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Devoted November 2019

How to get over your feelings ?

Halle, on July 9, 2019 at 7:17 PM

Posted in Planning 47

So I’m really wondering how brides get over negative or distasful criticism on your ideas for YOUR wedding . I came home today after my meeting with my potential caterer SUPER excited to tell my parents about the ideas we came up with . My potential caterer was awesome she supported me in my...
So I’m really wondering how brides get over negative or distasful criticism on your ideas for YOUR wedding .
I came home today after my meeting with my potential caterer SUPER excited to tell my parents about the ideas we came up with .
My potential caterer was awesome she supported me in my breakfasted “dinner “ theme for my 4pm reception idea . She gave me so many ideas that could turn my reception into food entertainment. Anyway I come home ecstatic to tell my parents. When I told them my dad (with a disgusted face ) says breakfast for dinner ?? “Seriously” (more disgusted faced ) my mom was no help when I asked her all she said was “ I mean I guess .... it’s your wedding” like that answers my question to her — “is this a stupid idea?” —

So now idk what to do or how to feel . I was so excited bc breakfast is my favorite kind of food actually me and Fhs . My wedding being in December I thought it would be fun to throw some random foods out that no one would expect . Anway I hope you guys can understand my writing .

I have literally done EVERYTHING by myself for this wedding and my parents haven’t been that helpful or even just exciting . It’s crazy how nice it is to talk to vendors because they are just as excited as you are 😪


  • Kat_
    Super October 2019
    Kat_ ·
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    I’m sorry your parents had such a negative reaction.. it’s totally your wedding and do what you want! You know what, responding to this post makes me want to decide to go and do the thing that I want. Let’s do it!!

    I hear you on the vendor talk... they get just as excited and I love it! Family can be weird sometimes and I’m sorry that happened.
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  • VIP September 2019
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    I would focus on you and your FH. You do what makes you both happy and screw everyone else. Don't let people's negativity get you down. I think those food options you mentioned above sound delicious. I would come for that yummy food
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  • Lauren
    Dedicated February 2020
    Lauren ·
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    You and your fiancé do what you want that makes the both of you happy! My fiancé wants everything to be perfect for our wedding, every little detail and I feel like he’s losing sight of what our wedding is all about which is him and I. I love the idea of breakfast, especially because you and your FH love it! I’d love to go to a wedding like that, it’s customized to the couple! I’ve accepted the fact that not everyone will be happy at our wedding, I know people will have something to complain about. We’re doing a destination in Puerto Rico. They’ll complain about the hotel, the food, who knows but we’re doing our absolute best to make it the best experience for everyone and at the end of the day all that matters is that you and your FH have an amazing time so if you want breakfast food then get your breakfast food!! 🍳🥯🥞🥓😀
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    Either scrambled eggs or an omelette station, along with bacon or sausage, is great but guests might need a little more protein at dinner time. Fried chicken (with waffles!) would be yummy! And/or a ham carving station. 😋

    And I love bubbly!!! Yay for a mimosa bar.
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  • Kaitlyn
    Savvy September 2019
    Kaitlyn ·
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    Girl, do what you and your fiancé want to do and don’t worry about others! I’m all for the breakfast idea. I’m getting married at 11 am on a Saturday and doing brunch. Is it different? Yes. But there’s a lot of fun you can have with the breakfast route, and it’s not the same dinner thing that people are used to. We’re having a waffle bar, assorted quiches, French toast dippers, mini ham biscuits, biscuits with various jellies, a fruit bar. And my favorite so far... A donut wall! There’s so many things that can be done here. I love the idea of breakfast for dinner. I definitely say go for it. 😊
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  • B
    VIP July 2017
    Becky ·
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    So, when do we get our invites, lol?

    Seriously, though. We love breakfast for dinner, and it sounds like it's you guys all the way, which is what is important. As long as the taste is good, people are going to be thrilled with your food, because it showcases who y'all are. Don't let anyone put a damper on your day.

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  • Ellie
    Devoted January 2020
    Ellie ·
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    I LOVE breakfast food and could eat it at any time so I'd be cool with it! With that being said I agree with the post I quoted. I think it's great to add personal touches to your wedding but there should be a balance in what you love and what will be enjoyable for guests. Something like a color scheme preference is a lot different than the food that people have to put in their bodies. If in the end like Tiffany mentioned, if a lot of people don't even eat the food it will have been money wasted. This is the sorta thing where you kinda have to have an idea of what the guests would be okay with. Maybe like me they'll love the breakfast food too!

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