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Devoted September 2012

How do you interpret something like this?

The Sealpups, on June 6, 2020 at 11:46 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 10
Ladies- please fill me in. Educate me or tell me I’m off my rockers. Brief history: my husband’s sister and I never got along. Now that we’re married, she knows how to be civil (sad it how it takes a license for someone to start behaving civilly towards you). Anyhoo, she was going through our wedding album. Of course, with her personality, she always has critique. Anytime she saw someone from my side, she’d say, “OHHH WHO’S THAT??!!!!” Meanwhile, I’m in the other room doing dishes. Then she says, “yeah, I’ve never met her cousins” and with knowing her, it sounded like it came from a place of entitlement. I couldn’t head over and say something bc it would blow my cover with what I could hear but how do you interpret that? I refrain from talking to my husband about his interesting sister.

I just know if any woman would say something like that, it’s like, “what do you mean? Were you expecting me to do something?” Because honestly, i would be happy to introduce you but I’m too busy getting married. Also, you’re a grown woman, you can also introduce yourself. In fact, you had the opportunity to do so during my bridal shower but chose to ignore them when they tried being friendly to you. Also, considering we don’t have a close background, I’m naturally not going to think, “hey, they should TOTALLY meet my husband’s not so friendly sister! Yeah!”
Anyhoo, it should be something I could ignore but I am so sick of keeping quiet over her remarks I don’t understand.


Latest activity by MOB So Cal, on June 7, 2020 at 3:36 PM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I wouldn’t think much of it to be honest. Don’t let it get to you too much. Maybe it was a comment rather than her intentionally implying something.
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  • T
    Devoted September 2012
    The Sealpups ·
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    Thank you. She can be so irritating. She was obviously mumbling as if she was complaining like she didn’t meet them bc (omg) the groom’s only sister- the most important person all my bridesmaids/cousins have to meet.

    Okay, I’m gonna meditate now but thank you for helping me keep my cool. Thanks for the other POV
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  • J
    Master October 2022
    Jana ·
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    Chalk it up to her being weird...don't give it another thought.
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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    She sounds like a real piece of work, but she might not even realize how she comes off to others. Some people truly cannot put themselves in the other persons shoes or understand how someone might get offended by something they think is perfectly acceptable to say.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    I'd let it go.

    Honestly, SIL was a pain during wedding planning, and still owes me an apology.

    But I'm deliberately - and rather pointedly - doing my best to take the high road. The pure one to whom all things are pure. (Honestly, MIL was fed up with her own kid.) If you stay cool, calm, and so polite you'd personally drive world peace.... you look good. And her own behavior will tell.

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  • T
    Devoted September 2012
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    I love you attitude. Thank you! I’m sorry to hear about your SIL. Funny how you think you’re gaining a new friend or other sister and sometimes, you can’t always win. Pure - I must remain to be pure.

    Unfortunately, my in-laws will never be annoyed with their daughter but I’m sure people are well aware with her behavior or lack of awareness
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  • T
    Devoted September 2012
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    She is a real piece of work. So entitled. I think that’s why it’s annoying. Like one of my biggest priorities on my wedding weekend was to make sure his only sister (who I am not close with at all and has treated me like sh—) has to absolutely meet all my cousins/ bridesmaids. I was literally a chicken who’s head got cut off. I really had no time but whatever. You’re right- not everyone has that awareness and there’s nothing I can do about it.
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  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
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    I tend to just ignore side-comments like this. My partner and I come from very different families. They're very, very passive aggressive about things over long periods of time involving the entire family to say "person A told person B who told person C that you were mean over the vacuum cleaner" or something. I'm not used to that kind of thing - my family is very pointedly aggressive and talk things out and move on to being happy again in like 15 min tops. It sounds like you have a passive aggressive issue with your SIL here, too. I ignore the comments simply because any time I respond to them, I seem aggressive and I've learned it isn't worth it. If it's a real problem, they'll say it to my face and we'll talk about it like adults, but the passive aggressive thing is childish and unnecessary. I'd suggest you do the same thing - just ignore it and if it's a big enough issue for them to really complain about, they'll find the guts to actually talk to you about it.

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  • Kaysey
    Super February 2020
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    I'm sorry you're going through this. I have a similar relationship with my sister-in-law. Not my husband's sisters (we get along great), but my brother's wife. In my personal opinion, I wouldn't think too much into it. Don't let her see that it's bothering you if it is. I know it's frustrating and it's hard not to say something about it, but try to keep your cool. I'm not going to get into the situation with my brother's wife and I because that would take you all day to read, but once I stopped showing emotion and stopped showing how what she was saying was hurtful and bothering me, I felt so much better and I was finally able to let it go. I still have a great relationship with my brother, as I always did, but I don't communicate with his wife unless I have to. I've tried numerous times to talk to her and fix whatever the issue is, but it seems like she doesn't care enough to talk to me about it so that's where I left it. The crazy thing is, her and I had an amazing relationship up until about 4 months before their wedding. From that point on, nothing I did or said to her was right. But anyway, like I said, I've been able to let it go. It takes too much energy to be angry at someone and it's not worth your mental health to try and please them.

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    I agree with pps that her message only has an underlying message if you interpret one and react to it. If she really is trying to create drama, that 100% depends on YOU reacting to it. If you ignore what you perceive as hidden messages, it will likely become pointless for her to make them (if she is in fact trying to bait you). From an outsider's perspective, "yeah, I never met her cousins" could just be a statement of fact, not an attempt to call you out for not making sure to introduce her. If I'm following your post, I think you're also indicating that she didn't know you were listening to the conversation. If that's true, why would she be trying to start something by saying something she doesn't know you're listening to? You say she sounds "entitled," but then your suggested/hypothetical response back to her could be interpreted as really snotty (e.g., "...I'm too busy getting married"...). It takes two to create and keep drama going. If you don't want drama, don't engage or look for it. Try to at least act like you take what she says at face value and don't react -- life is too short. Being happy is the best response. Good luck!

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