It was a small religious wedding, most things were done by family and friends, a few things went wrong at the ceremony but the DJ really made up for it all at the reception.
1- Ceremony started an hour late, I actually left and came back, please do your best to start on time. I know something unexpected could happen but if not that, do whatever you can to start on time, it’s not fair for the guests.
2- Kids: if you’re having them at your wedding, please, please, please, tell the parents (well you shouldn’t have to, but apparently some parents don’t realize how disturbing this could be) to take them outside when/if they start crying. There were quite a few kids at the church and a few of them kept crying, the mothers just sat there, didn’t even bother to take them out. Everyone kept looking back, I couldn’t hear anything half the time, it was very disturbing.