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Savvy October 2020

i didn’t even think about.....

Kim, on February 16, 2020 at 7:58 AM Posted in Planning 4 13
For the ladies that planned their weddings themselves... Were you missing anything you wish you would have thought about prior to your special day?

I don’t mean things you accidentally forgot at home... I’m talking you never even thought about until the day of.
I’ve been racking my brain and checking lists online trying not to forget anything.


Latest activity by Alex, on February 17, 2020 at 2:04 PM
  • Mrs. S
    Master November 2019
    Mrs. S ·
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    I didn’t forget anything, I just underestimated how long it would take to get things set up
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  • VIP November 2021
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    I’m planning mine myself — I feel confident about it.. just keep a check list, have multiple sources for planning help, different websites, books etc so you cover all your bases
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    Omg, same.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    Daughter started planning about 18 months before the wedding and everything went pretty smoothly.... There were a lot of things during that time that we were like, "oh, that doesn't need to be done until the month before...." Everything moved along nicely and she felt like she had it all under control. Then, about 4-5 weeks before the wedding, she and I were out to lunch on a Saturday while doing a few errands. She started running through the to-do list, and we both started to panic because it suddenly felt like all the "we don't need to do that yet things" needed to have been done yesterday. Daughter honestly had kind of meltdown in the restaurant. We quickly divided things up and over the next few days checked off a bunch of stuff, but that was one thing that seemed to come out of left field in an otherwise perfectly planned wedding. My advice, just keep detailed to-do lists (if that's your thing) and check them frequently to make sure you're well prepared for what's coming up. Good luck!

    Also, make sure you have safety pins in your day of emergency kit! Smiley winking lol!

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  • M
    VIP October 2021
    Monica ·
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    If u dont mind could you share an example of a few of those items on the to do list that “didnt need to be done yet”.

    Im planning everything & just like OP im trying to make sure I don’t forget anything. I have a bunchh of checklists but even then sometimes things slip. I have 1.5 mo to go.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    I just looked back over her list (it was saved on a shared Google drive). In that last 4-6 weeks, a few of the things we needed to do included: fine tune the timeline (which involved coordinating with the event coordinator, the DJ, the photographer, the florist, etc., it just involved a lot of going back & forth with people to make sure everything was finalized and everyone knew/agreed to expectations); once the RSVPs were complete, figure out the exact number of tables and communicate to the event coordinator (including special diet requirements & where those guests would be sitting; make the escort cards; finish up some small DIYs like the card box and some details for the wedding party gifts; schedule dropping off & picking up daughter's gown for final pressing; getting her e-ring re-dipped (white gold) and soldered to the wedding band; confirm the final floral order (# of centerpieces based on final guest count, etc.); confirm RD guest count and menu with restaurant; order cookies for the favors; have the guys' shirts pressed at dry cleaner (daughter & SIL bought the mens shirts); plan for BM sleepover 2 nights before the wedding, and light lunch for day of wedding; finalize packing lists for all stuff going to the venue & buy storage bins for transport; etc., etc., etc. It was just a lot of details that suddenly weren't for "later," but for "RIGHT NOW"! We got it all done, but having detailed lists and due dates helped a lot. We just highlighted stuff on the Google doc as we checked it off. Good luck!

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  • Jennifer
    Super March 2020
    Jennifer ·
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    I had a client ask me who was witnessing our signing of the Marriage License. I had no idea! We now will be asking our two living grandparents to witnesses. I can't imagine just randomly asking on the day of!
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  • M
    VIP October 2021
    Monica ·
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    Thank you sooo much for that extensive list!!
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    One thing we didn't think about was that my dad had lost a bunch of weight because he was on a medication that caused weight loss so on the day of the wedding his pants were super lose. There was an issue with the place we rented tuxes from and he couldn't pick up his tux until the night before so switching pants wasn't an option. We didn't think about it, but suspenders would have been helpful instead we used safety pins to keep his pants from falling down. My brother-in-law who was able to get his pants sooner bought a pair of suspenders because he was worried his pants wouldn't stay up, but he didn't think to tell anyone else apparently. I also didn't think about how to put the sizes on the flip flops we bought for anyone to change into at the reception until like the night before the wedding so the morning of the wedding we were putting the sizes on pieces of paper that we hole punched, put on ribbon then tyed the ribbon around the flip flops. I also miscalculated how many houses we wanted our videographer for so he left an hour before I wanted to then afterwards my husband said we should have just paid him more to stay an extra hour. I also missplsced my jewelry the morning of so I should have better organized my stuff but part of the issue was that I shared a hotel room with my grandparents the night before and my grandmother didn't want me to wake my grandfather so the morning of I kind of just grabbed everything in a hurry and didn't have time to make sure everything was organized because of working on the flip flop project.
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
    Jade ·
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    My mom always tells me that she regrets how the getting ready portion of the morning went at my sisters wedding. She had to leave for a good portion of it to fix the makeup that the MUA botched. The groomsmen somehow stole the one tray of food we had because they thought it was theirs??? It was super rushed and not relaxing at all so that’s something I could see being overlooked. We already have a plan for my wedding to have tons of food and drinks and it’ll overall be way more relaxing because we know how it will go. For my sisters wedding she also didn’t think of food and water for the pictures after the ceremony. There was beer on the trolley (our transportation) but that’s it. So the bridal party was basically starving because we didn’t eat!
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  • K
    Savvy October 2020
    Kim ·
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    Thanks everyone. I have a list going that when I think of something, I jot it down. Your responses have made me think of several things. I have been planning since June and things have been running smoothly. Time has been flying by and while I am in a good place planning wise... I do fear time getting away from me.
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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I also underestimated how much time things would take so in hindsight I wish I had more time for photos
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  • A
    Super August 2020
    Alex ·
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    I would have never came up with a plan for how to get the gifts home if it wasn't for my mom asking.

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