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Dedicated June 2009

How not to cry?!!

kshoddy, on May 9, 2009 at 7:27 PM Posted in Planning 0 13

In 41 days the moment I have been waiting for will happen, when my Father walks me down the isle to the man of my dreams and I will become his wife. I am so excited and can not wait for the moment. I do have one fear...... will I be able to control my tears? I am a very emotional person and I have been crying throughout all the planning just thinking of all the wonderful moments that will happen. How am I going to control the tears on that day? I am worried that I will be over come with emotion and just cry..... and tips on how to help me? And if the tears come because it is natural will I look absolutly silly as such a teary eyed bride??


Latest activity by Kate, on June 11, 2010 at 11:54 AM
  • LuckyinLove
    Super December 2014
    LuckyinLove ·
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    There are several of us that have that fear. I know that I will cry, my FH will cry and our families will cry. You could try to think of something funny if you begin to get emotional though for me I know that I will be an emotional wreck. Just make sure you have waterproof makeup and someone to touch up the makeup before pictures just in case.

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  • Suzanne Smith
    Suzanne Smith ·
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    I will bet you do just fine, and if you cry, these are tears of sheer JOY!!

    Anticipate this and buy a gorgeous hankerchief! LOL

    Give one to the Moms too!

    I see so many brides at the weddings I design, and they are so swept up in the moment that they cant stop smiling.

    I have seen many who cant stop giggling too!

    Dont worry about crying, no one will fault you for being so moved and loving.

    When your dad arrives to walk you down the asile, take a few moments to catch your breath, Give him a great big hug and cherish any words of advice.

    I dont think wedding tears are silly, They are quite beautiful!

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  • Laura
    Master May 2009
    Laura ·
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    It's wonderful to see a bride or groom cry! My one word of advice really is to let the tears go because when you struggle to hold back tears you make really funny faces, I've seen it on brides coming down the aisle and it's horrible! They would have looked much pretty with some tears of joy naturally streaming down their face than they did all straining trying to hold them in. Enjoy those emotions! If you try and hide from them and not be IN the moment you'll regret it later that you spent too much time focusing on your tears and not enough on the man at the end of the aisle!

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  • Soon2Bbride
    Dedicated September 2009
    Soon2Bbride ·
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    I've got the same crying issue- I think I'll be able to hold it together, but if I see my Mom cry- that will be me!

    I was watching Bridezillas once though and the bride was really sobbing while saying her vows- so much so she was doubled over crying- OTT!

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  • Tracy
    Expert April 2009
    Tracy ·
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    I cry over everything, i am a super emotional person and i did not really cry at my wedding....i thought i would be a crying mess, but i was ok. I actually held it in as best as i could but there were a few moments where tears filled my eyes, but none ever fell. I was too worried about messing up my makeup!! haha so that is what kept me from crying my eyes out.

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  • Reverend Stan Jacobson
    Reverend Stan Jacobson ·
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    As many others have written, tears of love and joy are beautiful. It is also wonderful when tears are brought to your guests eyes, as it means they are connecting with you and your officiant's words (i.e., the guests are not falling asleep).

    As a minister, I carry folded tissues in my book, and hand one to the bride and/or groom, as needed. Many times when the bride and groom first stand before me (after the bride is presented), I quietly tell them "to breath." This usually brings a quiet chuckle to the bridal couple causing them to relax.

    I have seen brides (less often grooms) laugh during the ceremony. By this I mean uncontrollable laughter. If it started with the bride thinking of something funny, or whatever -- I would opt to see tears of love and joy, rather than laughter.

    If this is an issue that truly bothers you, I would discuss it with your officiant, so (s)he can be prepared to ease your nerves.

    Reverend Stan

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  • Sharon Hemmerich
    Sharon Hemmerich ·
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    As an Officiant, I have seen many brides as well as Groom's cry. Bridal Party members cry, Mom's and Dad cry, guests cry! Crying is a very normal emotion. Don't try to hold back those tears of joy. Bring a tissue as you don't want make up running down your gown. I have had Bride's laugh uncontrollably! That is also another emotion. Personally, I would rather see a Bride cry anyday than laugh. Most often the Groom gets a funny look on his face as if the Bride is laughing at him. Tears of Joy are beautiful. Make it romantic when you begin to cry have your beloved take out his hankie and wipe your tears, your guests will get goose bumps, your photographer will get awesome pic's and you don't have to worry about trying to hold it all back. Enjoy your wedding and all of the emotions that go with it.

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  • L
    VIP August 2009
    lauren10 ·
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    There's nothing wrong with crying! However, I seem to be some sort of freak because I never cry at weddings or funerals, but show me some soppy hallmark commercial and I'm crying like a baby. If you're really worried about it, I think there are 2 things you can do to help minimize it. 1 - DON'T look at anyone else who is crying! Just focus on your FH...because if you look over and see your dad crying or something, it's all over! 2- Try to redirect your thoughts a little. Not to like the baseball game or anything, but just tell yourself, you're going to stay composed, take in the moment and enjoy it...then you can have it out later, after the pictures.

    But like everyone said, I would't worry about crying, it's a natural human emotion!

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  • Yosha Dotson
    Yosha Dotson ·
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    Two of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to were when 1) the bride got choked up during her vows and began to cry - the groom began to wipe her tears away and say "i love you so much baby" the pastor literally had to stop him from kissing her because it wasn't time...

    2) the bride began to cry in the middle of her vows and the ENTIRE CHURCH began to cry with her!

    Your tears will bring about moments that are so tender you shouldn't worry about them at all. These are the moments that the photographer can use to capture the emotion of the day... As one person wrote just make sure you have a beautiful hanky, no smear foundation (no eyeliner) and let the MOH carry a little visine for posed shots...

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  • jpeterson
    Devoted July 2009
    jpeterson ·
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    I've been told I'm heartless because I don't cry... I haven't cried in a very long time and I don't think my FH has EVER seen me cry... I didnt even cry at my Grandfather's funeral and he and I were very close.

    If you aren't a "pretty" cryer though (I've seen some of those) and you def don't want to sob--as a prev poster said make sure that you take your time with your father before getting to the isle then calm yourself down and just focus on the words and the moment...

    You might want to add humor to your vows so that you can laugh a bit... or have the officient do the speaking and only do the "I do" part..

    Waterproof make up is a good idea and you might want to do the pics before hand anyway just to get them out of the way... and you can tuck a pretty hankie around the handle of your bouquet in case you need it...

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  • jessica
    VIP May 2008
    jessica ·
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    When i got married i was so nervous laughed down the aile and when we were up there i couldn't stop making jokes like my rings wouldn't go over my knuckle so i said does anyone have crisco. and instead of saying i do i said oh hell yeah and the person who was marring us after the laughing stoped said i guess thats yes. so just be light hearted and happy and don't worry about crying

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  • soccrgrl05
    Dedicated June 2009
    soccrgrl05 ·
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    Here is a good one. My brother just recently got married and I was a bridesmaid. Everyone in the church was crying because it was such a beautiful service and we are all a bunch of emotional wrecks when it comes to weddings. Everyone was crying except the bride! I asked her what she did to not cry because my brother was a wreck reading the vows. She said she just focused on the fact that this is the happiest day of her life and she can't believe that she is marrying the man of her dreams. I guess the overwhelming happiness kept her from crying. So, just realize how happy you feel and be excited and smile. If that doesn't work, I am sure you won't be the only one crying.

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  • Kate
    Savvy June 2010
    Kate ·
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    I am getting married tomorrow and I am a total crier (not to mention my family is too), but one tip is to look right over the heads of everyone as you're walking down the aisle. Even though you're not making eye contact with people, it still looks to them as though you are, yet it keeps you from watching people sob/get really emotional. I hate to say it, but it will probably look at my future husband's forehead too. Smiley smile Just remember that you paid to have your makeup done and there are many photos to come, so use little tricks like that to get yourself through the ceremony without becoming a total basket case.

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