Yes January 2021
    Victoria ·
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    That is such a good outlook. I think that is what we are going to have to have a serious conversation about, so that this doesn't turn into the in-law wedding, but OUR wedding.

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  • T
    Super June 2019
    Tiffany ·
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    I’d be alarmed if the in laws were so involved that way. Does your fh depend on them a lot?
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