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Super September 2009

I think this is a little nutso!!! Just for discussion...

Melissa, on February 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM Posted in Planning 0 20

So I was on my way to work this morning, listening to the radio and this girl called in to ask a question which I thought was kind of crazy. Her question: "I just got engaged and am getting ready to ask my friends to be my bridesmaids; there is a group of girls I have been friends with for about 12 years now and I want them to be in my wedding. The one problem is that one of them is so beautiful I dont want to ask her because I want to be the most beautiful person that day and I feel like she will steal my spotlight but I dont know what her reaction is going to be if everyone else is asked. I just feel like I should have the limelight that day and that everyone's attention should be on me and I dont want her to look better than me on my day."

OK so my reaction: This girl is nuts!!! She is the BRIDE for heavens sake, and she is getting married!!! Shouldn't THAT be what is important and not if her friend looks better than her in the pictures???


Latest activity by Lainey, on March 16, 2009 at 3:09 AM
  • Melissa
    Super September 2009
    Melissa ·
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    I personally have gorgeous bridesmaids... ALL of them (and there are 8) and the LAST thing I am thinking about is if they will be prettier than me on my wedding day... Personally I believe people go to weddings to see the BRIDE and GROOM anyhow... what is she so worried about??? Do people really feel this way??? Does this bother anyone else???? I mean I am sure she will be all done up and look beautiful (cause I think every bride looks just amazing) so I really dont see why she is so insecure with it all... There were people calling into the radio station telling her she was crazy and nuts and pretty much laughing at her and I kinda felt bad but at the same time wanted to like slap her in the face and be like YOU are getting married, not your friend... obviously someone thinks YOU are the most beautiful or they wouldnt be marrying you in the first place...

    So what does everyone think of this??? Just wanted to see other bride's opinions... Smiley smile

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  • Brittany
    Savvy March 2010
    Brittany ·
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    She sounds insecure, and it's so sad! And you are exactely right when you say that that is not what the day is about. Whether this girl is prettier or not it should be about her and her man.

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  • DebbieB
    Devoted May 2009
    DebbieB ·
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    I feel bad for the girl because she is obviously incredibly insecure! I don't think people are even going to be looking at the bridesmaid because like you said, it's the BRIDE'S day!

    I had a similar situation with my best friend at her wedding. I was the last person to get my hair done and the lady that was fixing our hair told me that I looked so pretty and that I am not supposed to upstage the bride, I felt horrible because that was not my intention! I really hope that the girl that she wants to be her bridesmaid doesn't find out because now the girl probably won't want to be in the wedding!

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  • Laura
    Master May 2009
    Laura ·
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    I heard this on the Kane show and was gonna post it too! She also said she was thinking about asking the girl to "downplay her beauty for the day"!! Like should she wear a paper bag over her head? Like the hosts of the show said, it's obvious that there is a history between these girls and something more going on that just her looks on this one day. The girl said that the pretty girl had always gotten the guys she liked their whole lives. This is just as bad as when seomeone doesn't want a friend to be in their wedding party for being too fat or unattractive! I think people have forgotten the meaning of the day and of a bridal aprty. It's about celebrating with people you love, not a fashion show! I can understand the feelings here, but she should get a grip on herself and look at the big picture!

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  • Erin
    Dedicated October 2012
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    Not to defend her or anything but, maybe she grew up in an environment that caused her to be insecure, where she was never good enough... but thats besides the point. She is good enough, whoever is marrying her, feels shes good enough and probably thinks shes the most beautiful girl in the world. If shes thinking this bridesmaid is going to steal her groom or something, then theres issues going on that need to be dealt with. Also, for some reason, selfish keeps popping in my head. I know its our day to shine and its suppose to be about us, but I think shes getting a lil obsessed... She seems very insecure.... possibly a candidate for Bridezillas?? lol

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  • L
    VIP August 2009
    lauren10 ·
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    That is SO sad that someone would feel like that on her wedding day. It's 100% insecurity...and I can't help but feel bad for the bridesmaid that is left out over something beyond her control. Let's face could be Heidi Klum and still not be the most physically beautiful person in the room (which is all subjective anyway)! it's life, get over it! There will always be someone smarter, faster, more talented, more beautiful...she needs to focus on what's good about HERSELF, and not on what other people have that she doesn't have. Especially on her wedding day!

    And you're right...what is this all about anyway? When we say it's "MY" day...we're saying that we want to throw the celebration we want, the way we want it. It's not an invitation for people to come and worship us for a day! In my opinion, brides get the limelight naturally...for radiating happiness, poise and confidence...not from forcing others to notice them!

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  • BeckiO
    VIP June 2013
    BeckiO ·
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    Was that on the Kane show this morning? If so, I'm mad I missed this. I'm guessing my hubby listened to it on his way to work and probably tried calling me to turn on the radio. Didn't even hear my phone ring. I have to agree with a lot of posters on here that she must be insecure, but at the same time nobody in a Bridal Party should upstage the Bride. I thought it was odd for my sister's wedding when she told us to have our hair however we wanted, she even heard me tell the other stylist who was working on our hair, please suggest something that wouldn't upstage my sister's do. She even told the guy do whatever style that would make my face slimming fully up and trust his judgement. I was just surprised for my sister to even say "you're beautiful" to me at her wedding, and she knows my insecurities after having my son and being a new me in my body. I had to turn back to her and say "You're Cinderella." You all are right though, obviously somebody feels like she's Beautiful to them or

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  • BeckiO
    VIP June 2013
    BeckiO ·
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    Why would he be marrying her? He obviously loves her for who she is. However that is out of whack how she doesn't want a friend in her Bridal Party b/c she's afraid she'll upstage her. I wouldn't even feel that way since the only 2 complete Knock Outs in my Bridal Party are my mom and Sister, and my first reaction to my mom at my sister's wedding was "Mom, you're one hot sexy mama!" I would never think of asking either one not to be in my Bridal Party b/c the sis is Reece Witherspoon's Twin, and mom looks like she could be a sister, not my mom.

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  • Muffin
    Devoted July 2010
    Muffin ·
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    It's sad really because like a previous poster said she probably grew up in a unloving environment thinking she wasn't good enough or pretty enough and to be honest I can relate to THAT but I would never dream that a friend would be stealing the spotlight on my wedding day because she's prettier. Everyone goes to a wedding to see the couple not the bridal party. Its funny because the girl that called in is just stating her opinion that SHE thinks her friend is prettier than her I'm sure everyone in the world might not agree that the friend is way prettier And anyway a girl can be super hot and have a crappy attitude and personality and most people would agree that can make them ugly right there. That girl needs to realize she's lucky to have friends that stuck around for 12 years and accept the fact that she should be happy all her friends can get together and look good TOGETHER. I'm sorry but I could get married in a junk yard in a potato sack as long as I was marrying the man I love!

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  • BeckiO
    VIP June 2013
    BeckiO ·
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    All of my Bridesmaids are all Beautiful in their own ways,and more important my true friends and family whom I couldn't be more blessed to have in my life. Maybe the only person I'm afraid will steal the attention is our son, but if he does, oh well, I can live with it, or our twin nephews walking my mom down the isle. They're all little and don't know any better.

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  • taekwondomom
    Dedicated July 2009
    taekwondomom ·
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    I agree that it's sad that this girl is so insecure that she'd even think of such a thing. All of my bridesmaids are taller and thinner than me, but I never thought twice about asking them. I'll just make sure my dress is prettier and I will still be the center of attention. ;-)

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  • BeckiO
    VIP June 2013
    BeckiO ·
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    My hubby did say he heard this on his way to work. He even thought she was nuts.

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  • Libellule
    Super August 2009
    Libellule ·
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    Sad sad sad!!!! I am only having 1 person stand with me. My best friend/MOH is beautifull. The only thing I am doing "about" her is we are choosing a dress around her boobs.... she has some crazy big fake DD's and I don't want those bad boys hanging out! ;o) We have talked about it together though like good friends should, and she totally understands! I want us both to be gorgeous on this special day... It would be pretty sad if she didn't want me to look great when she gets married next year!

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  • summerbride09
    Devoted August 2009
    summerbride09 ·
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    Good Lord, what the heck is wrong with people???

    Can you imagine...." Can you try not being so pretty on my wedding day?"

    I think it's sad that it's even on her mind...what a shame...I'm worrying about shoes and stockings...and this poor girl can't even focus on herself.

    Hope no one else is feeling this way.

    Hey Philly gals...What's the Kane show???

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  • BeckiO
    VIP June 2013
    BeckiO ·
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    The Kane Show is the morning Radio Show on a Radio Station out here in the Baltimore/DC/Northern Virginia Area (Metro DC). The man is awesome. That what I listen to in the morning and so does the hubby on his way to work. The man even catches people cheating on their significant others (that segment is called War of the Roses). I don't know if anyone caught where on the Kane Show where they mentioned Sex Muffins (they have Aphrodesiacs in them). The hubby had me look up the recipe and it's mostly natural ingredients. Any one interested in the recipe, I can e-mail it to you.

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  • summerbride09
    Devoted August 2009
    summerbride09 ·
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    A radio station here in Philly used to do War of the Roses...that was so crazy!

    You would think people would catch on but they don't!


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  • Laura
    Master May 2009
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    They do the war of the roses thing down here by DC too! Oh it's hilarious! my favorite is when they pretend they are a health clinic calling about STDs! People get so busted saying who've they've been sleeping with! One girl listed like 10 guys she'd been with in the last 30 days before the guy she was living with who was listening on the line just flipped out

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  • cotie
    Beginner June 2009
    cotie ·
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    I agree, i want my bridesmaids to be beautiful, im marrying my future husband and thats all that matters....she has insecurities that she has to deal with. too bad.....pray for her

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  • newmant1
    Dedicated November 2009
    newmant1 ·
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    That is crazy. My sister, who is one of my maids of honor, was talking about the bridesmaids dresses. They get to choose their own style (I have to approve it) and she was saying that she didn't know if I would approve of the dresses that she liked or that she chose dresses that wouldn't be too sexy because she didn't know if I was the type to not want to be outdone. I told her that no matter what you wear or how you look, I'm the bride and no one can outdo me. Women really need to stop being so insecure or jealous. I want my girls to be standing beside me looking like the divas that they are. I'm gonna look good and I want them to look good too.

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  • Lainey
    Dedicated August 2010
    Lainey ·
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    I don't think it's crazy, I think it's sad. I feel sad that her self esteem is that low.

    I have 8 beautiful bridesmaids, one of which has big fake boobs and bleached-blond hair. It's already occurred to me that she may try to upstage me a little because that's just her personality. But she also knows I'll tell her to shut her face. If I had a low self esteem, it would be a problem similar to that caller's I suppose! lol

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